
고등(대입)영문법 - 성문기본영어 후반부 독해

한시알 2015. 1. 11. 04:29

한묶음씩 댓글로 토론해 봅시다. 성심껏 답해 드리겠습니다.


                                    Grammar Translation          


비교  I 관계사  I  조동사  I  동사  I  시제  I  수동태  I  가정법  I  부정사  I  동명사  I  분사  I  특수구문



  부정사                     ;          



1. Don't speak when another is speaking. To do so is to commit one of the commonest and worst faults of manners.


Don't speak (말하지 마라-부정명령문)/when another is speaking.(다른 사람이 말하고 있을 때-시간부사절, ~할 때-동사를 수식하는 부사의 원래 위치는 문장끝/문미)


To do so(그렇게 하는 것-주어자리/맨앞에 오면 주어-명사적용법) is (be동사 뒤에 오면  보어이며 주어와 같다.'~은 ~이다')to commit one of the commonest and worst faults of manners.(예의의 가장 일상적이고 나쁜 오류 중의 하나를 범하는 것-보어로 명사적용법)



2. To help a stranger find a street or a railway station, or to answer any questions that he may ask, is    not only polite but also kind.



3. The end of study is not to possess knowledge as a man possesses the coin in his purse, but to    make knowledge a part of ourselves.


The end of study(주어-공부의 목적/끝은),  is not A but B(A가 아니라 B이다), A:to possess knowledge(지식을 소유하는 것-V3) / as a man possesses the coin in his purse(양태,비교를 나타내는 부사절 as~처럼,마치 사람이 지갑속에 동전을 소유하는 것처럼-V3),B:to make knowledge a part of ourselves(지식을 우리자신의 일부로 만드는 것 - V5)



4. Spring is a delightful season. Everyone longs to get outside and enjoy the new season. Many people    find it hard to concentrate on their work, and American jokingly refer to this condition as "spring fever."




 5. If you are really to succeed in anything, you must make a good start. To get a right start, it is     absolutely necessary to think over what to do first and what to do later.


주어와 be동사가 나오고 toV가 나오는 데 같지 않거나 사람이 주어인 경우(be+toV), 그 be + toV는 조건절일 경우 be toV=intend toV의 뜻이다. 만약 당신이 어떤 것에 정말로 성공하고자 한다면/성공할 뜻이 있다면, 당신은 좋은 출발을 해야 한다. 바른 출발을 하려면, 먼저 무엇을 해야하고 나중에 무엇을 해야하는지에 대해 깊이 생각하는 것이 절대적으로 필요하다.


 6. The Earl of Kent told Cordelia about the unhappy condition of her father, and Cordelia asked her      husband to allow her to go to Britain with an army.




 7. Just as it is impossible to see the shape of a wood, when you are journeying through the middle of it,     it is really impossible for us to see what our own age is like.


when you are journeying through the middle of it숲의 가운데를 지나가고 있을 때 Just as it is impossible to see the shape of a wood숲의 형체를 보는 것이 불가능한 것과 꼭 마찬가지로 it is really impossible for us to see what our own age is like우리가 우리자신의 세대가 무엇과 같은지/어떤지 알아챈다는 것은 정말로 불가능하다.


 8. The right to think, to speak our minds, and to publish our thoughts, implies that we possess a certain     amount of knowledge.




 9. There are so many things to do and to see that it is hard to find time to write letters. Besides, I have     to study very hard, because my courses are difficult and my English isn't very good yet.




10. In the year 1835 there was born in Scotland a poor little boy who was to become one of the world's     great men. His name was Andrew Carnegie.




11. Even in prehistoric times men had a number of ways to communicate with one another. There was     speech, and, as we know from the cave man's art, there were picture massages.




 12. The most important thing to learn in life, is how to live. There is nothing men are so anxious to keep       as life, and nothing they take so little pains to keep well.




13. With so much to read, and so little time and opportunity in which to read it, the simplest and wisest      thing we can do is to choose the best books to read.




 14. I was like an animal or a peasant, deprived of his familiar surroundings, I wrote desperate letters to       my parents, but they thought it wise to ignore my appeals to be taken back home.




 15. Looking gently at him again, she was surprised and saddened to see that there were tears in his      eyes. There tears in his voice too, as he answered.




 16. Shakespeare did not write his plays to be read but to be played. Therefore, the best way to know       him is to see one or more of his plays on the stage or the screen.




 17. Night was closing in, and after a good meal we were only too glad to get back to our cabin and lie      down to sleep. We awoke next morning to find the sky still clear and the sea smoother.




18. Socrates was philosopher enough, on the eve of his death, to see his body as a shell and to say to      himself: 'That is not I.'




 19. If we are not too proud to explain ourselves or to ask explanations of others, most of the      misunderstandings of life would disappear, and many of our worries with them. 




 20. To be sure, his mother (a widow in narrow circumstances) had written pressing him to take a holiday      'at home'. but he dreaded the thought of going penniless to his mother's house.




 21. Man is the only creature that consumes without producing. He does not give milk, he does not lay      eggs, he is too weak to pull the plough, he cannot run fast enough to catch rabbits. Yet, he is the      lord of all the animals.




 22. As you watch the play unfold, you lose yourself. You identify yourself with one of the characters.       You suffer his defeats, you enjoy his triumphs.




 23. He ordered that Tell's little boy should be made to stand up in the public square with an apple on his       head; and then he bade Tell shoot the apple with one of his arrows.




24. As we lived near the road, we often had the traveller or stranger visit us to taste our gooseberry wine     for which we had great reputation.




 25. He has experienced poverty, and he is deeply thankful for his poverty. He has known what it is to be      poor; he has seen others dear to him suffer to the bare necessities.




 26. There is so much to see in the great metropolis that the visitor may as well rid his mind at once of      any intention of seeing all.




 27. It would require great labour, not only on your past, but also on the part of others, to have them      understand your thoughts by means of writing.




 28. I recollect she was ill all day. Her lips were cold, and when she put het hand upon my cheek, and laid      my head on her bosom, L felt a cold shuddering pass all through me.




 29. The house aeems undoubtedly to have been entered by a person who appears to have been      acquainted with it.




 30. It is a very good thing for children to have a room of their own where they can make as much noise      as they like without being disturbed.




31. He had just finished school. It was time for him to plan his future. His father still wanted him to live on     the farm. Henry knew his father would never lose the hope of making his eldest son a farmer.




32. With the help of those tools Issac was able to make many curious articles, at which he worked with     so much skill that he seemed to have been born with a saw or a chisel in hand.




33. It is not unusual for men of fifty or sixty to climb the highest mountains in the Alps. They may take     more time than younger men, but they probably climb with more skill and less waste of effort, and they     certainly experience equal enjoyment.




 34. It is not thought proper for people to gather in groups on the walk, blocking the way. If two persons       meet, who wish to talk with each other, instesd of stopping they should walk along together.




35. on discussing the earthquake with other people, I was surprised to find that most of them regarded it     as a joke. Some of them were obviously proud to have been contemporaries of the greatest     earthquake recorded in English history.





1. No one will dispute the fact that kindness is a fine virtue. To say a person is kind is to say that he is    gentle, considerate, and charitable. He puts the comfort of others before his own convenience. In    looking back over the people we have known and loved, we can all remember certain men and women    who were outstanding for their kindness.




2. It is perhaps true to say that memory is the faculty of poetry, because imagination itself is an exercise    of memory. There is nothing we imagine which we do not already know. And our ability to imagine is our    ability to remember what we have already once experienced and to apply it to some different situation.




3. Life, to be deep and strong, must be touched and tempered by sadness, as sunlight is sweetest    when softened by shadows; as music, to be melodious, must have a minor chord in it.




 4. Have you never rushed dripping from the bath, or chewing from the table, or dazed from the bed, only     to be told that you are a wrong number ?




5. Nothing is more pleasant for the members of a household than to gather in front of a roaring fire,    entertained by the delights of the company, not to mention the special food and drink.




6. We have only a few more decades to live on this earth, and we lose many valuable hours thinking over    small things that will soon be forgotten by us and by everybody. No, let us devote our life to    worth-while actions, feelings and thoughts. For life is too short to be little.




7. Trifles light as air are to the jealous proofs as strong as holy writ. A handkerchief of his wife's seen in    Cassio's hand, was motive enough to the deluded Othello to pass sentence of death upon them    both, without once inquiring how Cassio came by it.




8. Civilization is a product of adversity. The great civilizations of all time seem to have arisen where    nature made production possible only a part of the year, and thus made it necessary for man to work    and save up for the time when he could not produce. Man does not naturally like to work steadily, and    if nature enables him to avoid it, he usually seems content to loaf rather than labor and progress.




 9. Although both love and knowledge are necessary, love is in a sense more fundamental, since it will     lead intelligent people to seek knowledge, in order to find out how to benefit those whom they love.




10. In a few days our vacation will begin; everybody is joyous and animated at the prospect, because     everybody is to go home. I know that I am to stay here during the five days that the holidays last, and     that I shall be much alone during that time.




 11. Europeans are not concerned, like Americans, with the question how a third world war is to be won,      but only with the question how it is to be avoided.




 12. Besides our primary obligation to God, we are to love our country, and to honour its ruler as      representing it. We are to love the brotherhood, that is to say, our fellow Christians. And we are to      honour all men.




13. The intellectual and social movement which was to dispel the darkness of the Middle Ages and     prepare the way for those who would ultimately deliver reason from her prison, began in Italy in the     thirteenth century.




14. Music is a universal language understood by all peoples. This common saying is quite true, But we      must not forget that some experience of music is necessary if a person is to understand it.




15. Though to be read is not motive which implies the author to write, his motive is other, once he has     written his desire is to be read, and in order to achieve that he must do his best to make what he     writes readable.




16. I would have every student come to know, and the sooner the better, that there can be no thorough     appreciation of the literature or culture of any country ancient or modern without an exact knowledge     of the language.




 17. She flung the door wide open for him, silently watched him go out, and not until she heard the front      door close behind him did she make a move at all. But then she threw herself down upon the sofa      and burst into tears.




18. There was no one in sight but a girl of about twelve, with her eyes covered with a bandage, who was     being led carefully between the flowerbeds by a little boy. She stopped, and evidently asked who it     was that had come in, and he seemed to be describing me to her.




19. A great many things which in times of lesser knowledge we imagined to be superstitious or useless,     prove today on examination to have been of immense value to mankind. Probably no superstition     ever existed which did not have some social value; and the most seemingly disgusting or cruel     sometimes turn out to have been the most precious.




  20. The fine art exhibition was to have been opened yesterday, but day were obliged to postpone it on        account of the sudden death of the leading artist.    




1. Cold air absorbs very little moisture and thus has very little to lose. In fact, it is sometimes too cold    _________.

    <input type="radio" name="1" 안내="안내" 태그제한으로등록되지않습니다="태그제한으로등록되지않습니다" 태그제한으로등록되지않습니다-xx="태그제한으로등록되지않습니다-xx" 태그제한으로등록되지않습니다-xxonclick="na_alert('정답입니다');" /> 1) to snow           <input type="radio" name="2" 안내="안내" 태그제한으로등록되지않습니다="태그제한으로등록되지않습니다" 태그제한으로등록되지않습니다-xx="태그제한으로등록되지않습니다-xx" 태그제한으로등록되지않습니다-xxonclick="na_alert('다시 생각해 보세요');" />2) to freeze  
    <input type="radio" name="2" 안내="안내" 태그제한으로등록되지않습니다="태그제한으로등록되지않습니다" 태그제한으로등록되지않습니다-xx="태그제한으로등록되지않습니다-xx" 태그제한으로등록되지않습니다-xxonclick="na_alert('다시 생각해 보세요');" />3) to shiver           <input type="radio" name="2" 안내="안내" 태그제한으로등록되지않습니다="태그제한으로등록되지않습니다" 태그제한으로등록되지않습니다-xx="태그제한으로등록되지않습니다-xx" 태그제한으로등록되지않습니다-xxonclick="na_alert('다시 생각해 보세요');" />4) to play




 2. Common experience teaches that there is little to be gained from a greater number of friends. Quality     is of greater value than quantity, and often the greater the quantity, the less the ____________.

   <input type="radio" name="1" 안내="안내" 태그제한으로등록되지않습니다="태그제한으로등록되지않습니다" 태그제한으로등록되지않습니다-xx="태그제한으로등록되지않습니다-xx" 태그제한으로등록되지않습니다-xxonclick="na_alert('정답입니다');" />1) quality              <input type="radio" name="2" 안내="안내" 태그제한으로등록되지않습니다="태그제한으로등록되지않습니다" 태그제한으로등록되지않습니다-xx="태그제한으로등록되지않습니다-xx" 태그제한으로등록되지않습니다-xxonclick="na_alert('다시 생각해 보세요');" />2) quantity 
   <input type="radio" name="2" 안내="안내" 태그제한으로등록되지않습니다="태그제한으로등록되지않습니다" 태그제한으로등록되지않습니다-xx="태그제한으로등록되지않습니다-xx" 태그제한으로등록되지않습니다-xxonclick="na_alert('다시 생각해 보세요');" />3) number            <input type="radio" name="2" 안내="안내" 태그제한으로등록되지않습니다="태그제한으로등록되지않습니다" 태그제한으로등록되지않습니다-xx="태그제한으로등록되지않습니다-xx" 태그제한으로등록되지않습니다-xxonclick="na_alert('다시 생각해 보세요');" />4) experience




 3. There were many mothers with small children who not only had to care for the children, but had to     earn money, too. Some of these mothers worked at home, sewing on garments for factories. Others     went off to the  factories and left the small children to take care of ___________.

   <input type="radio" name="2" 안내="안내" 태그제한으로등록되지않습니다="태그제한으로등록되지않습니다" 태그제한으로등록되지않습니다-xx="태그제한으로등록되지않습니다-xx" 태그제한으로등록되지않습니다-xxonclick="na_alert('다시 생각해 보세요');" />1) them                  <input type="radio" name="1" 안내="안내" 태그제한으로등록되지않습니다="태그제한으로등록되지않습니다" 태그제한으로등록되지않습니다-xx="태그제한으로등록되지않습니다-xx" 태그제한으로등록되지않습니다-xxonclick="na_alert('정답입니다');" />2) themselves  
   <input type="radio" name="2" 안내="안내" 태그제한으로등록되지않습니다="태그제한으로등록되지않습니다" 태그제한으로등록되지않습니다-xx="태그제한으로등록되지않습니다-xx" 태그제한으로등록되지않습니다-xxonclick="na_alert('다시 생각해 보세요');" />3) their parents       <input type="radio" name="2" 안내="안내" 태그제한으로등록되지않습니다="태그제한으로등록되지않습니다" 태그제한으로등록되지않습니다-xx="태그제한으로등록되지않습니다-xx" 태그제한으로등록되지않습니다-xxonclick="na_alert('다시 생각해 보세요');" />4) garments




4. Although the mother bear seems to be sleeping, she is not quite asleep, because she has to take    care of her babies, for they have only her milk to keep them alive during their first few months in the    world. They try to keep themselves as close to her as possible, burying themselves in her long, white    coat to keep __________.

   <input type="radio" name="2" 안내="안내" 태그제한으로등록되지않습니다="태그제한으로등록되지않습니다" 태그제한으로등록되지않습니다-xx="태그제한으로등록되지않습니다-xx" 태그제한으로등록되지않습니다-xxonclick="na_alert('다시 생각해 보세요');" />1) cold         <input type="radio" name="2" 안내="안내" 태그제한으로등록되지않습니다="태그제한으로등록되지않습니다" 태그제한으로등록되지않습니다-xx="태그제한으로등록되지않습니다-xx" 태그제한으로등록되지않습니다-xxonclick="na_alert('다시 생각해 보세요');" />2) clean      <input type="radio" name="2" 안내="안내" 태그제한으로등록되지않습니다="태그제한으로등록되지않습니다" 태그제한으로등록되지않습니다-xx="태그제한으로등록되지않습니다-xx" 태그제한으로등록되지않습니다-xxonclick="na_alert('다시 생각해 보세요');" />3) awake     <input type="radio" name="1" 안내="안내" 태그제한으로등록되지않습니다="태그제한으로등록되지않습니다" 태그제한으로등록되지않습니다-xx="태그제한으로등록되지않습니다-xx" 태그제한으로등록되지않습니다-xxonclick="na_alert('정답입니다');" />4) warm




 5. I remember the morning that I first asked the meaning of the word 'love.' This was before I knew many    words. I had found a few of the first spring flowers in the garden and brought them to my teacher. She    tried to kiss me; but at that time I did not like anyone to kiss me except my mother. Miss Sullivan put    her arm gently round me and ___________ into my hand, "I love Helen."

   <input type="radio" name="2" 안내="안내" 태그제한으로등록되지않습니다="태그제한으로등록되지않습니다" 태그제한으로등록되지않습니다-xx="태그제한으로등록되지않습니다-xx" 태그제한으로등록되지않습니다-xxonclick="na_alert('다시 생각해 보세요');" />1) read    <input type="radio" name="2" 안내="안내" 태그제한으로등록되지않습니다="태그제한으로등록되지않습니다" 태그제한으로등록되지않습니다-xx="태그제한으로등록되지않습니다-xx" 태그제한으로등록되지않습니다-xxonclick="na_alert('다시 생각해 보세요');" />2) shook    <input type="radio" name="2" 안내="안내" 태그제한으로등록되지않습니다="태그제한으로등록되지않습니다" 태그제한으로등록되지않습니다-xx="태그제한으로등록되지않습니다-xx" 태그제한으로등록되지않습니다-xxonclick="na_alert('다시 생각해 보세요');" />3) said     <input type="radio" name="1" 안내="안내" 태그제한으로등록되지않습니다="태그제한으로등록되지않습니다" 태그제한으로등록되지않습니다-xx="태그제한으로등록되지않습니다-xx" 태그제한으로등록되지않습니다-xxonclick="na_alert('정답입니다');" />4) spelled




 6. In a few minutes, the barn, with its supply of hay, would be blazing. The first thing to do was to get    the animals out as quickly as possible. Water should be saved for the protection of the other    buildings. It would be quite impossible to save the _________.

   <input type="radio" name="2" 안내="안내" 태그제한으로등록되지않습니다="태그제한으로등록되지않습니다" 태그제한으로등록되지않습니다-xx="태그제한으로등록되지않습니다-xx" 태그제한으로등록되지않습니다-xxonclick="na_alert('다시 생각해 보세요');" />1) animals   <input type="radio" name="2" 안내="안내" 태그제한으로등록되지않습니다="태그제한으로등록되지않습니다" 태그제한으로등록되지않습니다-xx="태그제한으로등록되지않습니다-xx" 태그제한으로등록되지않습니다-xxonclick="na_alert('다시 생각해 보세요');" />2) water    <input type="radio" name="2" 안내="안내" 태그제한으로등록되지않습니다="태그제한으로등록되지않습니다" 태그제한으로등록되지않습니다-xx="태그제한으로등록되지않습니다-xx" 태그제한으로등록되지않습니다-xxonclick="na_alert('다시 생각해 보세요');" />3) houses    <input type="radio" name="1" 안내="안내" 태그제한으로등록되지않습니다="태그제한으로등록되지않습니다" 태그제한으로등록되지않습니다-xx="태그제한으로등록되지않습니다-xx" 태그제한으로등록되지않습니다-xxonclick="na_alert('정답입니다');" />4) barn




 7. The man who receives affection is broadly speaking, the man who gives it. But it is unless to attempt     to give it as a calculation, in the way in which one might lend money at interest, for a calculated     affection is not genuine and is not felt to be so by _________.

   <input type="radio" name="2" 안내="안내" 태그제한으로등록되지않습니다="태그제한으로등록되지않습니다" 태그제한으로등록되지않습니다-xx="태그제한으로등록되지않습니다-xx" 태그제한으로등록되지않습니다-xxonclick="na_alert('다시 생각해 보세요');" />1) him                     <input type="radio" name="2" 안내="안내" 태그제한으로등록되지않습니다="태그제한으로등록되지않습니다" 태그제한으로등록되지않습니다-xx="태그제한으로등록되지않습니다-xx" 태그제한으로등록되지않습니다-xxonclick="na_alert('다시 생각해 보세요');" />2) the server   
   <input type="radio" name="2" 안내="안내" 태그제한으로등록되지않습니다="태그제한으로등록되지않습니다" 태그제한으로등록되지않습니다-xx="태그제한으로등록되지않습니다-xx" 태그제한으로등록되지않습니다-xxonclick="na_alert('다시 생각해 보세요');" />3) the speaker         <input type="radio" name="1" 안내="안내" 태그제한으로등록되지않습니다="태그제한으로등록되지않습니다" 태그제한으로등록되지않습니다-xx="태그제한으로등록되지않습니다-xx" 태그제한으로등록되지않습니다-xxonclick="na_alert('정답입니다');" />4) the recipient  




 8. Comradeship, regardless of race or creed, is forged among high mountains, through the difficulties     and dangers to which they expose those who aspire to climb them, the need to combine their efforts     to attain their goal, the thrills of a great adventure __________.
   <input type="radio" name="2" 안내="안내" 태그제한으로등록되지않습니다="태그제한으로등록되지않습니다" 태그제한으로등록되지않습니다-xx="태그제한으로등록되지않습니다-xx" 태그제한으로등록되지않습니다-xxonclick="na_alert('다시 생각해 보세요');" />1) abolished                      <input type="radio" name="1" 안내="안내" 태그제한으로등록되지않습니다="태그제한으로등록되지않습니다" 태그제한으로등록되지않습니다-xx="태그제한으로등록되지않습니다-xx" 태그제한으로등록되지않습니다-xxonclick="na_alert('정답입니다');" />2) shared together
   <input type="radio" name="2" 안내="안내" 태그제한으로등록되지않습니다="태그제한으로등록되지않습니다" 태그제한으로등록되지않습니다-xx="태그제한으로등록되지않습니다-xx" 태그제한으로등록되지않습니다-xxonclick="na_alert('다시 생각해 보세요');" />3) they had experienced     <input type="radio" name="2" 안내="안내" 태그제한으로등록되지않습니다="태그제한으로등록되지않습니다" 태그제한으로등록되지않습니다-xx="태그제한으로등록되지않습니다-xx" 태그제한으로등록되지않습니다-xxonclick="na_alert('다시 생각해 보세요');" />4) without dangers




9. The ability to use good English is enhanced by careful observation of distinction between uses of    synonyms. A man who cannot tell a Chevrolet car from a Cadillac would likely blunder in choosing a    car for himself. If we are to avoid blunders in the choice of words, it is necessary _____________.

  <input type="radio" name="2" 안내="안내" 태그제한으로등록되지않습니다="태그제한으로등록되지않습니다" 태그제한으로등록되지않습니다-xx="태그제한으로등록되지않습니다-xx" 태그제한으로등록되지않습니다-xxonclick="na_alert('다시 생각해 보세요');" />1) to learn spelling along with meaning
  <input type="radio" name="2" 안내="안내" 태그제한으로등록되지않습니다="태그제한으로등록되지않습니다" 태그제한으로등록되지않습니다-xx="태그제한으로등록되지않습니다-xx" 태그제한으로등록되지않습니다-xxonclick="na_alert('다시 생각해 보세요');" />2) to know the people to whom we are talking
  <input type="radio" name="2" 안내="안내" 태그제한으로등록되지않습니다="태그제한으로등록되지않습니다" 태그제한으로등록되지않습니다-xx="태그제한으로등록되지않습니다-xx" 태그제한으로등록되지않습니다-xxonclick="na_alert('다시 생각해 보세요');" />3) to observe subtle differences in pronunciation
  <input type="radio" name="1" 안내="안내" 태그제한으로등록되지않습니다="태그제한으로등록되지않습니다" 태그제한으로등록되지않습니다-xx="태그제한으로등록되지않습니다-xx" 태그제한으로등록되지않습니다-xxonclick="na_alert('정답입니다');" />4) to study differences in meanings of closely related  words




10. Comparatively few people realize how much self-faith has to do with achievement. The great majority     never seen to think it is a real creative force. Yet faith is not only a real power, but one of the greatest     we know. In fact, men do great things _____________.

  <input type="radio" name="2" 안내="안내" 태그제한으로등록되지않습니다="태그제한으로등록되지않습니다" 태그제한으로등록되지않습니다-xx="태그제한으로등록되지않습니다-xx" 태그제한으로등록되지않습니다-xxonclick="na_alert('다시 생각해 보세요');" />1) without being influenced by their self-faith
  <input type="radio" name="1" 안내="안내" 태그제한으로등록되지않습니다="태그제한으로등록되지않습니다" 태그제한으로등록되지않습니다-xx="태그제한으로등록되지않습니다-xx" 태그제한으로등록되지않습니다-xxonclick="na_alert('정답입니다');" />2) in proportion to the intensity of their self-faith
  <input type="radio" name="2" 안내="안내" 태그제한으로등록되지않습니다="태그제한으로등록되지않습니다" 태그제한으로등록되지않습니다-xx="태그제한으로등록되지않습니다-xx" 태그제한으로등록되지않습니다-xxonclick="na_alert('다시 생각해 보세요');" />3) as they have a real creative force
  <input type="radio" name="2" 안내="안내" 태그제한으로등록되지않습니다="태그제한으로등록되지않습니다" 태그제한으로등록되지않습니다-xx="태그제한으로등록되지않습니다-xx" 태그제한으로등록되지않습니다-xxonclick="na_alert('다시 생각해 보세요');" />4) as they know self-faith is one of the greatest power






1. There are few things that are more important for the happiness of life than to form a habit of taking a    cheerful view of the circumstances in which one is placed.




2. I told him that my eyes were very week and that, therefore, I had to wear dark glasses. But with my    black glasses I was able to inspect the whole apartment without his noticing the movement of my    eyes.




3. Living and traveling abroad is a delicate business. Those who lack the tools of understanding quickly    lose their delight at being in strange places and grow bitterly critical.




4. Criticism is not fault-finding, it is a balanced opinion. No statement must be made without a reason    and an explanation being given.




5. The word "school" in America covers every type of educational institution. Being "at school" may mean    being at a kindergarten or at Havard. School, too, has kept much of its Greek meaning. It is a system    of organization and training for leisure as well as for work.




6. When he was a boy, he was deeply ashamed of being sent to the pawn-broker with the spoons. And    when he had to go to the grocer for a bit of tea or a piece of soap, and the grocer looked at him and    said, "Not until you pay what you owe me," he thought he would die of shame.




 7. In the spring when everything is so beautiful and green and budding, I feel like turning my back on     lessons, and running away to play with the weather.




8. The mother had never been further from home than the next village, and she could not help being a    little frightened at the thought of her husband taking such a long journey.




9. A little girl of some ten or twelve years at once sprang up and gave a seat to the woman. I could not    help respecting her for her act of kindness, and for the pleasant way in which it was performed.




10. Not only have we failed to realize the ideals of the nine-teenth century, but we are all more     destructive wars, more drastic suppression of human rights. It is no good going on with the dismal     catalogue, we know it only too well.




11. She worked hard all day long, cooking and taking care of us. She washed all the family clothes in the     bathtub. And she did all these things without complaining. She did not laugh much. But when she     smiled, it was a beautiful thing and worth waiting for.




12. When Henry III came of age he dismissed his ministers and appointed in their place men of his own     choosing, of whom the most part were French.




13. There is no evidence of prehistoric man's having made war, for all his flint implements seem to have     been designed for hunting, for digging, or for scraping hides and we cab be pretty sure that even if he     did, any wars between groups in the hunting stage of human life would have been both rare and mild.




14. She thought her family should all retire to the country for the summer, that the children might have     the benefit of the mountain air, for there was no living in the city in this sultry season.




15. The discipline should not be excessive - we do not want prohibition for prohibition's sake; and it     must not be capricious - it is no use forbidding a thing one day and allowing it the next.




16. Owing to Mary's face being buried in her hands, she did not notice a form which came quietly into the     porch, and on seeing her, first moved as if to retreat, then paused and regarded her. Mary did not     raise her head for some time, and when she looked round her face was wet and her eyes drowned     and dim. "Mr. Smith," exclaimed she, "how long have you been here?"




17. The words have been largely of your own choosing, but the sentences have seldom been of your     own making. You have inherited them from the immediate, the distant and the long-distant past.




18. No one can help influencing others, however little he may wish to do so or is conscious of what he is     doing. None can be neutral; if he is not doing good, he will in some sense be doing harm.




19. It goes without saying that when we read the lives of great men we cannot but be struck by the     manner in which all kinds of experiences that might in themselves seem to be random, or even     disastrous are made use of in the long run.




20. The great inventions of Thomas A. Edison were the fruit of long and painstaking effort. "Genius is     one per cent inspiration and ninety-nine per cent perspiration," was the way he explained his     success. He also said: "I never did anything worth doing by accident, nor did any of my inventions     come by accident: they came by work."




21. She had never enjoyed the match more thoroughly. The thing that mattered was the game itself, and     not winning it. Even being beaten did not matter.




22. The English people think that there are no other men like themselves, and no other world but     England; they scarcely see a handsome foreigner but they say that he looks like an Englishman; and     they cannot set any delicious food before a foreigner without asking if such a thing is made in his     country.




23. We live in the kind of world in which there is no possibility of order without concern for the right of     others, which means that there must always be restraints, which means that simple freedom, far from     being a natural right, is a manifest absurdity.





1. As England is surrounded by the sea, fishing has become an important industry. Thus excellent    fishing methods have development. But at the same time, fishing has also been enjoyed as a sport by    many who are not professionally engaged in ____________.

   <input type="radio" name="2" 안내="안내" 태그제한으로등록되지않습니다="태그제한으로등록되지않습니다" 태그제한으로등록되지않습니다-xx="태그제한으로등록되지않습니다-xx" 태그제한으로등록되지않습니다-xxonclick="na_alert('다시 생각해 보세요');" />1) trading                 <input type="radio" name="2" 안내="안내" 태그제한으로등록되지않습니다="태그제한으로등록되지않습니다" 태그제한으로등록되지않습니다-xx="태그제한으로등록되지않습니다-xx" 태그제한으로등록되지않습니다-xxonclick="na_alert('다시 생각해 보세요');" />2) industry  
   <input type="radio" name="1" 안내="안내" 태그제한으로등록되지않습니다="태그제한으로등록되지않습니다" 태그제한으로등록되지않습니다-xx="태그제한으로등록되지않습니다-xx" 태그제한으로등록되지않습니다-xxonclick="na_alert('정답입니다');" />3) fishing                 <input type="radio" name="2" 안내="안내" 태그제한으로등록되지않습니다="태그제한으로등록되지않습니다" 태그제한으로등록되지않습니다-xx="태그제한으로등록되지않습니다-xx" 태그제한으로등록되지않습니다-xxonclick="na_alert('다시 생각해 보세요');" />4) sailing




2. In reading a book I often find that passages the exact meaning of which I failed at first to grasp    become clearer to my mind when I ___________ them aloud.

  <input type="radio" name="2" 안내="안내" 태그제한으로등록되지않습니다="태그제한으로등록되지않습니다" 태그제한으로등록되지않습니다-xx="태그제한으로등록되지않습니다-xx" 태그제한으로등록되지않습니다-xxonclick="na_alert('다시 생각해 보세요');" />1) write        <input type="radio" name="2" 안내="안내" 태그제한으로등록되지않습니다="태그제한으로등록되지않습니다" 태그제한으로등록되지않습니다-xx="태그제한으로등록되지않습니다-xx" 태그제한으로등록되지않습니다-xxonclick="na_alert('다시 생각해 보세요');" />2) examine        <input type="radio" name="2" 안내="안내" 태그제한으로등록되지않습니다="태그제한으로등록되지않습니다" 태그제한으로등록되지않습니다-xx="태그제한으로등록되지않습니다-xx" 태그제한으로등록되지않습니다-xxonclick="na_alert('다시 생각해 보세요');" />3) find         <input type="radio" name="1" 안내="안내" 태그제한으로등록되지않습니다="태그제한으로등록되지않습니다" 태그제한으로등록되지않습니다-xx="태그제한으로등록되지않습니다-xx" 태그제한으로등록되지않습니다-xxonclick="na_alert('정답입니다');" />4) read




3. To be a member of society one has to learn certain skills. The more one masters, the greater    contribution one can make to society. Certainly the learning of foreign languages is an important skill,    particularly in this modern age of shrinking distances, which brings us more and more together    _____________.

 <input type="radio" name="1" 안내="안내" 태그제한으로등록되지않습니다="태그제한으로등록되지않습니다" 태그제한으로등록되지않습니다-xx="태그제한으로등록되지않습니다-xx" 태그제한으로등록되지않습니다-xxonclick="na_alert('정답입니다');" />1) in closer and closer association       <input type="radio" name="2" 안내="안내" 태그제한으로등록되지않습니다="태그제한으로등록되지않습니다" 태그제한으로등록되지않습니다-xx="태그제한으로등록되지않습니다-xx" 태그제한으로등록되지않습니다-xxonclick="na_alert('다시 생각해 보세요');" />2) at random
 <input type="radio" name="2" 안내="안내" 태그제한으로등록되지않습니다="태그제한으로등록되지않습니다" 태그제한으로등록되지않습니다-xx="태그제한으로등록되지않습니다-xx" 태그제한으로등록되지않습니다-xxonclick="na_alert('다시 생각해 보세요');" />3) but in vain                          ;              <input type="radio" name="2" 안내="안내" 태그제한으로등록되지않습니다="태그제한으로등록되지않습니다" 태그제한으로등록되지않습니다-xx="태그제한으로등록되지않습니다-xx" 태그제한으로등록되지않습니다-xxonclick="na_alert('다시 생각해 보세요');" />4) in proportion to wealth




4. Many years ago instead of having servants to wait upon them, people used to have slaves. These    slaves were paid no wages. Their masters gave them only food and clothes in return for ________.

 <input type="radio" name="1" 안내="안내" 태그제한으로등록되지않습니다="태그제한으로등록되지않습니다" 태그제한으로등록되지않습니다-xx="태그제한으로등록되지않습니다-xx" 태그제한으로등록되지않습니다-xxonclick="na_alert('정답입니다');" />1) their work             <input type="radio" name="2" 안내="안내" 태그제한으로등록되지않습니다="태그제한으로등록되지않습니다" 태그제한으로등록되지않습니다-xx="태그제한으로등록되지않습니다-xx" 태그제한으로등록되지않습니다-xxonclick="na_alert('다시 생각해 보세요');" />2) their income
 <input type="radio" name="2" 안내="안내" 태그제한으로등록되지않습니다="태그제한으로등록되지않습니다" 태그제한으로등록되지않습니다-xx="태그제한으로등록되지않습니다-xx" 태그제한으로등록되지않습니다-xxonclick="na_alert('다시 생각해 보세요');" />3) the trade              <input type="radio" name="2" 안내="안내" 태그제한으로등록되지않습니다="태그제한으로등록되지않습니다" 태그제한으로등록되지않습니다-xx="태그제한으로등록되지않습니다-xx" 태그제한으로등록되지않습니다-xxonclick="na_alert('다시 생각해 보세요');" />4) vacation




5. Mother decided that he had a cold. So she gave him some aspirin and hot lemonade. But Jimmy didn't    like eating or drinking. He said that he had a sharp pain in the side. Mother called the doctor, who    made _______ and said that it was appendicitis.

 <input type="radio" name="2" 안내="안내" 태그제한으로등록되지않습니다="태그제한으로등록되지않습니다" 태그제한으로등록되지않습니다-xx="태그제한으로등록되지않습니다-xx" 태그제한으로등록되지않습니다-xxonclick="na_alert('다시 생각해 보세요');" />1) an example            <input type="radio" name="1" 안내="안내" 태그제한으로등록되지않습니다="태그제한으로등록되지않습니다" 태그제한으로등록되지않습니다-xx="태그제한으로등록되지않습니다-xx" 태그제한으로등록되지않습니다-xxonclick="na_alert('정답입니다');" />2) an examination
 <input type="radio" name="2" 안내="안내" 태그제한으로등록되지않습니다="태그제한으로등록되지않습니다" 태그제한으로등록되지않습니다-xx="태그제한으로등록되지않습니다-xx" 태그제한으로등록되지않습니다-xxonclick="na_alert('다시 생각해 보세요');" />3) an experiment        <input type="radio" name="2" 안내="안내" 태그제한으로등록되지않습니다="태그제한으로등록되지않습니다" 태그제한으로등록되지않습니다-xx="태그제한으로등록되지않습니다-xx" 태그제한으로등록되지않습니다-xxonclick="na_alert('다시 생각해 보세요');" />4) an experience




6. There are many kinds of home entertainment in Africa. Many people work about forty hours a week,    and they have plenty of leisure time to listen to the radio, to appreciate music on the record player,    and to play card games. Among these home entertainments, watching television is the most popular    from of spending one's _____________. 

 <input type="radio" name="2" 안내="안내" 태그제한으로등록되지않습니다="태그제한으로등록되지않습니다" 태그제한으로등록되지않습니다-xx="태그제한으로등록되지않습니다-xx" 태그제한으로등록되지않습니다-xxonclick="na_alert('다시 생각해 보세요');" />1) working hours        <input type="radio" name="2" 안내="안내" 태그제한으로등록되지않습니다="태그제한으로등록되지않습니다" 태그제한으로등록되지않습니다-xx="태그제한으로등록되지않습니다-xx" 태그제한으로등록되지않습니다-xxonclick="na_alert('다시 생각해 보세요');" />2) everyday life
 <input type="radio" name="2" 안내="안내" 태그제한으로등록되지않습니다="태그제한으로등록되지않습니다" 태그제한으로등록되지않습니다-xx="태그제한으로등록되지않습니다-xx" 태그제한으로등록되지않습니다-xxonclick="na_alert('다시 생각해 보세요');" />3) money                  <input type="radio" name="1" 안내="안내" 태그제한으로등록되지않습니다="태그제한으로등록되지않습니다" 태그제한으로등록되지않습니다-xx="태그제한으로등록되지않습니다-xx" 태그제한으로등록되지않습니다-xxonclick="na_alert('정답입니다');" />4) leisure time




7.Reasonable discipline never did children any harm - in fact, fundamentally, they prefer it. The discipline    should not be excessive - we do not want prohibition for prohibition's sake; and it must not be    capricious, it is no use forbidding a thing one day and _____.

 <input type="radio" name="2" 안내="안내" 태그제한으로등록되지않습니다="태그제한으로등록되지않습니다" 태그제한으로등록되지않습니다-xx="태그제한으로등록되지않습니다-xx" 태그제한으로등록되지않습니다-xxonclick="na_alert('다시 생각해 보세요');" />1) praise them too much                    <input type="radio" name="1" 안내="안내" 태그제한으로등록되지않습니다="태그제한으로등록되지않습니다" 태그제한으로등록되지않습니다-xx="태그제한으로등록되지않습니다-xx" 태그제한으로등록되지않습니다-xxonclick="na_alert('정답입니다');" />2) allowing it the next
 <input type="radio" name="2" 안내="안내" 태그제한으로등록되지않습니다="태그제한으로등록되지않습니다" 태그제한으로등록되지않습니다-xx="태그제한으로등록되지않습니다-xx" 태그제한으로등록되지않습니다-xxonclick="na_alert('다시 생각해 보세요');" />3) prohibiting it another day                 <input type="radio" name="2" 안내="안내" 태그제한으로등록되지않습니다="태그제한으로등록되지않습니다" 태그제한으로등록되지않습니다-xx="태그제한으로등록되지않습니다-xx" 태그제한으로등록되지않습니다-xxonclick="na_alert('다시 생각해 보세요');" />4) admit its fault




8. A boy at a crossing begged a copper of  a gentleman, who said he would give him something as he    came back. The boy replied : "Your Honor would be surprised, if you knew the money I have lost by    __________.
  <input type="radio" name="2" 안내="안내" 태그제한으로등록되지않습니다="태그제한으로등록되지않습니다" 태그제한으로등록되지않습니다-xx="태그제한으로등록되지않습니다-xx" 태그제한으로등록되지않습니다-xxonclick="na_alert('다시 생각해 보세요');" />1) selling newspapers        <input type="radio" name="2" 안내="안내" 태그제한으로등록되지않습니다="태그제한으로등록되지않습니다" 태그제한으로등록되지않습니다-xx="태그제한으로등록되지않습니다-xx" 태그제한으로등록되지않습니다-xxonclick="na_alert('다시 생각해 보세요');" />2) begging
  <input type="radio" name="2" 안내="안내" 태그제한으로등록되지않습니다="태그제한으로등록되지않습니다" 태그제한으로등록되지않습니다-xx="태그제한으로등록되지않습니다-xx" 태그제한으로등록되지않습니다-xxonclick="na_alert('다시 생각해 보세요');" />3) meeting gentleman        <input type="radio" name="1" 안내="안내" 태그제한으로등록되지않습니다="태그제한으로등록되지않습니다" 태그제한으로등록되지않습니다-xx="태그제한으로등록되지않습니다-xx" 태그제한으로등록되지않습니다-xxonclick="na_alert('정답입니다');" />4) giving up in that way




9. Make all your decisions promptly. Procrastination is truly the thief of time. Putting off until tomorrow    what should be done today is admitting to one's self that ____.

  <input type="radio" name="2" 안내="안내" 태그제한으로등록되지않습니다="태그제한으로등록되지않습니다" 태그제한으로등록되지않습니다-xx="태그제한으로등록되지않습니다-xx" 태그제한으로등록되지않습니다-xxonclick="na_alert('다시 생각해 보세요');" />1) it is lazy                <input type="radio" name="1" 안내="안내" 태그제한으로등록되지않습니다="태그제한으로등록되지않습니다" 태그제한으로등록되지않습니다-xx="태그제한으로등록되지않습니다-xx" 태그제한으로등록되지않습니다-xxonclick="na_alert('정답입니다');" />2) one is lazy
  <input type="radio" name="2" 안내="안내" 태그제한으로등록되지않습니다="태그제한으로등록되지않습니다" 태그제한으로등록되지않습니다-xx="태그제한으로등록되지않습니다-xx" 태그제한으로등록되지않습니다-xxonclick="na_alert('다시 생각해 보세요');" />3) he is free              <input type="radio" name="2" 안내="안내" 태그제한으로등록되지않습니다="태그제한으로등록되지않습니다" 태그제한으로등록되지않습니다-xx="태그제한으로등록되지않습니다-xx" 태그제한으로등록되지않습니다-xxonclick="na_alert('다시 생각해 보세요');" />4) one is free




10. Sharing joys and sorrows with a friend increases our well-being in two ways - it doubles our joys and     halves our sorrows. Telling a friend of our triumphs makes our happiness twofold, whereas telling him     our troubles _____________.

 <input type="radio" name="2" 안내="안내" 태그제한으로등록되지않습니다="태그제한으로등록되지않습니다" 태그제한으로등록되지않습니다-xx="태그제한으로등록되지않습니다-xx" 태그제한으로등록되지않습니다-xxonclick="na_alert('다시 생각해 보세요');" />1) reminds us of all our sorrows  
 <input type="radio" name="2" 안내="안내" 태그제한으로등록되지않습니다="태그제한으로등록되지않습니다" 태그제한으로등록되지않습니다-xx="태그제한으로등록되지않습니다-xx" 태그제한으로등록되지않습니다-xxonclick="na_alert('다시 생각해 보세요');" />2) weakens our friendship  
 <input type="radio" name="1" 안내="안내" 태그제한으로등록되지않습니다="태그제한으로등록되지않습니다" 태그제한으로등록되지않습니다-xx="태그제한으로등록되지않습니다-xx" 태그제한으로등록되지않습니다-xxonclick="na_alert('정답입니다');" />3) lessens our grief
 <input type="radio" name="2" 안내="안내" 태그제한으로등록되지않습니다="태그제한으로등록되지않습니다" 태그제한으로등록되지않습니다-xx="태그제한으로등록되지않습니다-xx" 태그제한으로등록되지않습니다-xxonclick="na_alert('다시 생각해 보세요');" />4) increases our shame




11. The man who enjoys watching football is to that extent superior to the man who does not. The man     who enjoys reading is still more superior to the man who does not, since opportunities for reading are     more frequent than opportunities for watching ____________.

 <input type="radio" name="2" 안내="안내" 태그제한으로등록되지않습니다="태그제한으로등록되지않습니다" 태그제한으로등록되지않습니다-xx="태그제한으로등록되지않습니다-xx" 태그제한으로등록되지않습니다-xxonclick="na_alert('다시 생각해 보세요');" />1) T.V. programs              <input type="radio" name="1" 안내="안내" 태그제한으로등록되지않습니다="태그제한으로등록되지않습니다" 태그제한으로등록되지않습니다-xx="태그제한으로등록되지않습니다-xx" 태그제한으로등록되지않습니다-xxonclick="na_alert('정답입니다');" />2) football
 <input type="radio" name="2" 안내="안내" 태그제한으로등록되지않습니다="태그제한으로등록되지않습니다" 태그제한으로등록되지않습니다-xx="태그제한으로등록되지않습니다-xx" 태그제한으로등록되지않습니다-xxonclick="na_alert('다시 생각해 보세요');" />3) horse race                   <input type="radio" name="2" 안내="안내" 태그제한으로등록되지않습니다="태그제한으로등록되지않습니다" 태그제한으로등록되지않습니다-xx="태그제한으로등록되지않습니다-xx" 태그제한으로등록되지않습니다-xxonclick="na_alert('다시 생각해 보세요');" />4) book-stores




12. In youth, we are impatient of those who are indiffererent to our own tastes. As a boy, I could scarcely     help feeling hostile to anyone who was indifferent to the things about which I was _______ in politics     and literature.

 <input type="radio" name="1" 안내="안내" 태그제한으로등록되지않습니다="태그제한으로등록되지않습니다" 태그제한으로등록되지않습니다-xx="태그제한으로등록되지않습니다-xx" 태그제한으로등록되지않습니다-xxonclick="na_alert('정답입니다');" />1) enthusiastic               <input type="radio" name="2" 안내="안내" 태그제한으로등록되지않습니다="태그제한으로등록되지않습니다" 태그제한으로등록되지않습니다-xx="태그제한으로등록되지않습니다-xx" 태그제한으로등록되지않습니다-xxonclick="na_alert('다시 생각해 보세요');" />2) uninterested
 <input type="radio" name="2" 안내="안내" 태그제한으로등록되지않습니다="태그제한으로등록되지않습니다" 태그제한으로등록되지않습니다-xx="태그제한으로등록되지않습니다-xx" 태그제한으로등록되지않습니다-xxonclick="na_alert('다시 생각해 보세요');" />3) indifferent                   <input type="radio" name="2" 안내="안내" 태그제한으로등록되지않습니다="태그제한으로등록되지않습니다" 태그제한으로등록되지않습니다-xx="태그제한으로등록되지않습니다-xx" 태그제한으로등록되지않습니다-xxonclick="na_alert('다시 생각해 보세요');" />4) satisfied



 분사                      ;              

기     본


1. As storm following storm, and wave succeeding  wave, give additional hardness to the shell that   contains the pearl, the storm and waves of life  add force to the character of men.  




2. A boy named James Watt sat quietly by fireside, watching the lid of the tea-kettle as it moved up and   down. He began to think; he wanted to find out why the steam in the kettle moved the heavy lid.




3. I was sitting reading in my bungalow one day  when I heard a loud sniff, and looked up to see a tiger   standing in the doorway. I have seldom been so frightened before or since.




4. In a few moments they came to the cottage standing in a square of cabbages. It was just like the    other cottages in the village, poverty-stricken and weather-worn, wearing its patches without the    thought of concealment.




5. After three months spent in a sweet seaside resort, where unoccupied men and ladies happily    congregate, I returned to Paris refreshed.




6. I took him to my room, had a good bed made for him, dressed his wounds, and tended him my self,    until he got fairly on his feet.




7. The fact that I had four plays running at once brought me great notoriety and Bernard Partridge drew a    cartoon for Punch in which William Shakespeare was shown biting his fingers in front of the boards    that advertised my plays.




8. Machine after machine appear in rapid succession, each displacing its predecessor, working for a    time and giving way to still better devices.




9. Nowadays, living in an over-crowded country where traffic is continuously on the increase, and where   driving is controlled by a great many rules and regulations, i feel no temptation whatever to drive a car.




10. Tied to a common rope they ascended one after another. At a snail's pace they picked their way, the     greatest danger being that those above might loosen stones that would crash down upon those     coming after. By noon the men clung to the cliff like the flies.




11. Determined to overcome his physical handicap, byron became a good rider, swimmer and boxer. He     thus developed himself physically. But he never learned to govern his emotions, especially his furious     temper.




  12. one day, climbing on Great Gable, he noticed a girl waving excitedly from a dangerous-looking       ledge. Thinking she was in difficulties he hastened towards her. but in doing so slipped himself and       wrenched his ankles.




13. Our world is a world of profound changer. Living as we do in the twentieth century, most of us are     conscious of this truth in the scientific world of transportation, mechanical invention and so on.



종       합 


1. Then I also think of the full grown gourds, which can be seen on the thatched roofs of the country    houses, the red peppers drying on mats along the road and the delicious apples, pears, persimmons    and grapes to be found in abundance in shops both large and small. Then there is the irresistible    scent of chestnuts being roasted over charcoal fires on carts along the street.




2. A sad-faced man came into my flower shop early one morning. I was ready to take his order for a    funeral piece, but this time I guessed wrong. He wanted a basket of flowers sent to his wife for their    wedding anniversary. "And what day will that be ?" I asked. Glumly he replied, "Yesterday."




3. Having invented machinery, man has become enslaved by it, as he was  enslaved by the gods   created by his imagination. It is machinery which has allowed women and children to enter the factory   and which at the same time has disorganized the family and the home.




4. Our senses, by an effort almost mechanical, are passive to the impression of outward objects,    whether agreeable or offensive, but the mind, possessed of a self-directing power, may turn its    attention to whatever it thinks proper.




5. Being stupid and having no imagination, animals often behave far more sensibly than man. Efficiently   and by instinct they do the right, appropriate thing at the right moment. - eat when they are hungry,   look for water when they feel thirsty, rest or play when they have leisure.




6. Uncontrolled, the forces of nature may be dangerous and destructive, but once mastered, they can    be bent to man's will and desire. Today, for instance, electricity is man's humble servant, performing a    thousand tasks with tremendous efficiency.




7. In short, we all go through life wearing spectacles colored by our own tastes, our own calling, and our   own prejudices, measuring our neighbors by our own tape-measure, summing them up according to   our own private arithmetic. We see subjectively, not objectively ; what we capable of seeing, not what   there is to be seen.




8. The first star to come out in the evening is called the Evening Star, but, strictly speaking, it is not a    star at all ; it is a planet. Planets are different from the stars. They do not give off any light of their own    but shine by reflecting the sunlight that falls on them. There are nine of these planets travelling around    the sun, the earth being one of them.




9. on pleasant afternoons, when he was off duty, he liked to have a long ramble by himself about the    fields and lanes. Had you met him during one of these afternoon walks, you would have seen a gentle    smile on his face as he walked with head bent.



  실         전


 1. The surface of the sea is always changing. Crossed by colors, lights, and moving shadows, sparkling     in the sun, mysteriously in the twilight, its aspect and its moods very _____________.

   <input type="radio" name="2" 안내="안내" 태그제한으로등록되지않습니다="태그제한으로등록되지않습니다" 태그제한으로등록되지않습니다-xx="태그제한으로등록되지않습니다-xx" 태그제한으로등록되지않습니다-xxonclick="na_alert('다시 생각해 보세요');" />1) year after year           <input type="radio" name="1" 안내="안내" 태그제한으로등록되지않습니다="태그제한으로등록되지않습니다" 태그제한으로등록되지않습니다-xx="태그제한으로등록되지않습니다-xx" 태그제한으로등록되지않습니다-xxonclick="na_alert('정답입니다');" />2) hour by hour
   <input type="radio" name="2" 안내="안내" 태그제한으로등록되지않습니다="태그제한으로등록되지않습니다" 태그제한으로등록되지않습니다-xx="태그제한으로등록되지않습니다-xx" 태그제한으로등록되지않습니다-xxonclick="na_alert('다시 생각해 보세요');" />3) day by day                <input type="radio" name="2" 안내="안내" 태그제한으로등록되지않습니다="태그제한으로등록되지않습니다" 태그제한으로등록되지않습니다-xx="태그제한으로등록되지않습니다-xx" 태그제한으로등록되지않습니다-xxonclick="na_alert('다시 생각해 보세요');" />4) with seasons alone




 2. He walked down the hill, and through the village. The weather was warm, and the people were sitting at     their doors, or strolling in their little gardens as he passed, enjoying the peace of the evening and     their rest ____________.

   <input type="radio" name="1" 안내="안내" 태그제한으로등록되지않습니다="태그제한으로등록되지않습니다" 태그제한으로등록되지않습니다-xx="태그제한으로등록되지않습니다-xx" 태그제한으로등록되지않습니다-xxonclick="na_alert('정답입니다');" />1) from labor                 <input type="radio" name="2" 안내="안내" 태그제한으로등록되지않습니다="태그제한으로등록되지않습니다" 태그제한으로등록되지않습니다-xx="태그제한으로등록되지않습니다-xx" 태그제한으로등록되지않습니다-xxonclick="na_alert('다시 생각해 보세요');" />2) from games
   <input type="radio" name="2" 안내="안내" 태그제한으로등록되지않습니다="태그제한으로등록되지않습니다" 태그제한으로등록되지않습니다-xx="태그제한으로등록되지않습니다-xx" 태그제한으로등록되지않습니다-xxonclick="na_alert('다시 생각해 보세요');" />3) from peace               <input type="radio" name="2" 안내="안내" 태그제한으로등록되지않습니다="태그제한으로등록되지않습니다" 태그제한으로등록되지않습니다-xx="태그제한으로등록되지않습니다-xx" 태그제한으로등록되지않습니다-xxonclick="na_alert('다시 생각해 보세요');" />4) from leasure




 3. Men have traditionally recognized three ultimate values: truth, goodness, and beauty. Strictly     speaking, philosophy is the pursuit of only one of these ; it leaves the pursuit of goodness to     morality ________.

   <input type="radio" name="2" 안내="안내" 태그제한으로등록되지않습니다="태그제한으로등록되지않습니다" 태그제한으로등록되지않습니다-xx="태그제한으로등록되지않습니다-xx" 태그제한으로등록되지않습니다-xxonclick="na_alert('다시 생각해 보세요');" />1) of men and women      <input type="radio" name="2" 안내="안내" 태그제한으로등록되지않습니다="태그제한으로등록되지않습니다" 태그제한으로등록되지않습니다-xx="태그제한으로등록되지않습니다-xx" 태그제한으로등록되지않습니다-xxonclick="na_alert('다시 생각해 보세요');" />2) as art and truth
   <input type="radio" name="2" 안내="안내" 태그제한으로등록되지않습니다="태그제한으로등록되지않습니다" 태그제한으로등록되지않습니다-xx="태그제한으로등록되지않습니다-xx" 태그제한으로등록되지않습니다-xxonclick="na_alert('다시 생각해 보세요');" />3) that is invaluable         <input type="radio" name="1" 안내="안내" 태그제한으로등록되지않습니다="태그제한으로등록되지않습니다" 태그제한으로등록되지않습니다-xx="태그제한으로등록되지않습니다-xx" 태그제한으로등록되지않습니다-xxonclick="na_alert('정답입니다');" />4) and of beauty to art




 4. Dinner finished, we refilled our glasses, lit our pipes, and resumed the discussion upon our state of     health. What it was that was actually the matter with us, we none of us could be sure of ; but the     unanimous opinion was that it - whatever it was - has been _______ by overwork.

    <input type="radio" name="2" 안내="안내" 태그제한으로등록되지않습니다="태그제한으로등록되지않습니다" 태그제한으로등록되지않습니다-xx="태그제한으로등록되지않습니다-xx" 태그제한으로등록되지않습니다-xxonclick="na_alert('다시 생각해 보세요');" />1) conquered              <input type="radio" name="2" 안내="안내" 태그제한으로등록되지않습니다="태그제한으로등록되지않습니다" 태그제한으로등록되지않습니다-xx="태그제한으로등록되지않습니다-xx" 태그제한으로등록되지않습니다-xxonclick="na_alert('다시 생각해 보세요');" />2) vanished
    <input type="radio" name="2" 안내="안내" 태그제한으로등록되지않습니다="태그제한으로등록되지않습니다" 태그제한으로등록되지않습니다-xx="태그제한으로등록되지않습니다-xx" 태그제한으로등록되지않습니다-xxonclick="na_alert('다시 생각해 보세요');" />3) examined                <input type="radio" name="1" 안내="안내" 태그제한으로등록되지않습니다="태그제한으로등록되지않습니다" 태그제한으로등록되지않습니다-xx="태그제한으로등록되지않습니다-xx" 태그제한으로등록되지않습니다-xxonclick="na_alert('정답입니다');" />4) brought on




 5. In one year the world uses as much energy as that contained in 31 billion barrels of oil. And the     amount of fuel needed is growing by leaps and bounds. What will the future needs be ? And how can     they be filled ? The supplies of fossil fuels - coal, oil, and gas - are limited. They may not last for a     century. Then what will take __________ ?

    <input type="radio" name="2" 안내="안내" 태그제한으로등록되지않습니다="태그제한으로등록되지않습니다" 태그제한으로등록되지않습니다-xx="태그제한으로등록되지않습니다-xx" 태그제한으로등록되지않습니다-xxonclick="na_alert('다시 생각해 보세요');" />1) a long time          <input type="radio" name="2" 안내="안내" 태그제한으로등록되지않습니다="태그제한으로등록되지않습니다" 태그제한으로등록되지않습니다-xx="태그제한으로등록되지않습니다-xx" 태그제한으로등록되지않습니다-xxonclick="na_alert('다시 생각해 보세요');" />2) advantage of the world
    <input type="radio" name="2" 안내="안내" 태그제한으로등록되지않습니다="태그제한으로등록되지않습니다" 태그제한으로등록되지않습니다-xx="태그제한으로등록되지않습니다-xx" 태그제한으로등록되지않습니다-xxonclick="na_alert('다시 생각해 보세요');" />3) after the past       <input type="radio" name="1" 안내="안내" 태그제한으로등록되지않습니다="태그제한으로등록되지않습니다" 태그제한으로등록되지않습니다-xx="태그제한으로등록되지않습니다-xx" 태그제한으로등록되지않습니다-xxonclick="na_alert('정답입니다');" />4) their place




 6. How a man uses money - makes it, saves it, and spends it - is perhaps one of the best tests of     practical wisdom. Although money ought by no means to be regarded as a chief end of man's life,     neither is it a trifling matter representing as it does to so large an extent the means of physical     comfort and ___________.

   <input type="radio" name="1" 안내="안내" 태그제한으로등록되지않습니다="태그제한으로등록되지않습니다" 태그제한으로등록되지않습니다-xx="태그제한으로등록되지않습니다-xx" 태그제한으로등록되지않습니다-xxonclick="na_alert('정답입니다');" />1) social well-being        <input type="radio" name="2" 안내="안내" 태그제한으로등록되지않습니다="태그제한으로등록되지않습니다" 태그제한으로등록되지않습니다-xx="태그제한으로등록되지않습니다-xx" 태그제한으로등록되지않습니다-xxonclick="na_alert('다시 생각해 보세요');" />2) social evil-seed
   <input type="radio" name="2" 안내="안내" 태그제한으로등록되지않습니다="태그제한으로등록되지않습니다" 태그제한으로등록되지않습니다-xx="태그제한으로등록되지않습니다-xx" 태그제한으로등록되지않습니다-xxonclick="na_alert('다시 생각해 보세요');" />3) unhappiness              <input type="radio" name="2" 안내="안내" 태그제한으로등록되지않습니다="태그제한으로등록되지않습니다" 태그제한으로등록되지않습니다-xx="태그제한으로등록되지않습니다-xx" 태그제한으로등록되지않습니다-xxonclick="na_alert('다시 생각해 보세요');" />4)  rank of class




 7. The milkman has a rival in early calling, and that rival is the newspaperboy. Both milk and news are     required for breakfast and the London businessman would as soon do without the one as the other,    the first being for his bodily refreshment and the second for his __________.

  <input type="radio" name="2" 안내="안내" 태그제한으로등록되지않습니다="태그제한으로등록되지않습니다" 태그제한으로등록되지않습니다-xx="태그제한으로등록되지않습니다-xx" 태그제한으로등록되지않습니다-xxonclick="na_alert('다시 생각해 보세요');" />1) study        2<input type="radio" name="2" 안내="안내" 태그제한으로등록되지않습니다="태그제한으로등록되지않습니다" 태그제한으로등록되지않습니다-xx="태그제한으로등록되지않습니다-xx" 태그제한으로등록되지않습니다-xxonclick="na_alert('다시 생각해 보세요');" />) livelihood         <input type="radio" name="1" 안내="안내" 태그제한으로등록되지않습니다="태그제한으로등록되지않습니다" 태그제한으로등록되지않습니다-xx="태그제한으로등록되지않습니다-xx" 태그제한으로등록되지않습니다-xxonclick="na_alert('정답입니다');" />3) mental         <input type="radio" name="2" 안내="안내" 태그제한으로등록되지않습니다="태그제한으로등록되지않습니다" 태그제한으로등록되지않습니다-xx="태그제한으로등록되지않습니다-xx" 태그제한으로등록되지않습니다-xxonclick="na_alert('다시 생각해 보세요');" />4) breakfast




8. According to the laws of heredity, characteristics possessed by parents will appear in the progeny.   Since the parent leopard is spotted, we expect that its offspring will be __________.

  <input type="radio" name="1" 안내="안내" 태그제한으로등록되지않습니다="태그제한으로등록되지않습니다" 태그제한으로등록되지않습니다-xx="태그제한으로등록되지않습니다-xx" 태그제한으로등록되지않습니다-xxonclick="na_alert('정답입니다');" />1)plain         <input type="radio" name="2" 안내="안내" 태그제한으로등록되지않습니다="태그제한으로등록되지않습니다" 태그제한으로등록되지않습니다-xx="태그제한으로등록되지않습니다-xx" 태그제한으로등록되지않습니다-xxonclick="na_alert('다시 생각해 보세요');" />2) striped        <input type="radio" name="2" 안내="안내" 태그제한으로등록되지않습니다="태그제한으로등록되지않습니다" 태그제한으로등록되지않습니다-xx="태그제한으로등록되지않습니다-xx" 태그제한으로등록되지않습니다-xxonclick="na_alert('다시 생각해 보세요');" />3) vicious         <input type="radio" name="2" 안내="안내" 태그제한으로등록되지않습니다="태그제한으로등록되지않습니다" 태그제한으로등록되지않습니다-xx="태그제한으로등록되지않습니다-xx" 태그제한으로등록되지않습니다-xxonclick="na_alert('다시 생각해 보세요');" />4) question





9. He had watched that field for several months. First green shoots had appeared, pushing up through    the brown soil of the fertile valley. The shoots had grown until they were knee-high, then ripened,    turning from green to the bright gold of wheat. Now, finally, it was the time for ____________.

  <input type="radio" name="2" 안내="안내" 태그제한으로등록되지않습니다="태그제한으로등록되지않습니다" 태그제한으로등록되지않습니다-xx="태그제한으로등록되지않습니다-xx" 태그제한으로등록되지않습니다-xxonclick="na_alert('다시 생각해 보세요');" />1) spraying water            <input type="radio" name="2" 안내="안내" 태그제한으로등록되지않습니다="태그제한으로등록되지않습니다" 태그제한으로등록되지않습니다-xx="태그제한으로등록되지않습니다-xx" 태그제한으로등록되지않습니다-xxonclick="na_alert('다시 생각해 보세요');" />2) sowing new crops
  <input type="radio" name="2" 안내="안내" 태그제한으로등록되지않습니다="태그제한으로등록되지않습니다" 태그제한으로등록되지않습니다-xx="태그제한으로등록되지않습니다-xx" 태그제한으로등록되지않습니다-xxonclick="na_alert('다시 생각해 보세요');" />3) plowing the field          <input type="radio" name="1" 안내="안내" 태그제한으로등록되지않습니다="태그제한으로등록되지않습니다" 태그제한으로등록되지않습니다-xx="태그제한으로등록되지않습니다-xx" 태그제한으로등록되지않습니다-xxonclick="na_alert('정답입니다');" />4) reaping the grain





10. We meet people who are extremely attractive at first, yet sometimes we find the attraction quickly     wearing off and they seem shallow and uninteresting. There are others whom we find ourselves liking     more and more as we know then better, and these become _____________ . So is it with books.

  <input type="radio" name="2" 안내="안내" 태그제한으로등록되지않습니다="태그제한으로등록되지않습니다" 태그제한으로등록되지않습니다-xx="태그제한으로등록되지않습니다-xx" 태그제한으로등록되지않습니다-xxonclick="na_alert('다시 생각해 보세요');" />1) flattery                   <input type="radio" name="1" 안내="안내" 태그제한으로등록되지않습니다="태그제한으로등록되지않습니다" 태그제한으로등록되지않습니다-xx="태그제한으로등록되지않습니다-xx" 태그제한으로등록되지않습니다-xxonclick="na_alert('정답입니다');" />2) real friends
  <input type="radio" name="2" 안내="안내" 태그제한으로등록되지않습니다="태그제한으로등록되지않습니다" 태그제한으로등록되지않습니다-xx="태그제한으로등록되지않습니다-xx" 태그제한으로등록되지않습니다-xxonclick="na_alert('다시 생각해 보세요');" />3) nuisance                <input type="radio" name="2" 안내="안내" 태그제한으로등록되지않습니다="태그제한으로등록되지않습니다" 태그제한으로등록되지않습니다-xx="태그제한으로등록되지않습니다-xx" 태그제한으로등록되지않습니다-xxonclick="na_alert('다시 생각해 보세요');" />4) magic





11. Magazines, like books, are designed to be read in the order, from front cover to back cover. A large     part of the magazine-reading population, however, has formed the bad habit of thumbing backward     through periodicals. Such individuals are frequently observed absent-mindedly reading a four-page     story ___________.

  <input type="radio" name="2" 안내="안내" 태그제한으로등록되지않습니다="태그제한으로등록되지않습니다" 태그제한으로등록되지않습니다-xx="태그제한으로등록되지않습니다-xx" 태그제한으로등록되지않습니다-xxonclick="na_alert('다시 생각해 보세요');" />1) by skimming topic sentence
  <input type="radio" name="2" 안내="안내" 태그제한으로등록되지않습니다="태그제한으로등록되지않습니다" 태그제한으로등록되지않습니다-xx="태그제한으로등록되지않습니다-xx" 태그제한으로등록되지않습니다-xxonclick="na_alert('다시 생각해 보세요');" />2) in a short time
  <input type="radio" name="2" 안내="안내" 태그제한으로등록되지않습니다="태그제한으로등록되지않습니다" 태그제한으로등록되지않습니다-xx="태그제한으로등록되지않습니다-xx" 태그제한으로등록되지않습니다-xxonclick="na_alert('다시 생각해 보세요');" />3) with noticeable lack of interest
  <input type="radio" name="1" 안내="안내" 태그제한으로등록되지않습니다="태그제한으로등록되지않습니다" 태그제한으로등록되지않습니다-xx="태그제한으로등록되지않습니다-xx" 태그제한으로등록되지않습니다-xxonclick="na_alert('정답입니다');" />4) from the last paragraph to the introduction



 동사                      ;            

종      합 


1. I want to make the future better than the past. I don't want it contaminated by the mistakes and errors   with which history is filled. We should all be concerned about the future because that is where we will   spend the remainder of our lives.




 2. A young man wrote to me the other day lamenting his ignorance and requesting me to tell him what    books to read and what to do in order to become learned and wise. I sent him a civil answer and such    advice as occurred to me. 




 3. When a young man has thoroughly comprehended the fact that he knows nothing, and that he is of    but little value, the next thing for him to learn is that the world cares nothing for him - that he must    take care of himself.




4. Science is the attempt to discover, by means of observation, and reasoning based upon it, first,    particular facts about the world, and then laws connecting facts with one another and in fortunate    cases making it possible to foretell future occurrences.




5.  My father is eminently a man of sense: if I reflect on my boyhood, I see how admirable his treatment    of me has always been. I fancy I must have been at one time rather hard to manage. Yet he neither let    me have my own way nor angered me by his opposition. 




6. Education is a continuous process which cannot be confined within the college classroom. Textbook    and instructor will remain indispensable to education, but increasingly today there is an emphasis on    the type of intellectual development that comes from the experience of living together with others of    one's own generation. 




7. It is reported that a weightless man has succeeded in walking on nothing, and returning to the capsule    that he calls home. This cosmic achievement makes race hatreds or petty nationalisms trivial. If men    may one day walk together in space, what does it matter whether the skin beneath the space-suit is    pink, black or brown?




8. Though I have read so much, I am a bad reader. I read slowly and I am a poor skipper. I find it difficult    to leave a book, however bad and however much it bores me, unfinished. I could count on my fingers    the number of books that I have not read from cover to cover. 




9. I heartily believe that it is you that can make our nation what she should be among free nations in the    world, just as it was our forefathers that made her what she is.




10. He did not go to college a gentleman, but neither did he return one: he went to college an ass, and      returned  a prig: to his original folly was superadded a vast quantity of conceit.



  실    전  


 1. Perhaps you have heard of the "Ship of the Desert." This is a name which is often given to the camel;    for it is only by the help of the camel that men can cross the great sea of sand, from one green valley    to ____________.

 <input type="radio" name="1" 안내="안내" 태그제한으로등록되지않습니다="태그제한으로등록되지않습니다" 태그제한으로등록되지않습니다-xx="태그제한으로등록되지않습니다-xx" 태그제한으로등록되지않습니다-xxonclick="na_alert('정답입니다');" />1) another              <input type="radio" name="2" 안내="안내" 태그제한으로등록되지않습니다="태그제한으로등록되지않습니다" 태그제한으로등록되지않습니다-xx="태그제한으로등록되지않습니다-xx" 태그제한으로등록되지않습니다-xxonclick="na_alert('다시 생각해 보세요');" />2) the bottom
 <input type="radio" name="2" 안내="안내" 태그제한으로등록되지않습니다="태그제한으로등록되지않습니다" 태그제한으로등록되지않습니다-xx="태그제한으로등록되지않습니다-xx" 태그제한으로등록되지않습니다-xxonclick="na_alert('다시 생각해 보세요');" />3) red one              <input type="radio" name="2" 안내="안내" 태그제한으로등록되지않습니다="태그제한으로등록되지않습니다" 태그제한으로등록되지않습니다-xx="태그제한으로등록되지않습니다-xx" 태그제한으로등록되지않습니다-xxonclick="na_alert('다시 생각해 보세요');" />4) the sea




 2. I must sincerely apologize for not having presented myself as I had promised; but an unexpected     affair of greatest importance called me off at the very __________ I was on my way to your house.

    1<input type="radio" name="2" 안내="안내" 태그제한으로등록되지않습니다="태그제한으로등록되지않습니다" 태그제한으로등록되지않습니다-xx="태그제한으로등록되지않습니다-xx" 태그제한으로등록되지않습니다-xxonclick="na_alert('다시 생각해 보세요');" />) place       <input type="radio" name="2" 안내="안내" 태그제한으로등록되지않습니다="태그제한으로등록되지않습니다" 태그제한으로등록되지않습니다-xx="태그제한으로등록되지않습니다-xx" 태그제한으로등록되지않습니다-xxonclick="na_alert('다시 생각해 보세요');" />2) way         <input type="radio" name="1" 안내="안내" 태그제한으로등록되지않습니다="태그제한으로등록되지않습니다" 태그제한으로등록되지않습니다-xx="태그제한으로등록되지않습니다-xx" 태그제한으로등록되지않습니다-xxonclick="na_alert('정답입니다');" />3) moment     <input type="radio" name="2" 안내="안내" 태그제한으로등록되지않습니다="태그제한으로등록되지않습니다" 태그제한으로등록되지않습니다-xx="태그제한으로등록되지않습니다-xx" 태그제한으로등록되지않습니다-xxonclick="na_alert('다시 생각해 보세요');" />4) affair




 3. Pulling flies to pieces, stoning frogs, robbing birds of nests are forms of cruelty of which young     children are often guilty before they are old enough to reflect that their sport is purchased at the cost     of frightful pain to these poor innocent and defenceless __________.

  <input type="radio" name="2" 안내="안내" 태그제한으로등록되지않습니다="태그제한으로등록되지않습니다" 태그제한으로등록되지않습니다-xx="태그제한으로등록되지않습니다-xx" 태그제한으로등록되지않습니다-xxonclick="na_alert('다시 생각해 보세요');" />1) animals    <input type="radio" name="1" 안내="안내" 태그제한으로등록되지않습니다="태그제한으로등록되지않습니다" 태그제한으로등록되지않습니다-xx="태그제한으로등록되지않습니다-xx" 태그제한으로등록되지않습니다-xxonclick="na_alert('정답입니다');" /> 2) creatures      <input type="radio" name="2" 안내="안내" 태그제한으로등록되지않습니다="태그제한으로등록되지않습니다" 태그제한으로등록되지않습니다-xx="태그제한으로등록되지않습니다-xx" 태그제한으로등록되지않습니다-xxonclick="na_alert('다시 생각해 보세요');" />3) insects     <input type="radio" name="2" 안내="안내" 태그제한으로등록되지않습니다="태그제한으로등록되지않습니다" 태그제한으로등록되지않습니다-xx="태그제한으로등록되지않습니다-xx" 태그제한으로등록되지않습니다-xxonclick="na_alert('다시 생각해 보세요');" />4) birds




 4. For the purpose of gathering materials for writing, the man who stays at home and observes closely     and accurately, and who reflects upon what he sees will have infinitely more that is worthwhile to write     about than he who has been around the world ten times without using his ___.
   * be around the world; 세계를 돌아보다

 <input type="radio" name="2" 안내="안내" 태그제한으로등록되지않습니다="태그제한으로등록되지않습니다" 태그제한으로등록되지않습니다-xx="태그제한으로등록되지않습니다-xx" 태그제한으로등록되지않습니다-xxonclick="na_alert('다시 생각해 보세요');" />1) money              <input type="radio" name="1" 안내="안내" 태그제한으로등록되지않습니다="태그제한으로등록되지않습니다" 태그제한으로등록되지않습니다-xx="태그제한으로등록되지않습니다-xx" 태그제한으로등록되지않습니다-xxonclick="na_alert('정답입니다');" />2) eyes and minds
 <input type="radio" name="2" 안내="안내" 태그제한으로등록되지않습니다="태그제한으로등록되지않습니다" 태그제한으로등록되지않습니다-xx="태그제한으로등록되지않습니다-xx" 태그제한으로등록되지않습니다-xxonclick="na_alert('다시 생각해 보세요');" />3) language           <input type="radio" name="2" 안내="안내" 태그제한으로등록되지않습니다="태그제한으로등록되지않습니다" 태그제한으로등록되지않습니다-xx="태그제한으로등록되지않습니다-xx" 태그제한으로등록되지않습니다-xxonclick="na_alert('다시 생각해 보세요');" />4) pen and ink




 5.  To obtain an education so far as possible is one of the first duties which one owes to one's self. By     education, I mean the teaching which one may receive at home, at school, at college or elsewhere,     and also that which one may give to _______.

 <input type="radio" name="1" 안내="안내" 태그제한으로등록되지않습니다="태그제한으로등록되지않습니다" 태그제한으로등록되지않습니다-xx="태그제한으로등록되지않습니다-xx" 태그제한으로등록되지않습니다-xxonclick="na_alert('정답입니다');" />1) one's self           <input type="radio" name="2" 안내="안내" 태그제한으로등록되지않습니다="태그제한으로등록되지않습니다" 태그제한으로등록되지않습니다-xx="태그제한으로등록되지않습니다-xx" 태그제한으로등록되지않습니다-xxonclick="na_alert('다시 생각해 보세요');" />2) others
 <input type="radio" name="2" 안내="안내" 태그제한으로등록되지않습니다="태그제한으로등록되지않습니다" 태그제한으로등록되지않습니다-xx="태그제한으로등록되지않습니다-xx" 태그제한으로등록되지않습니다-xxonclick="na_alert('다시 생각해 보세요');" />3) one's society      <input type="radio" name="2" 안내="안내" 태그제한으로등록되지않습니다="태그제한으로등록되지않습니다" 태그제한으로등록되지않습니다-xx="태그제한으로등록되지않습니다-xx" 태그제한으로등록되지않습니다-xxonclick="na_alert('다시 생각해 보세요');" />4) one's children




6. In everyday life the hare and tortoise are running their race much more frequently than we are apt to    think. If we recognized that the race is not always to the swift, nor the battle to the strong, we should    not be so easily ________.

   <input type="radio" name="2" 안내="안내" 태그제한으로등록되지않습니다="태그제한으로등록되지않습니다" 태그제한으로등록되지않습니다-xx="태그제한으로등록되지않습니다-xx" 태그제한으로등록되지않습니다-xxonclick="na_alert('다시 생각해 보세요');" />1) exited        <input type="radio" name="1" 안내="안내" 태그제한으로등록되지않습니다="태그제한으로등록되지않습니다" 태그제한으로등록되지않습니다-xx="태그제한으로등록되지않습니다-xx" 태그제한으로등록되지않습니다-xxonclick="na_alert('정답입니다');" /> 2) discouraged        <input type="radio" name="2" 안내="안내" 태그제한으로등록되지않습니다="태그제한으로등록되지않습니다" 태그제한으로등록되지않습니다-xx="태그제한으로등록되지않습니다-xx" 태그제한으로등록되지않습니다-xxonclick="na_alert('다시 생각해 보세요');" />3) cheered        <input type="radio" name="2" 안내="안내" 태그제한으로등록되지않습니다="태그제한으로등록되지않습니다" 태그제한으로등록되지않습니다-xx="태그제한으로등록되지않습니다-xx" 태그제한으로등록되지않습니다-xxonclick="na_alert('다시 생각해 보세요');" />4) freed




 7. In plays and in motion pictures, background music carries all the audience quickly from one mood to    another. The power of such music can be seen best in radio drama, where there is no action or scene    visible to help the listeners _______.

  <input type="radio" name="2" 안내="안내" 태그제한으로등록되지않습니다="태그제한으로등록되지않습니다" 태그제한으로등록되지않습니다-xx="태그제한으로등록되지않습니다-xx" 태그제한으로등록되지않습니다-xxonclick="na_alert('다시 생각해 보세요');" />1) compose music            <input type="radio" name="2" 안내="안내" 태그제한으로등록되지않습니다="태그제한으로등록되지않습니다" 태그제한으로등록되지않습니다-xx="태그제한으로등록되지않습니다-xx" 태그제한으로등록되지않습니다-xxonclick="na_alert('다시 생각해 보세요');" />2) analyze the radio set
  <input type="radio" name="1" 안내="안내" 태그제한으로등록되지않습니다="태그제한으로등록되지않습니다" 태그제한으로등록되지않습니다-xx="태그제한으로등록되지않습니다-xx" 태그제한으로등록되지않습니다-xxonclick="na_alert('정답입니다');" />3)understand the play        <input type="radio" name="2" 안내="안내" 태그제한으로등록되지않습니다="태그제한으로등록되지않습니다" 태그제한으로등록되지않습니다-xx="태그제한으로등록되지않습니다-xx" 태그제한으로등록되지않습니다-xxonclick="na_alert('다시 생각해 보세요');" />4) criticize the playwright




 8. Happiness consists in the enjoyment of little pleasures scattered along the common path of life,     which, in the eager search for some great and exciting joy, we are apt to ___________.

   <input type="radio" name="1" 안내="안내" 태그제한으로등록되지않습니다="태그제한으로등록되지않습니다" 태그제한으로등록되지않습니다-xx="태그제한으로등록되지않습니다-xx" 태그제한으로등록되지않습니다-xxonclick="na_alert('정답입니다');" />1) overlook                 <input type="radio" name="2" 안내="안내" 태그제한으로등록되지않습니다="태그제한으로등록되지않습니다" 태그제한으로등록되지않습니다-xx="태그제한으로등록되지않습니다-xx" 태그제한으로등록되지않습니다-xxonclick="na_alert('다시 생각해 보세요');" />2) cherish
   <input type="radio" name="2" 안내="안내" 태그제한으로등록되지않습니다="태그제한으로등록되지않습니다" 태그제한으로등록되지않습니다-xx="태그제한으로등록되지않습니다-xx" 태그제한으로등록되지않습니다-xxonclick="na_alert('다시 생각해 보세요');" /> 3) emphasize             <input type="radio" name="2" 안내="안내" 태그제한으로등록되지않습니다="태그제한으로등록되지않습니다" 태그제한으로등록되지않습니다-xx="태그제한으로등록되지않습니다-xx" 태그제한으로등록되지않습니다-xxonclick="na_alert('다시 생각해 보세요');" />4) analyze




9. He had always a certain shyness in expressing hinself by word of mouth, but he found he could tell    her, pen in hand, all sorts of things which it would have made him feel ridiculous to say. Profiting by    the discovery, he poured out to her __________.

 <input type="radio" name="2" 안내="안내" 태그제한으로등록되지않습니다="태그제한으로등록되지않습니다" 태그제한으로등록되지않습니다-xx="태그제한으로등록되지않습니다-xx" 태그제한으로등록되지않습니다-xxonclick="na_alert('다시 생각해 보세요');" />1) a glass of beer      <input type="radio" name="2" 안내="안내" 태그제한으로등록되지않습니다="태그제한으로등록되지않습니다" 태그제한으로등록되지않습니다-xx="태그제한으로등록되지않습니다-xx" 태그제한으로등록되지않습니다-xxonclick="na_alert('다시 생각해 보세요');" />2) some ink       <input type="radio" name="1" 안내="안내" 태그제한으로등록되지않습니다="태그제한으로등록되지않습니다" 태그제한으로등록되지않습니다-xx="태그제한으로등록되지않습니다-xx" 태그제한으로등록되지않습니다-xxonclick="na_alert('정답입니다');" />3) his whole heart     <input type="radio" name="2" 안내="안내" 태그제한으로등록되지않습니다="태그제한으로등록되지않습니다" 태그제한으로등록되지않습니다-xx="태그제한으로등록되지않습니다-xx" 태그제한으로등록되지않습니다-xxonclick="na_alert('다시 생각해 보세요');" />4) his works




10. Although a man's dress may be coarse and plain, so long as it is suited to the work in which he is     engaged, and is kept as clean and tidy as possible, he has no reason at all to think the less of     himself because he is not dressed in _________.

 <input type="radio" name="2" 안내="안내" 태그제한으로등록되지않습니다="태그제한으로등록되지않습니다" 태그제한으로등록되지않습니다-xx="태그제한으로등록되지않습니다-xx" 태그제한으로등록되지않습니다-xxonclick="na_alert('다시 생각해 보세요');" />1) a sweater     <input type="radio" name="2" 안내="안내" 태그제한으로등록되지않습니다="태그제한으로등록되지않습니다" 태그제한으로등록되지않습니다-xx="태그제한으로등록되지않습니다-xx" 태그제한으로등록되지않습니다-xxonclick="na_alert('다시 생각해 보세요');" />2) an overall      <input type="radio" name="2" 안내="안내" 태그제한으로등록되지않습니다="태그제한으로등록되지않습니다" 태그제한으로등록되지않습니다-xx="태그제한으로등록되지않습니다-xx" 태그제한으로등록되지않습니다-xxonclick="na_alert('다시 생각해 보세요');" />3) a humble manner     <input type="radio" name="1" 안내="안내" 태그제한으로등록되지않습니다="태그제한으로등록되지않습니다" 태그제한으로등록되지않습니다-xx="태그제한으로등록되지않습니다-xx" 태그제한으로등록되지않습니다-xxonclick="na_alert('정답입니다');" />4) a rich and fashionable manner




11. Above all, make your syudy a habit, like getting dressed or undressed, combing your hair or brushing     your teeth, and it will become so much a part of your life that you will feeling guilty if you ___________.

  <input type="radio" name="1" 안내="안내" 태그제한으로등록되지않습니다="태그제한으로등록되지않습니다" 태그제한으로등록되지않습니다-xx="태그제한으로등록되지않습니다-xx" 태그제한으로등록되지않습니다-xxonclick="na_alert('정답입니다');" />1) skip a single time    <input type="radio" name="2" 안내="안내" 태그제한으로등록되지않습니다="태그제한으로등록되지않습니다" 태그제한으로등록되지않습니다-xx="태그제한으로등록되지않습니다-xx" 태그제한으로등록되지않습니다-xxonclick="na_alert('다시 생각해 보세요');" />2) continue for good    <input type="radio" name="2" 안내="안내" 태그제한으로등록되지않습니다="태그제한으로등록되지않습니다" 태그제한으로등록되지않습니다-xx="태그제한으로등록되지않습니다-xx" 태그제한으로등록되지않습니다-xxonclick="na_alert('다시 생각해 보세요');" />3) want to succeed      <input type="radio" name="2" 안내="안내" 태그제한으로등록되지않습니다="태그제한으로등록되지않습니다" 태그제한으로등록되지않습니다-xx="태그제한으로등록되지않습니다-xx" 태그제한으로등록되지않습니다-xxonclick="na_alert('다시 생각해 보세요');" />4) look dirty




12. From France I wrote a letter to that woman, in which I told her all the things I had lacked the power to     say in her presence. I sent the letter to the only address I knew - she had left it years before - not     expecting, not even hoping very much , that she would ____________.

  <input type="radio" name="2" 안내="안내" 태그제한으로등록되지않습니다="태그제한으로등록되지않습니다" 태그제한으로등록되지않습니다-xx="태그제한으로등록되지않습니다-xx" 태그제한으로등록되지않습니다-xxonclick="na_alert('다시 생각해 보세요');" />1) meet me        <input type="radio" name="1" 안내="안내" 태그제한으로등록되지않습니다="태그제한으로등록되지않습니다" 태그제한으로등록되지않습니다-xx="태그제한으로등록되지않습니다-xx" 태그제한으로등록되지않습니다-xxonclick="na_alert('정답입니다');" />2) receive it        <input type="radio" name="2" 안내="안내" 태그제한으로등록되지않습니다="태그제한으로등록되지않습니다" 태그제한으로등록되지않습니다-xx="태그제한으로등록되지않습니다-xx" 태그제한으로등록되지않습니다-xxonclick="na_alert('다시 생각해 보세요');" />3) die in time      <input type="radio" name="2" 안내="안내" 태그제한으로등록되지않습니다="태그제한으로등록되지않습니다" 태그제한으로등록되지않습니다-xx="태그제한으로등록되지않습니다-xx" 태그제한으로등록되지않습니다-xxonclick="na_alert('다시 생각해 보세요');" />4) be my wife



시제                      ;       



1. When he returns home, I will ask him what time his sister will leave Kimpo for San Francisco. I believe    he knows the exact time when her plane will take off.




2. "What piece of your luggage shall we carry?" "Let him carry the smallest one containing my valuables,    but it must be heavier than it looks.




3. Some astronomers try to cheer us up in moments of depression by assuring us that one fine day the    sun will explode, and in the twinkling of an eye we shall all be turned into gas.




4. No man can live by and for himself. What we have and what we are all are dependent upon the world    of men and women, the world of the present and the world of the past.




5. "Will you make me kill my boy?" said Tell. "Say no more, " said Gessler. "You must hit the apple with    one arrow, If you fail, my soldiers shall kill the boy before your eyes."




6. A brave and honest man will speak out without fear of the consequences, while a timid man will keep    silent at the time of danger, or may even tell falsehood for fear of some harm coming to him.




7. Millions of people of all ages in countries all over the globe are working to perfect their abilities to    communicate in English. Even the Russians and the Chinese depend on English for carrying out their    propaganda programs.




8.London policeman, huge, pacific, and friendly, is famous even among those who have never seen    England. The absence of a sword and a gun emphasizes his power of peaceful persuasion.




 9. Before daylight the rain stopped, and the sky began to clear; for I could see some stars. At dawn I    got drowsy again; I was awakened by a blow on the head. A large sea-bird had struck me.




 10. The little girl was Emily, a niece of Mr. Peggotty's. She had never seen her father, just as I had never     seen mine. This was the first thing that brought us together in sympathy. She had lost her mother,     too.




 11. She took a ring off her finger and gave it to him. "Take this ring," she said. "When you lose it, or give     it away, that will be the end of our love." "When this ring parts from my hand,' answered Bassanio,     "then life will have parted from me. I shall be dead."




 12. English has become the most widely spoken language on earth. Today 250 million people employ      English as their primary language, and 600 million can be reached by it in some degree.




 13. The sun has been giving off light and heat for millions of tears, and scientists believe that it will      continue to do this for millions of years to come.





1. Much will be done if we do but try. Nobody knows what he can do till he has tried; and few try their    best until they have been forced to do it. "If I could do such and such a thing,' sighs the desponding    youth. but nothing will be done if he only wishes.




 2. From the beginning of time the tide has ebbed and flowed. From the beginning of time light has     followed darkness, spring has followed winter, life followed death. The Earth and all the boundless     Universe move in space with the ease of a bird in flight and the rhythm of its song.




 3. My heart was sad for her sake, and though I had ceased to love her, I found no consolation. A     painful sense of emptiness had replaced the bitter anguish of before; and it was perhaps even harder     to bear. Love may go and memory yet remain, memory may go and relief even then may not come.




4. There was once a beggar who had tried many ways ti get money. At last he thought he would pretend to be dumb. Now one day a gentleman who had known the beggar by sight passed by. He went up to the beggar and asked him suddenly: "How long have you been dumb ?" The beggar was taken by surprise and quite forgot that he was 'dumb.' He answered quickly: "Oh, ever since I was born, sir."




5. I once met a woman who, having been left with a fortune, said that she would never feel free till she    had got rid of her property. Possessions, she maintained, made one a slave, and one became their    servant and not their master.




6. A silence fell suddenly between us which I somehow expected to be unbroken. But it had not fallen for    more than a  few seconds when, in the utter stillness, I distinctly heard rapid steps coming nearer and    nearer along the street.




7. Worn out by anguish and exertion, I sank into a death-like slumber; and it was not until the following    morning when the sun rose that I came to my senses.




8. It was not long before we again met by chance. We came face to face at a street corner in my    neighborhood, and I was struck by a change in him.




9. Not many years ago there were numerous windmills on the outskirts of London, but few of them    remain, although certain roads are now called after the names of those that are gone. To those    accustomed to it the disappearance of a mill makes a great difference in the landscape.




10. The more carefully nature has been studied, the more widely has order been found to prevail, while     what seemed disorder has proved to be nothing more than complexity; until, at present, no one is so     foolish as to believe that anything happens by chance, or that there are any real accident which have     no cause.



  실         전 


 1. Our children don't like to eat in restaurants because they have to sit and are quiet for a long time.     They would rather go to their grandmother's farm. Their grandmother - my mother - prepares     everything they like. She usually has fried chicken, corn, and hot biscuits with honey. She always     serves plenty of chocolate, ice cream and cake for _________.
  <input type="radio" name="1" 안내="안내" 태그제한으로등록되지않습니다="태그제한으로등록되지않습니다" 태그제한으로등록되지않습니다-xx="태그제한으로등록되지않습니다-xx" 태그제한으로등록되지않습니다-xxonclick="na_alert('정답입니다');" />1) dessert      <input type="radio" name="2" 안내="안내" 태그제한으로등록되지않습니다="태그제한으로등록되지않습니다" 태그제한으로등록되지않습니다-xx="태그제한으로등록되지않습니다-xx" 태그제한으로등록되지않습니다-xxonclick="na_alert('다시 생각해 보세요');" />2) supper       <input type="radio" name="2" 안내="안내" 태그제한으로등록되지않습니다="태그제한으로등록되지않습니다" 태그제한으로등록되지않습니다-xx="태그제한으로등록되지않습니다-xx" 태그제한으로등록되지않습니다-xxonclick="na_alert('다시 생각해 보세요');" />3) lunch        <input type="radio" name="2" 안내="안내" 태그제한으로등록되지않습니다="태그제한으로등록되지않습니다" 태그제한으로등록되지않습니다-xx="태그제한으로등록되지않습니다-xx" 태그제한으로등록되지않습니다-xxonclick="na_alert('다시 생각해 보세요');" />4) breakfast




 2. He always sees the negative side of everything. He finds fault with the best movie of the year, but     stay awake until two a.m. watching very old movies on television. Even his taste in food is peculiar. He     drinks warm water and cold tea, eats raw eggs and can't stand _____________.

  <input type="radio" name="2" 안내="안내" 태그제한으로등록되지않습니다="태그제한으로등록되지않습니다" 태그제한으로등록되지않습니다-xx="태그제한으로등록되지않습니다-xx" 태그제한으로등록되지않습니다-xxonclick="na_alert('다시 생각해 보세요');" />1)  rotten fruit              <input type="radio" name="2" 안내="안내" 태그제한으로등록되지않습니다="태그제한으로등록되지않습니다" 태그제한으로등록되지않습니다-xx="태그제한으로등록되지않습니다-xx" 태그제한으로등록되지않습니다-xxonclick="na_alert('다시 생각해 보세요');" />2) cold coffee
  <input type="radio" name="1" 안내="안내" 태그제한으로등록되지않습니다="태그제한으로등록되지않습니다" 태그제한으로등록되지않습니다-xx="태그제한으로등록되지않습니다-xx" 태그제한으로등록되지않습니다-xxonclick="na_alert('정답입니다');" />3)  fresh fruit               <input type="radio" name="2" 안내="안내" 태그제한으로등록되지않습니다="태그제한으로등록되지않습니다" 태그제한으로등록되지않습니다-xx="태그제한으로등록되지않습니다-xx" 태그제한으로등록되지않습니다-xxonclick="na_alert('다시 생각해 보세요');" />4) exciting games




 3. It is said that a little later he was employed to do the maintenance chores in the theater, and after a     time was given a small part to act. But he soon showed that he could make himself most useful in     changing old plays so that they could be more easily acted. That was something which the actors     themselves could not do. Every old play that Shakespeare took in hand he had made over into     something different and __________.

    <input type="radio" name="2" 안내="안내" 태그제한으로등록되지않습니다="태그제한으로등록되지않습니다" 태그제한으로등록되지않습니다-xx="태그제한으로등록되지않습니다-xx" 태그제한으로등록되지않습니다-xxonclick="na_alert('다시 생각해 보세요');" />1) worthless          <input type="radio" name="2" 안내="안내" 태그제한으로등록되지않습니다="태그제한으로등록되지않습니다" 태그제한으로등록되지않습니다-xx="태그제한으로등록되지않습니다-xx" 태그제한으로등록되지않습니다-xxonclick="na_alert('다시 생각해 보세요');" />2) trifles           <input type="radio" name="1" 안내="안내" 태그제한으로등록되지않습니다="태그제한으로등록되지않습니다" 태그제한으로등록되지않습니다-xx="태그제한으로등록되지않습니다-xx" 태그제한으로등록되지않습니다-xxonclick="na_alert('정답입니다');" />3) far better          <input type="radio" name="2" 안내="안내" 태그제한으로등록되지않습니다="태그제한으로등록되지않습니다" 태그제한으로등록되지않습니다-xx="태그제한으로등록되지않습니다-xx" 태그제한으로등록되지않습니다-xxonclick="na_alert('다시 생각해 보세요');" />4) absurd




 4. Our happiness depends on those attitudes which will gain for us the love and respect of our families     and friends. We need cultivate kindness, unselfishness, sympathy, an appreciation of the value of     every individual, and, a willingness to let other people think and feel different from the way we do     _______ becoming angry.

    <input type="radio" name="2" 안내="안내" 태그제한으로등록되지않습니다="태그제한으로등록되지않습니다" 태그제한으로등록되지않습니다-xx="태그제한으로등록되지않습니다-xx" 태그제한으로등록되지않습니다-xxonclick="na_alert('다시 생각해 보세요');" />1) in        <input type="radio" name="2" 안내="안내" 태그제한으로등록되지않습니다="태그제한으로등록되지않습니다" 태그제한으로등록되지않습니다-xx="태그제한으로등록되지않습니다-xx" 태그제한으로등록되지않습니다-xxonclick="na_alert('다시 생각해 보세요');" />2) while       <input type="radio" name="1" 안내="안내" 태그제한으로등록되지않습니다="태그제한으로등록되지않습니다" 태그제한으로등록되지않습니다-xx="태그제한으로등록되지않습니다-xx" 태그제한으로등록되지않습니다-xxonclick="na_alert('정답입니다');" />3) without        <input type="radio" name="2" 안내="안내" 태그제한으로등록되지않습니다="태그제한으로등록되지않습니다" 태그제한으로등록되지않습니다-xx="태그제한으로등록되지않습니다-xx" 태그제한으로등록되지않습니다-xxonclick="na_alert('다시 생각해 보세요');" />4) during




5. A boy who lives till he is twenty in a little country town, and never goes out of it, will perhaps think that    there are nothing in the world so high as the steeple of the parish church, and no river so broad as    the brook which runs __________.

    <input type="radio" name="2" 안내="안내" 태그제한으로등록되지않습니다="태그제한으로등록되지않습니다" 태그제한으로등록되지않습니다-xx="태그제한으로등록되지않습니다-xx" 태그제한으로등록되지않습니다-xxonclick="na_alert('다시 생각해 보세요');" />1) over it      <input type="radio" name="2" 안내="안내" 태그제한으로등록되지않습니다="태그제한으로등록되지않습니다" 태그제한으로등록되지않습니다-xx="태그제한으로등록되지않습니다-xx" 태그제한으로등록되지않습니다-xxonclick="na_alert('다시 생각해 보세요');" />2) above it       <input type="radio" name="1" 안내="안내" 태그제한으로등록되지않습니다="태그제한으로등록되지않습니다" 태그제한으로등록되지않습니다-xx="태그제한으로등록되지않습니다-xx" 태그제한으로등록되지않습니다-xxonclick="na_alert('정답입니다');" />3) under it       <input type="radio" name="2" 안내="안내" 태그제한으로등록되지않습니다="태그제한으로등록되지않습니다" 태그제한으로등록되지않습니다-xx="태그제한으로등록되지않습니다-xx" 태그제한으로등록되지않습니다-xxonclick="na_alert('다시 생각해 보세요');" />4) at it




6. Some thought that the stars were lights attached to the sky, just as we have electric lights in the    ceiling of a room. Others believed there was a bright heaven beyond the sky and that the stars were    holes in the dome _________.

  <input type="radio" name="2" 안내="안내" 태그제한으로등록되지않습니다="태그제한으로등록되지않습니다" 태그제한으로등록되지않습니다-xx="태그제한으로등록되지않습니다-xx" 태그제한으로등록되지않습니다-xxonclick="na_alert('다시 생각해 보세요');" />1) made by the moon     
  <input type="radio" name="2" 안내="안내" 태그제한으로등록되지않습니다="태그제한으로등록되지않습니다" 태그제한으로등록되지않습니다-xx="태그제한으로등록되지않습니다-xx" 태그제한으로등록되지않습니다-xxonclick="na_alert('다시 생각해 보세요');" />2) being seen in the day time
  <input type="radio" name="1" 안내="안내" 태그제한으로등록되지않습니다="태그제한으로등록되지않습니다" 태그제한으로등록되지않습니다-xx="태그제한으로등록되지않습니다-xx" 태그제한으로등록되지않습니다-xxonclick="na_alert('정답입니다');" />3) letting in light from heaven
  <input type="radio" name="2" 안내="안내" 태그제한으로등록되지않습니다="태그제한으로등록되지않습니다" 태그제한으로등록되지않습니다-xx="태그제한으로등록되지않습니다-xx" 태그제한으로등록되지않습니다-xxonclick="na_alert('다시 생각해 보세요');" />4) breaking the heaven and sky




 7. There are two ways in which one can own a book. The first is the property right you establish by     paying for it, just as you pay for clothes and furniture. But this act of purchase is only the prelude to     possession. Full ownership comes only when you have made it ________.

  <input type="radio" name="2" 안내="안내" 태그제한으로등록되지않습니다="태그제한으로등록되지않습니다" 태그제한으로등록되지않습니다-xx="태그제한으로등록되지않습니다-xx" 태그제한으로등록되지않습니다-xxonclick="na_alert('다시 생각해 보세요');" />1) sold                  <input type="radio" name="1" 안내="안내" 태그제한으로등록되지않습니다="태그제한으로등록되지않습니다" 태그제한으로등록되지않습니다-xx="태그제한으로등록되지않습니다-xx" 태그제한으로등록되지않습니다-xxonclick="na_alert('정답입니다');" />2) a part of yourself 
  <input type="radio" name="2" 안내="안내" 태그제한으로등록되지않습니다="태그제한으로등록되지않습니다" 태그제한으로등록되지않습니다-xx="태그제한으로등록되지않습니다-xx" 태그제한으로등록되지않습니다-xxonclick="na_alert('다시 생각해 보세요');" />3) bought              <input type="radio" name="2" 안내="안내" 태그제한으로등록되지않습니다="태그제한으로등록되지않습니다" 태그제한으로등록되지않습니다-xx="태그제한으로등록되지않습니다-xx" 태그제한으로등록되지않습니다-xxonclick="na_alert('다시 생각해 보세요');" />4) belong to you




 8. Your mind, like your body, is a thing of which the powers are developed by effort. That is a principal     rule, as I see it, of hard work in studies. Unless you train your body you can't be an athlete, and     unless you train your mind you can't be ____________.

 <input type="radio" name="2" 안내="안내" 태그제한으로등록되지않습니다="태그제한으로등록되지않습니다" 태그제한으로등록되지않습니다-xx="태그제한으로등록되지않습니다-xx" 태그제한으로등록되지않습니다-xxonclick="na_alert('다시 생각해 보세요');" />1) a good sportsman         <input type="radio" name="2" 안내="안내" 태그제한으로등록되지않습니다="태그제한으로등록되지않습니다" 태그제한으로등록되지않습니다-xx="태그제한으로등록되지않습니다-xx" 태그제한으로등록되지않습니다-xxonclick="na_alert('다시 생각해 보세요');" />2) an excellent statesman
 <input type="radio" name="1" 안내="안내" 태그제한으로등록되지않습니다="태그제한으로등록되지않습니다" 태그제한으로등록되지않습니다-xx="태그제한으로등록되지않습니다-xx" 태그제한으로등록되지않습니다-xxonclick="na_alert('정답입니다');" />3) much of a scholar         <input type="radio" name="2" 안내="안내" 태그제한으로등록되지않습니다="태그제한으로등록되지않습니다" 태그제한으로등록되지않습니다-xx="태그제한으로등록되지않습니다-xx" 태그제한으로등록되지않습니다-xxonclick="na_alert('다시 생각해 보세요');" />4) a brave soldier




9. At no time did it occur to us that we could do more or better without the "machines." on the contrary,    by using them wisely we managed to live a freer life than is possible without them. After all the machine    was invented to free life of _____________.

     <input type="radio" name="2" 안내="안내" 태그제한으로등록되지않습니다="태그제한으로등록되지않습니다" 태그제한으로등록되지않습니다-xx="태그제한으로등록되지않습니다-xx" 태그제한으로등록되지않습니다-xxonclick="na_alert('다시 생각해 보세요');" />1) liberty         <input type="radio" name="2" 안내="안내" 태그제한으로등록되지않습니다="태그제한으로등록되지않습니다" 태그제한으로등록되지않습니다-xx="태그제한으로등록되지않습니다-xx" 태그제한으로등록되지않습니다-xxonclick="na_alert('다시 생각해 보세요');" />2) worth         <input type="radio" name="2" 안내="안내" 태그제한으로등록되지않습니다="태그제한으로등록되지않습니다" 태그제한으로등록되지않습니다-xx="태그제한으로등록되지않습니다-xx" 태그제한으로등록되지않습니다-xxonclick="na_alert('다시 생각해 보세요');" />3) sorrow       <input type="radio" name="1" 안내="안내" 태그제한으로등록되지않습니다="태그제한으로등록되지않습니다" 태그제한으로등록되지않습니다-xx="태그제한으로등록되지않습니다-xx" 태그제한으로등록되지않습니다-xxonclick="na_alert('정답입니다');" />4) bondage




10. It is inconceivable that a fool could commit a brave act, for true courage implies wisdom. What might     appear courageous might actually be the result of foolhardiness, for the courageous act must be     accompanied by at least a good guess as to the ___________.

 <input type="radio" name="2" 안내="안내" 태그제한으로등록되지않습니다="태그제한으로등록되지않습니다" 태그제한으로등록되지않습니다-xx="태그제한으로등록되지않습니다-xx" 태그제한으로등록되지않습니다-xxonclick="na_alert('다시 생각해 보세요');" />1) real courage
 <input type="radio" name="1" 안내="안내" 태그제한으로등록되지않습니다="태그제한으로등록되지않습니다" 태그제한으로등록되지않습니다-xx="태그제한으로등록되지않습니다-xx" 태그제한으로등록되지않습니다-xxonclick="na_alert('정답입니다');" />2) consequences of the deed
 <input type="radio" name="2" 안내="안내" 태그제한으로등록되지않습니다="태그제한으로등록되지않습니다" 태그제한으로등록되지않습니다-xx="태그제한으로등록되지않습니다-xx" 태그제한으로등록되지않습니다-xxonclick="na_alert('다시 생각해 보세요');" />3) intelligence of the person committing the deed 
 <input type="radio" name="2" 안내="안내" 태그제한으로등록되지않습니다="태그제한으로등록되지않습니다" 태그제한으로등록되지않습니다-xx="태그제한으로등록되지않습니다-xx" 태그제한으로등록되지않습니다-xxonclick="na_alert('다시 생각해 보세요');" />4) bravery of the deed itself




11. There are two general ways in which to pay a worker : one, by the piece, so that his wages depend     upon his skill : and, two, by the hour or week. In this age of mechanization, when so often the     machine sets the limit of production, there would be no incentive value in paying a worker     ___________.

   <input type="radio" name="2" 안내="안내" 태그제한으로등록되지않습니다="태그제한으로등록되지않습니다" 태그제한으로등록되지않습니다-xx="태그제한으로등록되지않습니다-xx" 태그제한으로등록되지않습니다-xxonclick="na_alert('다시 생각해 보세요');" />1) a little money            <input type="radio" name="2" 안내="안내" 태그제한으로등록되지않습니다="태그제한으로등록되지않습니다" 태그제한으로등록되지않습니다-xx="태그제한으로등록되지않습니다-xx" 태그제한으로등록되지않습니다-xxonclick="na_alert('다시 생각해 보세요');" />2) by the hour
   <input type="radio" name="1" 안내="안내" 태그제한으로등록되지않습니다="태그제한으로등록되지않습니다" 태그제한으로등록되지않습니다-xx="태그제한으로등록되지않습니다-xx" 태그제한으로등록되지않습니다-xxonclick="na_alert('정답입니다');" />3) by the piece              <input type="radio" name="2" 안내="안내" 태그제한으로등록되지않습니다="태그제한으로등록되지않습니다" 태그제한으로등록되지않습니다-xx="태그제한으로등록되지않습니다-xx" 태그제한으로등록되지않습니다-xxonclick="na_alert('다시 생각해 보세요');" />4) salary



 조동사                    &nb sp;      

기    본                   


1. The purpose of the study of economics is to define what can or cannot be done in the use of the    wealth of nations. The purpose is never to define what ought or ought not to be done. That is the    province of ethics. And the province of politics is to find ways of doing what ought to be done.




 2. In a battle, the wounded soldier say, till the fight is over, hardly realize his suffering ; and even then     he may forget it in the triumph of the victory or in the shame of the defeat.




 3. Look at that boy who has just succeeded in solving the given problem after six hours of hard study.     How his large eyes are lit up with a proud joy, as he marches to his class! He treads like a conqueror!     And well he may.





4. In order that the liberties of all may be preserved the liberties of everybody must be curtailed. When    the policeman, say, at Piccadilly Circus steps into the middle of the road and puts out his hand, he is    the symbol not of tyranny, but of liberty. 




 5. He that loves reading has everything within his reach. He has only to desire and he may possess     himself of every kind of wisdom to judge and power to perform.




 6. The hungry, exhausted men wrote their farewell letters and crawled into their sleeping bags to wait for    death. Scott must have been the last alive. His final messages paid tribute to his comrades and gave    comfort to their families.




 7. He often says in the classroom that if we would really understand a nation, we should know its     language as well as its manners and customs.




 8. The first lesson a young man should learn s, that he knows nothing ; and that the earlier and more     thoroughly this lesson is learned, the better it will be for his peace of mind, and his success in life.




 9. I should like to see children taught that they should not say they like things they don't like, merely     because certain other people say they like him.




10. I need scarcely tell you that the greatest force in England is public opinion - that is to say, the     general national opinion, or rather feeling, upon any subject of the moment.




11. In modern world, owing to the swiftness of locomotion, people are less dependent than they used to     be upon their geographically nearest neighbors. Those who have cars can regard as a neighbor any     person living within twenty miles.




12. Mr. Pontifex would play to us upon the organ, and we would stand round him open-mouthed and     think him the most wonderfully clever man that ever was born, except of course our papa. 




13. Although I am young, life has no great attention for me, and I would far rather be devoured by the     monster than die of the grief which your death would cause me.



종     합 


1.  A child that always receives sympathy will continue to cry over little troubles; the ordinary self-control    of the average adult is achieved only through knowledge that no sympathy will be won by making a    loud complaint.




2. God was sorry that Adam and Eve had disobeyed Him Sin and fear had spoiled the fellowship between    them. God said to Eve, "Because you listened to the Tempter's voice and disobeyed me, you shall    have pain and troubles all the days of your life.




3.  Man does not live by bread alone, but neither does he live by taking thought alone. I love to think,    and talk and feel, but cannot forget that I have hands which clamor to be put to use, arms which will    not hang idle. 




4. The history of mankind is the history of man's activity, and so long as human nature and man's    material conditions are what they are, so long must economic and industrial factors have a potent    influence in our political and social life.




5. Looking back, I infer that there must have been something in me a little superior to the common run of    youths, otherwise the above-mentioned men, so much older than me and higher in academical    position, would never have allowed me to associate with them.  




6. You may have heard of that lovely land called Italy, the land of golden sunshine and warm, soft air.    There the skies are almost always blue-such a wonderfully deep blue, that Italy is often called "The    land of Blue Skies. 




7. Genius is mainly an affair of energy, and poetry is mainly an affair of genius; therefore a nation whose    spirit is characterized by energy may well be eminent in poetry;-and we have Shakespeare. 




8. I have been asked to speak on the question how to make the best of life, but may as well confess at   once that I know nothing about it. I cannot think that I have made the best of my own life, nor is it likely   that I shall make much better of what may or may not remain to me. 




9. Economic laws can no more be evaded that can gravitation. We might as well attempt to reverse the    motion of the earth on its axis as attempt to reverse the industrial progress and send men back into    the age of homespun.




10. A man should never be ashamed to own he has been in the wrong, which is but saying in other     words that he is wiser today than he was yesterday.




11. It is one of the most tragic facts in the recent development of science that the conquest of the air,     which on all grounds should have worked towards the unification of the world and the harmony of     mankind, has actually become our most threatening dangers.




12. I know that a fairly good income is very important; but it is still more important that a man should     follow the vocation for which he is best fitted whether it happens to be well paid or not.




13. I was gazing at the swans floating on the lake with happy thoughts in my minds, when who should     touch me on the elbow but the little girl whom I have mentioned?




14. Those Americans whom I most honor, and who were the founders of their country, never accepted     money for their service. Washington would accept no salary as commander-in-chief for seven years,     nor as president for eight years.




15. In gazing at a mountain range from a distance, the peaks seem to rise clear against the sky. There     seem to be no obstacles to hinder him who would climb to the top. But as you draw near, everything     changes. What seemed so simple at a distance grows infinitely complex as you draw nearer. So is it     with life.




16. With every passing day his health improved. "Ah." he would exclaim to me, "island life has charms not     to be found everywhere! Half the ills of mankind might be shaken off without doctor or medicine by     mere residence in this lovely portion of the world."




17. With all my faults I have a warm heart; and poor as I am I would rather deny myself the necessaries of      life than do an ungenerous thing.




18. The milkman has a rival in early calling, and that rival is the newspaperboy. Both milk and news are      required for breakfast and the London businessman  would as soon do without the one as the other,      the first being for his bodily refreshment and the second for his mental. 




19. Her anger never lasted long, and, having humbly confessed her fault, she sincerely repented, and     tried to do better. Her sisters used to say that they rather liked to get Jo into a fury, because she was     such an angel afterwards .




20. The air of that island was so genial and balmy that we could have slept quite well without any shelter;     but we were so little used to sleeping in the open air, that we did not quite relish the idea of lying down     without any covering over us.




21. We should always lay by something, so that, in the event of our being unable to work from     unemployment, sickness, or old age, we may not starve nor be compelled to ask charity from others.




22. Modern man, inclosed by four walls and chained to an indoor job, realizes that he is shortening his     days. He needs exercise, and he knows it; but when he asks for guidance he receives so much     conflicting advice that he is afraid to accept any of it lest he should make bad matters worse.




23. The lower animals must have their bodily structure modified in order to survive under greatly changed     conditions. They must be rendered stronger, or acquire more effective teeth or claws, for defence     against new enemies; or, they must be reduced in size, so as to escape detection and danger.




24. So long as the theater exists, it is difficult to believe that it will cease to be the temple of young      idolaters. To fall in love with an actress at some time of one's life is so natural as to be almost      inevitable.



 실    전


1. A book may be compared to the life your neighbour. If it be good, it cannot last too long; if bad    _________ get rid of too ________.

  <input type="radio" name="2" 안내="안내" 태그제한으로등록되지않습니다="태그제한으로등록되지않습니다" 태그제한으로등록되지않습니다-xx="태그제한으로등록되지않습니다-xx" 태그제한으로등록되지않습니다-xxonclick="na_alert('다시 생각해 보세요');" />1) can            <input type="radio" name="1" 안내="안내" 태그제한으로등록되지않습니다="태그제한으로등록되지않습니다" 태그제한으로등록되지않습니다-xx="태그제한으로등록되지않습니다-xx" 태그제한으로등록되지않습니다-xxonclick="na_alert('정답입니다');" />2) can't           <input type="radio" name="2" 안내="안내" 태그제한으로등록되지않습니다="태그제한으로등록되지않습니다" 태그제한으로등록되지않습니다-xx="태그제한으로등록되지않습니다-xx" 태그제한으로등록되지않습니다-xxonclick="na_alert('다시 생각해 보세요');" />3) must          <input type="radio" name="2" 안내="안내" 태그제한으로등록되지않습니다="태그제한으로등록되지않습니다" 태그제한으로등록되지않습니다-xx="태그제한으로등록되지않습니다-xx" 태그제한으로등록되지않습니다-xxonclick="na_alert('다시 생각해 보세요');" />4) mustn't

  <input type="radio" name="2" 안내="안내" 태그제한으로등록되지않습니다="태그제한으로등록되지않습니다" 태그제한으로등록되지않습니다-xx="태그제한으로등록되지않습니다-xx" 태그제한으로등록되지않습니다-xxonclick="na_alert('다시 생각해 보세요');" />1) many          <input type="radio" name="2" 안내="안내" 태그제한으로등록되지않습니다="태그제한으로등록되지않습니다" 태그제한으로등록되지않습니다-xx="태그제한으로등록되지않습니다-xx" 태그제한으로등록되지않습니다-xxonclick="na_alert('다시 생각해 보세요');" />2) few             <input type="radio" name="2" 안내="안내" 태그제한으로등록되지않습니다="태그제한으로등록되지않습니다" 태그제한으로등록되지않습니다-xx="태그제한으로등록되지않습니다-xx" 태그제한으로등록되지않습니다-xxonclick="na_alert('다시 생각해 보세요');" />3) late            <input type="radio" name="1" 안내="안내" 태그제한으로등록되지않습니다="태그제한으로등록되지않습니다" 태그제한으로등록되지않습니다-xx="태그제한으로등록되지않습니다-xx" 태그제한으로등록되지않습니다-xxonclick="na_alert('정답입니다');" />4) early




2. I heartily believe that it is you that can make our nation what she _______ be among free nations in the   world, just as it was young men, our forefathers, that made her what _________.

  <input type="radio" name="2" 안내="안내" 태그제한으로등록되지않습니다="태그제한으로등록되지않습니다" 태그제한으로등록되지않습니다-xx="태그제한으로등록되지않습니다-xx" 태그제한으로등록되지않습니다-xxonclick="na_alert('다시 생각해 보세요');" />1) used to           <input type="radio" name="2" 안내="안내" 태그제한으로등록되지않습니다="태그제한으로등록되지않습니다" 태그제한으로등록되지않습니다-xx="태그제한으로등록되지않습니다-xx" 태그제한으로등록되지않습니다-xxonclick="na_alert('다시 생각해 보세요');" />2) needs                  <input type="radio" name="1" 안내="안내" 태그제한으로등록되지않습니다="태그제한으로등록되지않습니다" 태그제한으로등록되지않습니다-xx="태그제한으로등록되지않습니다-xx" 태그제한으로등록되지않습니다-xxonclick="na_alert('정답입니다');" /> 3) should         <input type="radio" name="2" 안내="안내" 태그제한으로등록되지않습니다="태그제한으로등록되지않습니다" 태그제한으로등록되지않습니다-xx="태그제한으로등록되지않습니다-xx" 태그제한으로등록되지않습니다-xxonclick="na_alert('다시 생각해 보세요');" />4) would have

  <input type="radio" name="1" 안내="안내" 태그제한으로등록되지않습니다="태그제한으로등록되지않습니다" 태그제한으로등록되지않습니다-xx="태그제한으로등록되지않습니다-xx" 태그제한으로등록되지않습니다-xxonclick="na_alert('정답입니다');" />1) had to read     <input type="radio" name="2" 안내="안내" 태그제한으로등록되지않습니다="태그제한으로등록되지않습니다" 태그제한으로등록되지않습니다-xx="태그제한으로등록되지않습니다-xx" 태그제한으로등록되지않습니다-xxonclick="na_alert('다시 생각해 보세요');" />2) ought to read        <input type="radio" name="2" 안내="안내" 태그제한으로등록되지않습니다="태그제한으로등록되지않습니다" 태그제한으로등록되지않습니다-xx="태그제한으로등록되지않습니다-xx" 태그제한으로등록되지않습니다-xxonclick="na_alert('다시 생각해 보세요');" />3) she was        <input type="radio" name="2" 안내="안내" 태그제한으로등록되지않습니다="태그제한으로등록되지않습니다" 태그제한으로등록되지않습니다-xx="태그제한으로등록되지않습니다-xx" 태그제한으로등록되지않습니다-xxonclick="na_alert('다시 생각해 보세요');" />4) will be




3. We have left undone those things which we ought to have done; and we have done those things    which we ________ to have done. There are so many books which I ought to have read and still    __________.

  <input type="radio" name="1" 안내="안내" 태그제한으로등록되지않습니다="태그제한으로등록되지않습니다" 태그제한으로등록되지않습니다-xx="태그제한으로등록되지않습니다-xx" 태그제한으로등록되지않습니다-xxonclick="na_alert('정답입니다');" />1) have                 <input type="radio" name="2" 안내="안내" 태그제한으로등록되지않습니다="태그제한으로등록되지않습니다" 태그제한으로등록되지않습니다-xx="태그제한으로등록되지않습니다-xx" 태그제한으로등록되지않습니다-xxonclick="na_alert('다시 생각해 보세요');" />2) had                    <input type="radio" name="2" 안내="안내" 태그제한으로등록되지않습니다="태그제한으로등록되지않습니다" 태그제한으로등록되지않습니다-xx="태그제한으로등록되지않습니다-xx" 태그제한으로등록되지않습니다-xxonclick="na_alert('다시 생각해 보세요');" />3) ought                <input type="radio" name="2" 안내="안내" 태그제한으로등록되지않습니다="태그제한으로등록되지않습니다" 태그제한으로등록되지않습니다-xx="태그제한으로등록되지않습니다-xx" 태그제한으로등록되지않습니다-xxonclick="na_alert('다시 생각해 보세요');" />4) ought not

  <input type="radio" name="2" 안내="안내" 태그제한으로등록되지않습니다="태그제한으로등록되지않습니다" 태그제한으로등록되지않습니다-xx="태그제한으로등록되지않습니다-xx" 태그제한으로등록되지않습니다-xxonclick="na_alert('다시 생각해 보세요');" />1) had to raed       <input type="radio" name="2" 안내="안내" 태그제한으로등록되지않습니다="태그제한으로등록되지않습니다" 태그제한으로등록되지않습니다-xx="태그제한으로등록되지않습니다-xx" 태그제한으로등록되지않습니다-xxonclick="na_alert('다시 생각해 보세요');" />2) ought to raed      <input type="radio" name="2" 안내="안내" 태그제한으로등록되지않습니다="태그제한으로등록되지않습니다" 태그제한으로등록되지않습니다-xx="태그제한으로등록되지않습니다-xx" 태그제한으로등록되지않습니다-xxonclick="na_alert('다시 생각해 보세요');" />3) used to buy       <input type="radio" name="1" 안내="안내" 태그제한으로등록되지않습니다="태그제한으로등록되지않습니다" 태그제한으로등록되지않습니다-xx="태그제한으로등록되지않습니다-xx" 태그제한으로등록되지않습니다-xxonclick="na_alert('정답입니다');" />4) should buy




4. She ________ probably tell you that even if he alone was to blame, you accomplished nothing good by    getting angry; you merely lost your dignity, and looked a fool in the eyes of _________.

  <input type="radio" name="1" 안내="안내" 태그제한으로등록되지않습니다="태그제한으로등록되지않습니다" 태그제한으로등록되지않습니다-xx="태그제한으로등록되지않습니다-xx" 태그제한으로등록되지않습니다-xxonclick="na_alert('정답입니다');" />1) will                     <input type="radio" name="2" 안내="안내" 태그제한으로등록되지않습니다="태그제한으로등록되지않습니다" 태그제한으로등록되지않습니다-xx="태그제한으로등록되지않습니다-xx" 태그제한으로등록되지않습니다-xxonclick="na_alert('다시 생각해 보세요');" />2) have to               <input type="radio" name="2" 안내="안내" 태그제한으로등록되지않습니다="태그제한으로등록되지않습니다" 태그제한으로등록되지않습니다-xx="태그제한으로등록되지않습니다-xx" 태그제한으로등록되지않습니다-xxonclick="na_alert('다시 생각해 보세요');" />3) used           <input type="radio" name="2" 안내="안내" 태그제한으로등록되지않습니다="태그제한으로등록되지않습니다" 태그제한으로등록되지않습니다-xx="태그제한으로등록되지않습니다-xx" 태그제한으로등록되지않습니다-xxonclick="na_alert('다시 생각해 보세요');" />4) shall

  <input type="radio" name="1" 안내="안내" 태그제한으로등록되지않습니다="태그제한으로등록되지않습니다" 태그제한으로등록되지않습니다-xx="태그제한으로등록되지않습니다-xx" 태그제한으로등록되지않습니다-xxonclick="na_alert('정답입니다');" />1) sensible men      <input type="radio" name="2" 안내="안내" 태그제한으로등록되지않습니다="태그제한으로등록되지않습니다" 태그제한으로등록되지않습니다-xx="태그제한으로등록되지않습니다-xx" 태그제한으로등록되지않습니다-xxonclick="na_alert('다시 생각해 보세요');" />2) insane people      <input type="radio" name="2" 안내="안내" 태그제한으로등록되지않습니다="태그제한으로등록되지않습니다" 태그제한으로등록되지않습니다-xx="태그제한으로등록되지않습니다-xx" 태그제한으로등록되지않습니다-xxonclick="na_alert('다시 생각해 보세요');" />3) idiots          <input type="radio" name="2" 안내="안내" 태그제한으로등록되지않습니다="태그제한으로등록되지않습니다" 태그제한으로등록되지않습니다-xx="태그제한으로등록되지않습니다-xx" 태그제한으로등록되지않습니다-xxonclick="na_alert('다시 생각해 보세요');" />4) yours




5. The will needs obstacles in order to exercise its power; when no effort is needed to achieve one's    desires, because one has placed one's desires only in the things that __________ be obtained by    stretching out one's hand, the will grows impotent. If you walk on a level all the time, the muscles you    need to climb a mountain will become ________.

  <input type="radio" name="2" 안내="안내" 태그제한으로등록되지않습니다="태그제한으로등록되지않습니다" 태그제한으로등록되지않습니다-xx="태그제한으로등록되지않습니다-xx" 태그제한으로등록되지않습니다-xxonclick="na_alert('다시 생각해 보세요');" />1) shall         <input type="radio" name="1" 안내="안내" 태그제한으로등록되지않습니다="태그제한으로등록되지않습니다" 태그제한으로등록되지않습니다-xx="태그제한으로등록되지않습니다-xx" 태그제한으로등록되지않습니다-xxonclick="na_alert('정답입니다');" />2) can              <input type="radio" name="2" 안내="안내" 태그제한으로등록되지않습니다="태그제한으로등록되지않습니다" 태그제한으로등록되지않습니다-xx="태그제한으로등록되지않습니다-xx" 태그제한으로등록되지않습니다-xxonclick="na_alert('다시 생각해 보세요');" />3) can't            <input type="radio" name="2" 안내="안내" 태그제한으로등록되지않습니다="태그제한으로등록되지않습니다" 태그제한으로등록되지않습니다-xx="태그제한으로등록되지않습니다-xx" 태그제한으로등록되지않습니다-xxonclick="na_alert('다시 생각해 보세요');" />4) won't

  <input type="radio" name="2" 안내="안내" 태그제한으로등록되지않습니다="태그제한으로등록되지않습니다" 태그제한으로등록되지않습니다-xx="태그제한으로등록되지않습니다-xx" 태그제한으로등록되지않습니다-xxonclick="na_alert('다시 생각해 보세요');" />1) strong      <input type="radio" name="2" 안내="안내" 태그제한으로등록되지않습니다="태그제한으로등록되지않습니다" 태그제한으로등록되지않습니다-xx="태그제한으로등록되지않습니다-xx" 태그제한으로등록되지않습니다-xxonclick="na_alert('다시 생각해 보세요');" />2) developed     <input type="radio" name="2" 안내="안내" 태그제한으로등록되지않습니다="태그제한으로등록되지않습니다" 태그제한으로등록되지않습니다-xx="태그제한으로등록되지않습니다-xx" 태그제한으로등록되지않습니다-xxonclick="na_alert('다시 생각해 보세요');" />3) of no use     <input type="radio" name="1" 안내="안내" 태그제한으로등록되지않습니다="태그제한으로등록되지않습니다" 태그제한으로등록되지않습니다-xx="태그제한으로등록되지않습니다-xx" 태그제한으로등록되지않습니다-xxonclick="na_alert('정답입니다');" />4) weak




6. Because a man has his faults it 1)_______ follow that what he has produced, sponsored or is    associated with is worthless. Likewise, because the man is beyond praise, it 1)________ follow that his    every idea is too good to be 2)________. 

  <input type="radio" name="2" 안내="안내" 태그제한으로등록되지않습니다="태그제한으로등록되지않습니다" 태그제한으로등록되지않습니다-xx="태그제한으로등록되지않습니다-xx" 태그제한으로등록되지않습니다-xxonclick="na_alert('다시 생각해 보세요');" />1) does               <input type="radio" name="1" 안내="안내" 태그제한으로등록되지않습니다="태그제한으로등록되지않습니다" 태그제한으로등록되지않습니다-xx="태그제한으로등록되지않습니다-xx" 태그제한으로등록되지않습니다-xxonclick="na_alert('정답입니다');" />2) doesn't             <input type="radio" name="2" 안내="안내" 태그제한으로등록되지않습니다="태그제한으로등록되지않습니다" 태그제한으로등록되지않습니다-xx="태그제한으로등록되지않습니다-xx" 태그제한으로등록되지않습니다-xxonclick="na_alert('다시 생각해 보세요');" />3) ought not        <input type="radio" name="2" 안내="안내" 태그제한으로등록되지않습니다="태그제한으로등록되지않습니다" 태그제한으로등록되지않습니다-xx="태그제한으로등록되지않습니다-xx" 태그제한으로등록되지않습니다-xxonclick="na_alert('다시 생각해 보세요');" />4) will

  <input type="radio" name="1" 안내="안내" 태그제한으로등록되지않습니다="태그제한으로등록되지않습니다" 태그제한으로등록되지않습니다-xx="태그제한으로등록되지않습니다-xx" 태그제한으로등록되지않습니다-xxonclick="na_alert('정답입니다');" />1) looked into      <input type="radio" name="2" 안내="안내" 태그제한으로등록되지않습니다="태그제한으로등록되지않습니다" 태그제한으로등록되지않습니다-xx="태그제한으로등록되지않습니다-xx" 태그제한으로등록되지않습니다-xxonclick="na_alert('다시 생각해 보세요');" />2) overpraised        <input type="radio" name="2" 안내="안내" 태그제한으로등록되지않습니다="태그제한으로등록되지않습니다" 태그제한으로등록되지않습니다-xx="태그제한으로등록되지않습니다-xx" 태그제한으로등록되지않습니다-xxonclick="na_alert('다시 생각해 보세요');" />3) valued            <input type="radio" name="2" 안내="안내" 태그제한으로등록되지않습니다="태그제한으로등록되지않습니다" 태그제한으로등록되지않습니다-xx="태그제한으로등록되지않습니다-xx" 태그제한으로등록되지않습니다-xxonclick="na_alert('다시 생각해 보세요');" />4) understood




7. Every man at the close of the day ________ give himself a few minutes to think over what he has done   and what he might have, and ought to have done. If he follows these simple rules, he will have a good   conscience, a good appetite, and ______.

  <input type="radio" name="2" 안내="안내" 태그제한으로등록되지않습니다="태그제한으로등록되지않습니다" 태그제한으로등록되지않습니다-xx="태그제한으로등록되지않습니다-xx" 태그제한으로등록되지않습니다-xxonclick="na_alert('다시 생각해 보세요');" />1) had to           <input type="radio" name="2" 안내="안내" 태그제한으로등록되지않습니다="태그제한으로등록되지않습니다" 태그제한으로등록되지않습니다-xx="태그제한으로등록되지않습니다-xx" 태그제한으로등록되지않습니다-xxonclick="na_alert('다시 생각해 보세요');" />2) mustn't                     <input type="radio" name="1" 안내="안내" 태그제한으로등록되지않습니다="태그제한으로등록되지않습니다" 태그제한으로등록되지않습니다-xx="태그제한으로등록되지않습니다-xx" 태그제한으로등록되지않습니다-xxonclick="na_alert('정답입니다');" />3) should                <input type="radio" name="2" 안내="안내" 태그제한으로등록되지않습니다="태그제한으로등록되지않습니다" 태그제한으로등록되지않습니다-xx="태그제한으로등록되지않습니다-xx" 태그제한으로등록되지않습니다-xxonclick="na_alert('다시 생각해 보세요');" />4) may

  <input type="radio" name="2" 안내="안내" 태그제한으로등록되지않습니다="태그제한으로등록되지않습니다" 태그제한으로등록되지않습니다-xx="태그제한으로등록되지않습니다-xx" 태그제한으로등록되지않습니다-xxonclick="na_alert('다시 생각해 보세요');" />1) real crisis       <input type="radio" name="2" 안내="안내" 태그제한으로등록되지않습니다="태그제한으로등록되지않습니다" 태그제한으로등록되지않습니다-xx="태그제한으로등록되지않습니다-xx" 태그제한으로등록되지않습니다-xxonclick="na_alert('다시 생각해 보세요');" />2) great repentance       <input type="radio" name="2" 안내="안내" 태그제한으로등록되지않습니다="태그제한으로등록되지않습니다" 태그제한으로등록되지않습니다-xx="태그제한으로등록되지않습니다-xx" 태그제한으로등록되지않습니다-xxonclick="na_alert('다시 생각해 보세요');" />3) some vanity        <input type="radio" name="1" 안내="안내" 태그제한으로등록되지않습니다="태그제한으로등록되지않습니다" 태그제한으로등록되지않습니다-xx="태그제한으로등록되지않습니다-xx" 태그제한으로등록되지않습니다-xxonclick="na_alert('정답입니다');" /> 4) peaceful rest




8. More than half an century of existence has taught me that most of the wrong and folly which darken    this earth is due to those who ________ possess their souls in quiet; that most of the good which    saves mankind from destruction comes of life that is led __________.

  <input type="radio" name="2" 안내="안내" 태그제한으로등록되지않습니다="태그제한으로등록되지않습니다" 태그제한으로등록되지않습니다-xx="태그제한으로등록되지않습니다-xx" 태그제한으로등록되지않습니다-xxonclick="na_alert('다시 생각해 보세요');" />1) does       <input type="radio" name="2" 안내="안내" 태그제한으로등록되지않습니다="태그제한으로등록되지않습니다" 태그제한으로등록되지않습니다-xx="태그제한으로등록되지않습니다-xx" 태그제한으로등록되지않습니다-xxonclick="na_alert('다시 생각해 보세요');" />2) needs        <input type="radio" name="2" 안내="안내" 태그제한으로등록되지않습니다="태그제한으로등록되지않습니다" 태그제한으로등록되지않습니다-xx="태그제한으로등록되지않습니다-xx" 태그제한으로등록되지않습니다-xxonclick="na_alert('다시 생각해 보세요');" />3) haven't      <input type="radio" name="1" 안내="안내" 태그제한으로등록되지않습니다="태그제한으로등록되지않습니다" 태그제한으로등록되지않습니다-xx="태그제한으로등록되지않습니다-xx" 태그제한으로등록되지않습니다-xxonclick="na_alert('정답입니다');" /> 4) can't

  <input type="radio" name="1" 안내="안내" 태그제한으로등록되지않습니다="태그제한으로등록되지않습니다" 태그제한으로등록되지않습니다-xx="태그제한으로등록되지않습니다-xx" 태그제한으로등록되지않습니다-xxonclick="na_alert('정답입니다');" />1) in thoughtful stillness        <input type="radio" name="2" 안내="안내" 태그제한으로등록되지않습니다="태그제한으로등록되지않습니다" 태그제한으로등록되지않습니다-xx="태그제한으로등록되지않습니다-xx" 태그제한으로등록되지않습니다-xxonclick="na_alert('다시 생각해 보세요');" /> 2) to great damage    
  <input type="radio" name="2" 안내="안내" 태그제한으로등록되지않습니다="태그제한으로등록되지않습니다" 태그제한으로등록되지않습니다-xx="태그제한으로등록되지않습니다-xx" 태그제한으로등록되지않습니다-xxonclick="na_alert('다시 생각해 보세요');" />3) in vivid discusion              <input type="radio" name="2" 안내="안내" 태그제한으로등록되지않습니다="태그제한으로등록되지않습니다" 태그제한으로등록되지않습니다-xx="태그제한으로등록되지않습니다-xx" 태그제한으로등록되지않습니다-xxonclick="na_alert('다시 생각해 보세요');" />4) to a wrong idea




9. Whether we are rich or poor, never allow yourself to owe any man anything. What you ________ afford    to buy, do without. This is entirely a matter of habit, and those who fail to form the habit not only injure    others, but lay up a store of _______ for themselves.

  <input type="radio" name="2" 안내="안내" 태그제한으로등록되지않습니다="태그제한으로등록되지않습니다" 태그제한으로등록되지않습니다-xx="태그제한으로등록되지않습니다-xx" 태그제한으로등록되지않습니다-xxonclick="na_alert('다시 생각해 보세요');" />1) can            <input type="radio" name="1" 안내="안내" 태그제한으로등록되지않습니다="태그제한으로등록되지않습니다" 태그제한으로등록되지않습니다-xx="태그제한으로등록되지않습니다-xx" 태그제한으로등록되지않습니다-xxonclick="na_alert('정답입니다');" />2) can't                    <input type="radio" name="2" 안내="안내" 태그제한으로등록되지않습니다="태그제한으로등록되지않습니다" 태그제한으로등록되지않습니다-xx="태그제한으로등록되지않습니다-xx" 태그제한으로등록되지않습니다-xxonclick="na_alert('다시 생각해 보세요');" />3) do                <input type="radio" name="2" 안내="안내" 태그제한으로등록되지않습니다="태그제한으로등록되지않습니다" 태그제한으로등록되지않습니다-xx="태그제한으로등록되지않습니다-xx" 태그제한으로등록되지않습니다-xxonclick="na_alert('다시 생각해 보세요');" />4) don't

  <input type="radio" name="2" 안내="안내" 태그제한으로등록되지않습니다="태그제한으로등록되지않습니다" 태그제한으로등록되지않습니다-xx="태그제한으로등록되지않습니다-xx" 태그제한으로등록되지않습니다-xxonclick="na_alert('다시 생각해 보세요');" />1) money        <input type="radio" name="1" 안내="안내" 태그제한으로등록되지않습니다="태그제한으로등록되지않습니다" 태그제한으로등록되지않습니다-xx="태그제한으로등록되지않습니다-xx" 태그제한으로등록되지않습니다-xxonclick="na_alert('정답입니다');" />2) unhappiness         <input type="radio" name="2" 안내="안내" 태그제한으로등록되지않습니다="태그제한으로등록되지않습니다" 태그제한으로등록되지않습니다-xx="태그제한으로등록되지않습니다-xx" 태그제한으로등록되지않습니다-xxonclick="na_alert('다시 생각해 보세요');" />3) pleasure       <input type="radio" name="2" 안내="안내" 태그제한으로등록되지않습니다="태그제한으로등록되지않습니다" 태그제한으로등록되지않습니다-xx="태그제한으로등록되지않습니다-xx" 태그제한으로등록되지않습니다-xxonclick="na_alert('다시 생각해 보세요');" />4) property




10. We should ever have it fixed in our memories that by the character of those whom we choose for     our friends our own is likely to be formed and will certainly be judged by the world. We ________     therefore, to be slow and cautious in contracting intimacy; but once a virtuous friendship is     established, we must ever consider it __________.

  <input type="radio" name="1" 안내="안내" 태그제한으로등록되지않습니다="태그제한으로등록되지않습니다" 태그제한으로등록되지않습니다-xx="태그제한으로등록되지않습니다-xx" 태그제한으로등록되지않습니다-xxonclick="na_alert('정답입니다');" />1) ought          <input type="radio" name="2" 안내="안내" 태그제한으로등록되지않습니다="태그제한으로등록되지않습니다" 태그제한으로등록되지않습니다-xx="태그제한으로등록되지않습니다-xx" 태그제한으로등록되지않습니다-xxonclick="na_alert('다시 생각해 보세요');" />2) had           <input type="radio" name="2" 안내="안내" 태그제한으로등록되지않습니다="태그제한으로등록되지않습니다" 태그제한으로등록되지않습니다-xx="태그제한으로등록되지않습니다-xx" 태그제한으로등록되지않습니다-xxonclick="na_alert('다시 생각해 보세요');" />3) used              <input type="radio" name="2" 안내="안내" 태그제한으로등록되지않습니다="태그제한으로등록되지않습니다" 태그제한으로등록되지않습니다-xx="태그제한으로등록되지않습니다-xx" 태그제한으로등록되지않습니다-xxonclick="na_alert('다시 생각해 보세요');" />4) were

  <input type="radio" name="2" 안내="안내" 태그제한으로등록되지않습니다="태그제한으로등록되지않습니다" 태그제한으로등록되지않습니다-xx="태그제한으로등록되지않습니다-xx" 태그제한으로등록되지않습니다-xxonclick="na_alert('다시 생각해 보세요');" />1) an empty case                   <input type="radio" name="2" 안내="안내" 태그제한으로등록되지않습니다="태그제한으로등록되지않습니다" 태그제한으로등록되지않습니다-xx="태그제한으로등록되지않습니다-xx" 태그제한으로등록되지않습니다-xxonclick="na_alert('다시 생각해 보세요');" /> 2) non-human existence      
  <input type="radio" name="1" 안내="안내" 태그제한으로등록되지않습니다="태그제한으로등록되지않습니다" 태그제한으로등록되지않습니다-xx="태그제한으로등록되지않습니다-xx" 태그제한으로등록되지않습니다-xxonclick="na_alert('정답입니다');" />3) a sacred engagement         <input type="radio" name="2" 안내="안내" 태그제한으로등록되지않습니다="태그제한으로등록되지않습니다" 태그제한으로등록되지않습니다-xx="태그제한으로등록되지않습니다-xx" 태그제한으로등록되지않습니다-xxonclick="na_alert('다시 생각해 보세요');" />4) a super human




11. Let wealth be regarded by some society of the future as a mere means to the proper ends of human     life, and whether it is rich or poor on the whole, its wealth _______ be fairly distributed, and that society     in the pursuit of those ends will be ________.

  <input type="radio" name="2" 안내="안내" 태그제한으로등록되지않습니다="태그제한으로등록되지않습니다" 태그제한으로등록되지않습니다-xx="태그제한으로등록되지않습니다-xx" 태그제한으로등록되지않습니다-xxonclick="na_alert('다시 생각해 보세요');" />1) ought         <input type="radio" name="1" 안내="안내" 태그제한으로등록되지않습니다="태그제한으로등록되지않습니다" 태그제한으로등록되지않습니다-xx="태그제한으로등록되지않습니다-xx" 태그제한으로등록되지않습니다-xxonclick="na_alert('정답입니다');" />2) won't         <input type="radio" name="2" 안내="안내" 태그제한으로등록되지않습니다="태그제한으로등록되지않습니다" 태그제한으로등록되지않습니다-xx="태그제한으로등록되지않습니다-xx" 태그제한으로등록되지않습니다-xxonclick="na_alert('다시 생각해 보세요');" />3) will         <input type="radio" name="2" 안내="안내" 태그제한으로등록되지않습니다="태그제한으로등록되지않습니다" 태그제한으로등록되지않습니다-xx="태그제한으로등록되지않습니다-xx" 태그제한으로등록되지않습니다-xxonclick="na_alert('다시 생각해 보세요');" />4) can't

  <input type="radio" name="2" 안내="안내" 태그제한으로등록되지않습니다="태그제한으로등록되지않습니다" 태그제한으로등록되지않습니다-xx="태그제한으로등록되지않습니다-xx" 태그제한으로등록되지않습니다-xxonclick="na_alert('다시 생각해 보세요');" />1) in danger                       <input type="radio" name="2" 안내="안내" 태그제한으로등록되지않습니다="태그제한으로등록되지않습니다" 태그제한으로등록되지않습니다-xx="태그제한으로등록되지않습니다-xx" 태그제한으로등록되지않습니다-xxonclick="na_alert('다시 생각해 보세요');" />2) good for nothing      
  <input type="radio" name="1" 안내="안내" 태그제한으로등록되지않습니다="태그제한으로등록되지않습니다" 태그제한으로등록되지않습니다-xx="태그제한으로등록되지않습니다-xx" 태그제한으로등록되지않습니다-xxonclick="na_alert('정답입니다');" />3)  happy and healthy         <input type="radio" name="2" 안내="안내" 태그제한으로등록되지않습니다="태그제한으로등록되지않습니다" 태그제한으로등록되지않습니다-xx="태그제한으로등록되지않습니다-xx" 태그제한으로등록되지않습니다-xxonclick="na_alert('다시 생각해 보세요');" />4) deprived of its wealth  



 비교구문                    & nbsp;                      

  종       합


1. I was but five years old when my mother died, but her image is as fresh in my mind, now that twenty   years have elapsed, as it was at the time of her death. I remember her, as a pale, gentle being, with a   sweet smile, and a voice soft and cheerful.




2. In the daily lives of most men and women, fear plays a greater part than hope: they are more filled with   the thought of the possessions that others may take from them, than of the joy that they might create   in their own lives and in the lives with which they come in contact.




 3. The destiny of Man is not limited to his existence on earth. He exists less by the actions performed     during his life than by the wake he leaves behind him like a shooting star.




 4. Often the people instinctively choose the right man; sometimes, unfortunately, their choice is is     determined by emotional tests unrelated to the hero's capacity for ruling, and they find too late that     they have picked the wrong man and now cannot get rid of him as easily as they adopted him.




 5. There is no love so unselfish as parental love. There is nothing which true parents have more at heart    than the highest welfare of their children. There is no way in which a child can please father and mother    better than by doing that which is for its own highest good.




 6. We may sometimes think our country has done us personally an injury, but that gives us no more a    right not to love our country than does an injury received from our father or mother give us a right to    hate our father or mother.




 7. We are never more in danger than when we think ourselves most secure, nor in reality more secure    than when we seem to be in danger.




 8. John was eight years older than she and for many years he paid her scanty attention, though he took    it for granted that eventually they would marry; the betrothal papers had been signed while he was yet    a child and Judith no more than a baby.




9. We cannot create an observing faculty any more than we can create a memory, but we may do much    to develop both.




10. Resignation, however, has also its part to play in the conquest of happiness, and it is a part no less     essential than that played by effort.  The wise man, though he will not sit down under preventable     misfortunes, will not waste time and emotion upon such as are unavoidable.




11. Houses should be built so as to admit plenty of light as well as fresh air. The former is not less     necessary than the latter to a healthy condition of body. Just as plants, when deprived of light,     become white in their stalks and leaves, so man becomes pale and unhealthy when he lives     underground.




12. Length of years is no proper test of length of life. A man's life is to be measured by what he does in     it, and what he feels in it. The more useful work the man does and the more he thinks and feels, the     more he really lives.  The idle, useless man, no matter to what extent his life may be prolonged,     merely vegetates.




13. The political freedom we have today will never be too easy to preserve. It came out of struggle, and it     may still demand struggle. It came out of wisdom and patience. We may honor the fathers of the     Declaration all the more because now that we ourselves live in a time of peril we can understand their     danger and their courage.




14. "The weakest man," says Carlyle, "by concentrating his powers on a single object, can accomplish     something; whereas the strongest, by dispersing his over many, may fail to accomplish anything."




15. It was early and there was only one other person in the library. He was seated in a high leather chair     absorbed in a book. I was surprised to see it was Larry. He was the last person I had expected to find     in such a place.




16. Poor as the family were, young sam johnson has as much pride as any nobleman's son in england.     The fact was, he felt conscious of uncommon sense and ability, which, in his opinion, entitled his to     great respect from the world.




17. As he had once owned himself in the wrong, there was nothing for it but to write an apology, the c    composition of which was as disagreeable a task as ever had fallen to his lot.




18. My family was by no means well-to-do when I was born, and many decades were to pass before my     father felt he was standing on firm ground. For as long as I remember my parents had to struggle with     heavy financial problems that overshadowed my entire youth.




19. Animals are happy so long as they have health and enough to eat. Human beings one feels, ought     to be, but they are not, at least in a great majority of cases.




20. In some parts of the world there are great tracts of country called deserts. In these deserts nothing     can be seen but sand, and stones and rocks, as far as the eye can reach.




21. Language is a product of the human mind, and refelects its operation. In so far, then, as the human     mind is one and the same all the world over, human speech is bound to exhibit some common     features wherever it comes into being.




22. As bad manners are infectious, so also are good manners. If you encounter incivility most of us are     apt to become uncivil, but it is an unusually strange person who can be disagreeable with sunny     people. It is with manners as with the weather. "Nothing clears up my spirits like a fine day." said Keats.




23. The island of Sicily lies as a triangle across the center of  the Middle Sea. Few islands have been     better favored by nature. Its climate is mild and its scenery beautiful. But man has been less kindly to     the island. Geography placed it to be an inevitable battle ground between the forces of Europe and     Africa.




24. It is a familiar saying that the only school in which fools learn is the school of experience. If the     lessons of experience are profitable to foolish pupils, much more must they be to the wise.




25. Culture is not an ornament to decorate a phrase, still less to show off your knowledge, but a means,     painfully acquired, to enrich the soul.




26. The world is a very pleasant place to live in as soon as we accept the fact that other people have a     right to live as well as ourselves and that the people who get in our way in the streets do not do so     on purpose or out of malice.




27. No sooner had word spread that the white doctor had arrived, than he was surrounded with natives     suffering from various kinds of disease.




28. To get the greatest amount , I will say not merely of benefit, but even of enjoyment, from books, we     must read for improvement rather than for amusement.




29. All of us are poets in a measure because all of us have feelings, and power to communicate what we     feel to others; but those we call poets are at once more sensitive, with a wider range of feelings, and     better able to express what they feel and move others to share their feelings.




30. He came to understand the comedy as well as the tragedy of poverty. He found that generous      hearts are to be met with in the lower as well as in the upper walks of life.



 실      전 


 1. He thought how the world would laugh at him because of this only son of his, so strangely different    from other children. The longer he thought, the more bitterly did he grieve and his love was turned to    shame and _______.

  <input type="radio" name="2" 안내="안내" 태그제한으로등록되지않습니다="태그제한으로등록되지않습니다" 태그제한으로등록되지않습니다-xx="태그제한으로등록되지않습니다-xx" 태그제한으로등록되지않습니다-xxonclick="na_alert('다시 생각해 보세요');" />1) pride           <input type="radio" name="2" 안내="안내" 태그제한으로등록되지않습니다="태그제한으로등록되지않습니다" 태그제한으로등록되지않습니다-xx="태그제한으로등록되지않습니다-xx" 태그제한으로등록되지않습니다-xxonclick="na_alert('다시 생각해 보세요');" />2) attention 
  <input type="radio" name="2" 안내="안내" 태그제한으로등록되지않습니다="태그제한으로등록되지않습니다" 태그제한으로등록되지않습니다-xx="태그제한으로등록되지않습니다-xx" 태그제한으로등록되지않습니다-xxonclick="na_alert('다시 생각해 보세요');" />3) surprise        <input type="radio" name="1" 안내="안내" 태그제한으로등록되지않습니다="태그제한으로등록되지않습니다" 태그제한으로등록되지않습니다-xx="태그제한으로등록되지않습니다-xx" 태그제한으로등록되지않습니다-xxonclick="na_alert('정답입니다');" />4) disappointment  




2. The average dog can hear the ticking of a watch well at forty feet, whereas a keen-eared man can    hardly hear it at four feet. In other words, dogs live in a world in which sounds are heard four times as    clear as _______.

  <input type="radio" name="2" 안내="안내" 태그제한으로등록되지않습니다="태그제한으로등록되지않습니다" 태그제한으로등록되지않습니다-xx="태그제한으로등록되지않습니다-xx" 태그제한으로등록되지않습니다-xxonclick="na_alert('다시 생각해 보세요');" />1) a cat can hear      <input type="radio" name="2" 안내="안내" 태그제한으로등록되지않습니다="태그제한으로등록되지않습니다" 태그제한으로등록되지않습니다-xx="태그제한으로등록되지않습니다-xx" 태그제한으로등록되지않습니다-xxonclick="na_alert('다시 생각해 보세요');" />2) they hear in the dark
  <input type="radio" name="1" 안내="안내" 태그제한으로등록되지않습니다="태그제한으로등록되지않습니다" 태그제한으로등록되지않습니다-xx="태그제한으로등록되지않습니다-xx" 태그제한으로등록되지않습니다-xxonclick="na_alert('정답입니다');" />3) we hear them       <input type="radio" name="2" 안내="안내" 태그제한으로등록되지않습니다="태그제한으로등록되지않습니다" 태그제한으로등록되지않습니다-xx="태그제한으로등록되지않습니다-xx" 태그제한으로등록되지않습니다-xxonclick="na_alert('다시 생각해 보세요');" />4) a particular dog can hear




3. Work is as necessary form peace of mind as for health of body. A day of worry is more exhausting    than a week of work. Exercise of the muscles keeps the body in health, and exercises of the brain    brings __________.

  <input type="radio" name="1" 안내="안내" 태그제한으로등록되지않습니다="태그제한으로등록되지않습니다" 태그제한으로등록되지않습니다-xx="태그제한으로등록되지않습니다-xx" 태그제한으로등록되지않습니다-xxonclick="na_alert('정답입니다');" />1) peace of mind          <input type="radio" name="2" 안내="안내" 태그제한으로등록되지않습니다="태그제한으로등록되지않습니다" 태그제한으로등록되지않습니다-xx="태그제한으로등록되지않습니다-xx" 태그제한으로등록되지않습니다-xxonclick="na_alert('다시 생각해 보세요');" />2) you cleverness
  <input type="radio" name="2" 안내="안내" 태그제한으로등록되지않습니다="태그제한으로등록되지않습니다" 태그제한으로등록되지않습니다-xx="태그제한으로등록되지않습니다-xx" 태그제한으로등록되지않습니다-xxonclick="na_alert('다시 생각해 보세요');" />3) about exhaustion       <input type="radio" name="2" 안내="안내" 태그제한으로등록되지않습니다="태그제한으로등록되지않습니다" 태그제한으로등록되지않습니다-xx="태그제한으로등록되지않습니다-xx" 태그제한으로등록되지않습니다-xxonclick="na_alert('다시 생각해 보세요');" />4) about a strong body 




4. Newspapers are more than a source of amusement for their readers. They include reports on    weather, on business, and on local, national, and international affairs. For many people newspapers    provide a wealth of ______.

  <input type="radio" name="2" 안내="안내" 태그제한으로등록되지않습니다="태그제한으로등록되지않습니다" 태그제한으로등록되지않습니다-xx="태그제한으로등록되지않습니다-xx" 태그제한으로등록되지않습니다-xxonclick="na_alert('다시 생각해 보세요');" />1) cartoons               <input type="radio" name="2" 안내="안내" 태그제한으로등록되지않습니다="태그제한으로등록되지않습니다" 태그제한으로등록되지않습니다-xx="태그제한으로등록되지않습니다-xx" 태그제한으로등록되지않습니다-xxonclick="na_alert('다시 생각해 보세요');" />2) propaganda
  <input type="radio" name="2" 안내="안내" 태그제한으로등록되지않습니다="태그제한으로등록되지않습니다" 태그제한으로등록되지않습니다-xx="태그제한으로등록되지않습니다-xx" 태그제한으로등록되지않습니다-xxonclick="na_alert('다시 생각해 보세요');" />3) advertisement          <input type="radio" name="1" 안내="안내" 태그제한으로등록되지않습니다="태그제한으로등록되지않습니다" 태그제한으로등록되지않습니다-xx="태그제한으로등록되지않습니다-xx" 태그제한으로등록되지않습니다-xxonclick="na_alert('정답입니다');" />4) information




5. People grow old only by deserting their ideals. Years may weaken the body, but to give up interest    weakens the soul. You are as young as your faith, as old as your doubt; as young as your    self-confidence, as old as your fear; as young as your hope, as old as your ___________.

  <input type="radio" name="2" 안내="안내" 태그제한으로등록되지않습니다="태그제한으로등록되지않습니다" 태그제한으로등록되지않습니다-xx="태그제한으로등록되지않습니다-xx" 태그제한으로등록되지않습니다-xxonclick="na_alert('다시 생각해 보세요');" />1) promise       <input type="radio" name="2" 안내="안내" 태그제한으로등록되지않습니다="태그제한으로등록되지않습니다" 태그제한으로등록되지않습니다-xx="태그제한으로등록되지않습니다-xx" 태그제한으로등록되지않습니다-xxonclick="na_alert('다시 생각해 보세요');" /> 2) courage 
  <input type="radio" name="1" 안내="안내" 태그제한으로등록되지않습니다="태그제한으로등록되지않습니다" 태그제한으로등록되지않습니다-xx="태그제한으로등록되지않습니다-xx" 태그제한으로등록되지않습니다-xxonclick="na_alert('정답입니다');" />3) despair         <input type="radio" name="2" 안내="안내" 태그제한으로등록되지않습니다="태그제한으로등록되지않습니다" 태그제한으로등록되지않습니다-xx="태그제한으로등록되지않습니다-xx" 태그제한으로등록되지않습니다-xxonclick="na_alert('다시 생각해 보세요');" />4) sympathy




6. Trees, trees, trees - all around his house he has planted guardians of privacy. Evergreens are best of    all, for they conceal him all the year round. If you ever chance to speak to him, you will please him    most by implying that you ____________.

  <input type="radio" name="2" 안내="안내" 태그제한으로등록되지않습니다="태그제한으로등록되지않습니다" 태그제한으로등록되지않습니다-xx="태그제한으로등록되지않습니다-xx" 태그제한으로등록되지않습니다-xxonclick="na_alert('다시 생각해 보세요');" />1) have guessed his secret 
  <input type="radio" name="2" 안내="안내" 태그제한으로등록되지않습니다="태그제한으로등록되지않습니다" 태그제한으로등록되지않습니다-xx="태그제한으로등록되지않습니다-xx" 태그제한으로등록되지않습니다-xxonclick="na_alert('다시 생각해 보세요');" />2) intend to visit him
  <input type="radio" name="2" 안내="안내" 태그제한으로등록되지않습니다="태그제한으로등록되지않습니다" 태그제한으로등록되지않습니다-xx="태그제한으로등록되지않습니다-xx" 태그제한으로등록되지않습니다-xxonclick="na_alert('다시 생각해 보세요');" />3) admire his evergreens 
  <input type="radio" name="1" 안내="안내" 태그제한으로등록되지않습니다="태그제한으로등록되지않습니다" 태그제한으로등록되지않습니다-xx="태그제한으로등록되지않습니다-xx" 태그제한으로등록되지않습니다-xxonclick="na_alert('정답입니다');" />4) have often failed to observe him




7. The power of writing creatively is a greater gift than the power of writing cleanly. Many of us can see    the obvious faults in the novels of scott and  hardy. We could correct and improve their clumsy and    stilted English. But we cannot write novels as good as theirs: indeed we probably cannot    ______________.

  <input type="radio" name="2" 안내="안내" 태그제한으로등록되지않습니다="태그제한으로등록되지않습니다" 태그제한으로등록되지않습니다-xx="태그제한으로등록되지않습니다-xx" 태그제한으로등록되지않습니다-xxonclick="na_alert('다시 생각해 보세요');" />1) read their works     <input type="radio" name="2" 안내="안내" 태그제한으로등록되지않습니다="태그제한으로등록되지않습니다" 태그제한으로등록되지않습니다-xx="태그제한으로등록되지않습니다-xx" 태그제한으로등록되지않습니다-xxonclick="na_alert('다시 생각해 보세요');" />2) write essay at will
  <input type="radio" name="2" 안내="안내" 태그제한으로등록되지않습니다="태그제한으로등록되지않습니다" 태그제한으로등록되지않습니다-xx="태그제한으로등록되지않습니다-xx" 태그제한으로등록되지않습니다-xxonclick="na_alert('다시 생각해 보세요');" />3) correct a line        <input type="radio" name="1" 안내="안내" 태그제한으로등록되지않습니다="태그제한으로등록되지않습니다" 태그제한으로등록되지않습니다-xx="태그제한으로등록되지않습니다-xx" 태그제한으로등록되지않습니다-xxonclick="na_alert('정답입니다');" />4) write novels at will 




8. I have observed, more often than every day, that a man with a poor intellectual foundation, trying to   show off his cleverness when reading a book by remarking upon some fine passage, will fix his   admiration upon so poor. a choice that, instead of showing up the excellence of the author, he only   betrays his own _____________.

 <input type="radio" name="2" 안내="안내" 태그제한으로등록되지않습니다="태그제한으로등록되지않습니다" 태그제한으로등록되지않습니다-xx="태그제한으로등록되지않습니다-xx" 태그제한으로등록되지않습니다-xxonclick="na_alert('다시 생각해 보세요');" />1) preference              <input type="radio" name="2" 안내="안내" 태그제한으로등록되지않습니다="태그제한으로등록되지않습니다" 태그제한으로등록되지않습니다-xx="태그제한으로등록되지않습니다-xx" 태그제한으로등록되지않습니다-xxonclick="na_alert('다시 생각해 보세요');" />2) style 
 <input type="radio" name="1" 안내="안내" 태그제한으로등록되지않습니다="태그제한으로등록되지않습니다" 태그제한으로등록되지않습니다-xx="태그제한으로등록되지않습니다-xx" 태그제한으로등록되지않습니다-xxonclick="na_alert('정답입니다');" />3) ignorance               <input type="radio" name="2" 안내="안내" 태그제한으로등록되지않습니다="태그제한으로등록되지않습니다" 태그제한으로등록되지않습니다-xx="태그제한으로등록되지않습니다-xx" 태그제한으로등록되지않습니다-xxonclick="na_alert('다시 생각해 보세요');" />4) wisdom




9. The best teacher in the best college in the world cannot give a student a real education. He can lead   the way to the mine from which it can be dug, provide him with the proper tools, and help him make   more vigorous effort, but the student will own only as much of the precious metal as _____________.

 <input type="radio" name="2" 안내="안내" 태그제한으로등록되지않습니다="태그제한으로등록되지않습니다" 태그제한으로등록되지않습니다-xx="태그제한으로등록되지않습니다-xx" 태그제한으로등록되지않습니다-xxonclick="na_alert('다시 생각해 보세요');" />1) the teacher give him       <input type="radio" name="2" 안내="안내" 태그제한으로등록되지않습니다="태그제한으로등록되지않습니다" 태그제한으로등록되지않습니다-xx="태그제한으로등록되지않습니다-xx" 태그제한으로등록되지않습니다-xxonclick="na_alert('다시 생각해 보세요');" />2) he wants to have     <input type="radio" name="2" 안내="안내" 태그제한으로등록되지않습니다="태그제한으로등록되지않습니다" 태그제한으로등록되지않습니다-xx="태그제한으로등록되지않습니다-xx" 태그제한으로등록되지않습니다-xxonclick="na_alert('다시 생각해 보세요');" />3) the college curriculum       <input type="radio" name="1" 안내="안내" 태그제한으로등록되지않습니다="태그제한으로등록되지않습니다" 태그제한으로등록되지않습니다-xx="태그제한으로등록되지않습니다-xx" 태그제한으로등록되지않습니다-xxonclick="na_alert('정답입니다');" />4) he digs for himself




10. As of all other good things, one can have too much even of reading. Indulged in to excess, reading     becomes a vice all the more dangerous for not being generally recognized as such. Yet excessive     reading is the only form of self-indulgence which ________ the blame it deserves.

 <input type="radio" name="2" 안내="안내" 태그제한으로등록되지않습니다="태그제한으로등록되지않습니다" 태그제한으로등록되지않습니다-xx="태그제한으로등록되지않습니다-xx" 태그제한으로등록되지않습니다-xxonclick="na_alert('다시 생각해 보세요');" />1) deserves         <input type="radio" name="1" 안내="안내" 태그제한으로등록되지않습니다="태그제한으로등록되지않습니다" 태그제한으로등록되지않습니다-xx="태그제한으로등록되지않습니다-xx" 태그제한으로등록되지않습니다-xxonclick="na_alert('정답입니다');" /> 2) fails to get        <input type="radio" name="2" 안내="안내" 태그제한으로등록되지않습니다="태그제한으로등록되지않습니다" 태그제한으로등록되지않습니다-xx="태그제한으로등록되지않습니다-xx" 태그제한으로등록되지않습니다-xxonclick="na_alert('다시 생각해 보세요');" />3) puts emphasis on        <input type="radio" name="2" 안내="안내" 태그제한으로등록되지않습니다="태그제한으로등록되지않습니다" 태그제한으로등록되지않습니다-xx="태그제한으로등록되지않습니다-xx" 태그제한으로등록되지않습니다-xxonclick="na_alert('다시 생각해 보세요');" />4) is sure to get




관계사                    &nb sp;    



1. Man is the only animal that laughs and weeps; for he is the only animal that  is struck with the    difference between what things are, and what they ought to be.




2. He who imagines he can do without the world deceives himself much; but he who fancies the world    cannot do without him is still more mistaken.    * deceive himself; 잘못 생각하다.




3. In November a cold, unseen stranger, whom the doctors called Pneumonia, stalked about the colony    touching one here and there with his icy fingers.




4. Did you ever lose yourself in the city or in the woods? If you ever did, you can understand how    dependent we all are upon those with whom we live.




5. There is not an electrical instrument or an electrical process now in use but bears the mark of some    great change wrought by Edison. 




6. In most quarrels there is a fault on both sides. A quarrel may be compared to a spark, which cannot    be produced without a flint as well as steel.




7. The mental world of the ordinary man consists of beliefs which he has accepted without questioning    and to which he is firmly attached; he is instinctively hostile to anything which would upset the    established order of this familiar world.




8. Habits are easily formed - especially such as are bad; and what today seems to be a small affair, will    soon become fixed, and hold you with the strength of a cable.




9. He was a determined man, and he knew what he wanted in life. Whatever did not please him, he wished    neither to think about nor hear. Early in life, he made up his mind what he wanted to do.




10. Of recent years, the ordinary man who reads for pleasure has been gradually excluded from that     great debate in which every intelligent reader of the classics takes part.11. In his life Abraham Lincoln     was a great American. He is no longer so. He is one of those giant figures, of whom there are very     few in history, who lose their nationality in death.




12. In truth it matters little what the doctors of science or the doctors of philosophy think, believe, or say     among themselves. What humanity thinks and believes - that is what matters. 




13. What makes a study scientific is not , of course, the nature of the things with which it is concerned,      but the method by which it deals with these things.




14. There is something that sometimes passes for heroism which is not heroism at all, and which     deserves only contempt. This is found in those who show their strength only at the expense of the     weak.




15. We tend, in this age of ours, when communication is so easy and rapid, when the daily paper brings     the whole course of the world into our secluded libraries, to be too busy, too much preoccupied.




16. The matter being settled, they were about to stand up, when an interruption came in the shape of     another knock at the door.




17. Some occasion may arise when you will be able to save a life, or at least to give aid to people who     have been hurt. When that occasion does arise, you must know the correct thing to do.




18. He was on his highway to success and approaching the height of his fame, when he heard of the     miserable condition of the oppressed people of Africa.




19. Do not discourage your children from saving, if they have a taste for it; whoever lays up his penny     rather than part with it for a cake, shows a preference of the future to the present moment.




20. My mother was twice married. She never spoke of her first husband, and it is only from other people     that I have learnt what little I know about him.




21. However well any article may be written, and however well any speech may be reported, there is a     charm in the spoken word, in the utterance of the living man, which no beauty of style can imitate,     and no arrangement of words can equal.





1.   I have encountered nothing on Apollo 15 or in this age of space and science that dilutes my faith in God. While I was on the moon, in fact, I felt a sense of inspiration, a feeling that someone was with me, watching over me, protecting me. There were several times when tasks seemed to be im possible - but they worked all right every time.




2. His father, who had been a great general of the armies of Athens, died when the boy was very young ,    and left his money in the    care of some bad men, who spent it.




3. I would not claim for a moment that those years I spent at that hospital as a doctor gave me a    complete knowledge of human    nature. I do not suppose anyone can hope to have that. I have been    studying it, consciously or unconsciously, for forty years and    I still find men uncountable; people I    know intimately can surprise me by some action of which I never thought them capable.




4. I had stepped into a new life. Between the man I had been and that which I now became there was a   very notable difference. In a    single day I had matured astonishingly; which means, no doubt, that I   suddenly entered into conscious enjoyment of powers and    sensibilities which had been developing   unknown to me.




5. The circumstances of which so many complain should be regarded as the very tools with which we are   to work, and the    stepping-stones we are to mount by. They are the wind and tide in the voyage of   life, which the skilful mariner generally either takes    advantage of or overcomes.




 6. When the subtle influence of spring has awakened almost all forms of vegetation, and millions of     hidden plants that pass the     winter beneath the soil have broken through the thick covering of dead     leaves, there is no sweeter place in which to pass a few     hours of idleness than the woodland.




 7. There is a story of a clergyman who, preferring not to wear the usual clerical dress, said: 'I will wear     no clothes which will     distinguish me from my fellow - men.' But when his remark was reported in the     newspapers, a comma was put in by mistakes, and     the sentence then read: 'I will wear no clothes,     which will distinguish me from my fellow - men.




8.  The whole world of art and literature and learning is international; what is done in one country is not    done for that country alone,     but for mankind. If we ask ourselves what are the things that make us    think tha human race more valuable than any species of     animals, we shall fine that all are things in    which the whole world can share.




9. What with heat and what with thirst, I became so impatient to get ashore, that when at last we gilded    towards the shore, I stood up     in the bow of the boat ready to jump.




10. Society is like a building, which stands firm when its foundations are strong and all its timbers are     sound. The man who can not be trusted is to society what a bit of rotten timber is to a house.




11. As the world grow older, men became more and more quarrelsome. They quarrelled more sadly than     ever over the possession of      the bright yellow gold they had found; and, what was worst of all, they     made sharp knives and other weapons out of iron, and      fought fiercely with each other.




12. He who would do some great thing in this short life must apply himself to work with such a     concentration of his forces as to idle spectators, who live only to amuse themselves, looks like     madness.




13. There was not a line in her countenance, not a note in her soft and sleepy voice, but spoke of an     entire contentment with her life.  It would have been fatuous arrogance to pity such a woman.




14. I found the first two years of the curriculum very dull and gave my work no more attention than was     necessary to scrape through the examinations. I was an unsatisfactory student.




15. There is no man that carries guilt about him who does not receive a sting into his soul. A guilty     conscience needs no accuser, while a clear one fears none.




16. one day when the President was riding in a car with General Bradley and me, he fell to discussing the    future of some of our war leaders. I told him that I had no ambition except to retire to a quiet home    and from there do what little I could to help our people understand some of the great changes the war    had brought to the world.




17. He now plainly saw that he was no better than a murderer; the extreme anguish of which discovery     making life insupportable, he fell upon his sword.




18. Whoever has to deal with young children soon learns that too much sympathy is a mistake. Too little     sympathy is ,of course, a worse mistake, but in this, as in everything else, each extreme is bad.





1. Probably no one supposed that three hundred years later people would think of Shakespeare as they    do today. The men having worked with him can hardly have foreseen that his plays would be the most    valuable part of English ______________.
    <input type="radio" name="2" 안내="안내" 태그제한으로등록되지않습니다="태그제한으로등록되지않습니다" 태그제한으로등록되지않습니다-xx="태그제한으로등록되지않습니다-xx" 태그제한으로등록되지않습니다-xxonclick="na_alert('다시 생각해 보세요');" />1) legend           <input type="radio" name="2" 안내="안내" 태그제한으로등록되지않습니다="태그제한으로등록되지않습니다" 태그제한으로등록되지않습니다-xx="태그제한으로등록되지않습니다-xx" 태그제한으로등록되지않습니다-xxonclick="na_alert('다시 생각해 보세요');" />2) language        <input type="radio" name="1" 안내="안내" 태그제한으로등록되지않습니다="태그제한으로등록되지않습니다" 태그제한으로등록되지않습니다-xx="태그제한으로등록되지않습니다-xx" 태그제한으로등록되지않습니다-xxonclick="na_alert('정답입니다');" />3) literature            <input type="radio" name="2" 안내="안내" 태그제한으로등록되지않습니다="태그제한으로등록되지않습니다" 태그제한으로등록되지않습니다-xx="태그제한으로등록되지않습니다-xx" 태그제한으로등록되지않습니다-xxonclick="na_alert('다시 생각해 보세요');" />4) people




2. Columbus was the first European setting foot on the new world which he had discovered He landed in    a rich dress, and with a naked sword in his hand. His men knelt down and kissed the ground which    they had so _______________.

  <input type="radio" name="2" 안내="안내" 태그제한으로등록되지않습니다="태그제한으로등록되지않습니다" 태그제한으로등록되지않습니다-xx="태그제한으로등록되지않습니다-xx" 태그제한으로등록되지않습니다-xxonclick="na_alert('다시 생각해 보세요');" />1) often dug                    <input type="radio" name="2" 안내="안내" 태그제한으로등록되지않습니다="태그제한으로등록되지않습니다" 태그제한으로등록되지않습니다-xx="태그제한으로등록되지않습니다-xx" 태그제한으로등록되지않습니다-xxonclick="na_alert('다시 생각해 보세요');" />2) often travelled 
  <input type="radio" name="2" 안내="안내" 태그제한으로등록되지않습니다="태그제한으로등록되지않습니다" 태그제한으로등록되지않습니다-xx="태그제한으로등록되지않습니다-xx" 태그제한으로등록되지않습니다-xxonclick="na_alert('다시 생각해 보세요');" />3) often landed                <input type="radio" name="1" 안내="안내" 태그제한으로등록되지않습니다="태그제한으로등록되지않습니다" 태그제한으로등록되지않습니다-xx="태그제한으로등록되지않습니다-xx" 태그제한으로등록되지않습니다-xxonclick="na_alert('정답입니다');" />4) long desired to see




3. A man will have to wear a space suit on the moon. There will be no air for him to breathe. In the    daytime, it will be twice as hot as the hottest day in the Sahara Desert. At night, it will be twice as cold    as the coldest day at ___________.

  <input type="radio" name="2" 안내="안내" 태그제한으로등록되지않습니다="태그제한으로등록되지않습니다" 태그제한으로등록되지않습니다-xx="태그제한으로등록되지않습니다-xx" 태그제한으로등록되지않습니다-xxonclick="na_alert('다시 생각해 보세요');" />1) the equator                    <input type="radio" name="2" 안내="안내" 태그제한으로등록되지않습니다="태그제한으로등록되지않습니다" 태그제한으로등록되지않습니다-xx="태그제한으로등록되지않습니다-xx" 태그제한으로등록되지않습니다-xxonclick="na_alert('다시 생각해 보세요');" />2) the sea
  <input type="radio" name="1" 안내="안내" 태그제한으로등록되지않습니다="태그제한으로등록되지않습니다" 태그제한으로등록되지않습니다-xx="태그제한으로등록되지않습니다-xx" 태그제한으로등록되지않습니다-xxonclick="na_alert('정답입니다');" />3) the North Pole                <input type="radio" name="2" 안내="안내" 태그제한으로등록되지않습니다="태그제한으로등록되지않습니다" 태그제한으로등록되지않습니다-xx="태그제한으로등록되지않습니다-xx" 태그제한으로등록되지않습니다-xxonclick="na_alert('다시 생각해 보세요');" />4) the midnight




4. He was a strange boy : a blend of the soft and the hard. In action he was practical like his mother, but    in his thoughts and plans he was extravagant, absurd, often like _________.

  <input type="radio" name="2" 안내="안내" 태그제한으로등록되지않습니다="태그제한으로등록되지않습니다" 태그제한으로등록되지않습니다-xx="태그제한으로등록되지않습니다-xx" 태그제한으로등록되지않습니다-xxonclick="na_alert('다시 생각해 보세요');" />1) a man                          ;  <input type="radio" name="1" 안내="안내" 태그제한으로등록되지않습니다="태그제한으로등록되지않습니다" 태그제한으로등록되지않습니다-xx="태그제한으로등록되지않습니다-xx" 태그제한으로등록되지않습니다-xxonclick="na_alert('정답입니다');" />2) his father  
  <input type="radio" name="2" 안내="안내" 태그제한으로등록되지않습니다="태그제한으로등록되지않습니다" 태그제한으로등록되지않습니다-xx="태그제한으로등록되지않습니다-xx" 태그제한으로등록되지않습니다-xxonclick="na_alert('다시 생각해 보세요');" />3) his friends                     <input type="radio" name="2" 안내="안내" 태그제한으로등록되지않습니다="태그제한으로등록되지않습니다" 태그제한으로등록되지않습니다-xx="태그제한으로등록되지않습니다-xx" 태그제한으로등록되지않습니다-xxonclick="na_alert('다시 생각해 보세요');" />4) his mother




5. You can't see in the park, because in order to see, the eye must receive light. Since darkness is the    absence of light, there is no light in the darkness to be reflected from chairs, tables or people to your    eyes, and therefore you can't see these _____________.

  <input type="radio" name="2" 안내="안내" 태그제한으로등록되지않습니다="태그제한으로등록되지않습니다" 태그제한으로등록되지않습니다-xx="태그제한으로등록되지않습니다-xx" 태그제한으로등록되지않습니다-xxonclick="na_alert('다시 생각해 보세요');" />1) stories           <input type="radio" name="2" 안내="안내" 태그제한으로등록되지않습니다="태그제한으로등록되지않습니다" 태그제한으로등록되지않습니다-xx="태그제한으로등록되지않습니다-xx" 태그제한으로등록되지않습니다-xxonclick="na_alert('다시 생각해 보세요');" />2) meanings          <input type="radio" name="2" 안내="안내" 태그제한으로등록되지않습니다="태그제한으로등록되지않습니다" 태그제한으로등록되지않습니다-xx="태그제한으로등록되지않습니다-xx" 태그제한으로등록되지않습니다-xxonclick="na_alert('다시 생각해 보세요');" />3) people          <input type="radio" name="1" 안내="안내" 태그제한으로등록되지않습니다="태그제한으로등록되지않습니다" 태그제한으로등록되지않습니다-xx="태그제한으로등록되지않습니다-xx" 태그제한으로등록되지않습니다-xxonclick="na_alert('정답입니다');" />4) objects




6. The first thing to learn in fish cookery is to cook the fish as soon as possible, after it is caught. The    shorter the route from the fishhook to the frying pan, the better the fish will taste ; for good fish must    be _________.

  <input type="radio" name="2" 안내="안내" 태그제한으로등록되지않습니다="태그제한으로등록되지않습니다" 태그제한으로등록되지않습니다-xx="태그제한으로등록되지않습니다-xx" 태그제한으로등록되지않습니다-xxonclick="na_alert('다시 생각해 보세요');" />1) preferred          <input type="radio" name="1" 안내="안내" 태그제한으로등록되지않습니다="태그제한으로등록되지않습니다" 태그제한으로등록되지않습니다-xx="태그제한으로등록되지않습니다-xx" 태그제한으로등록되지않습니다-xxonclick="na_alert('정답입니다');" /> 2) fresh         <input type="radio" name="2" 안내="안내" 태그제한으로등록되지않습니다="태그제한으로등록되지않습니다" 태그제한으로등록되지않습니다-xx="태그제한으로등록되지않습니다-xx" 태그제한으로등록되지않습니다-xxonclick="na_alert('다시 생각해 보세요');" />3) taste         <input type="radio" name="2" 안내="안내" 태그제한으로등록되지않습니다="태그제한으로등록되지않습니다" 태그제한으로등록되지않습니다-xx="태그제한으로등록되지않습니다-xx" 태그제한으로등록되지않습니다-xxonclick="na_alert('다시 생각해 보세요');" />4) streamlined




7. Habits are easily formed - especially such as are bad; and what today seems to be a small affair, will    soon become fixed, and hold you with___________.

  <input type="radio" name="2" 안내="안내" 태그제한으로등록되지않습니다="태그제한으로등록되지않습니다" 태그제한으로등록되지않습니다-xx="태그제한으로등록되지않습니다-xx" 태그제한으로등록되지않습니다-xxonclick="na_alert('다시 생각해 보세요');" />1) the tenderness of velvet                <input type="radio" name="1" 안내="안내" 태그제한으로등록되지않습니다="태그제한으로등록되지않습니다" 태그제한으로등록되지않습니다-xx="태그제한으로등록되지않습니다-xx" 태그제한으로등록되지않습니다-xxonclick="na_alert('정답입니다');" />2) the strength of cable
  <input type="radio" name="2" 안내="안내" 태그제한으로등록되지않습니다="태그제한으로등록되지않습니다" 태그제한으로등록되지않습니다-xx="태그제한으로등록되지않습니다-xx" 태그제한으로등록되지않습니다-xxonclick="na_alert('다시 생각해 보세요');" />3) some other habits                          ;<input type="radio" name="2" 안내="안내" 태그제한으로등록되지않습니다="태그제한으로등록되지않습니다" 태그제한으로등록되지않습니다-xx="태그제한으로등록되지않습니다-xx" 태그제한으로등록되지않습니다-xxonclick="na_alert('다시 생각해 보세요');" />4) care




8. one upsetting experience in the morning can ruin the rest of the day. Everything that one encounters    seems ringed with unpleasant emotion. it is like wearing a pair of "trick" spectacles which    _____________.
  <input type="radio" name="1" 안내="안내" 태그제한으로등록되지않습니다="태그제한으로등록되지않습니다" 태그제한으로등록되지않습니다-xx="태그제한으로등록되지않습니다-xx" 태그제한으로등록되지않습니다-xxonclick="na_alert('정답입니다');" />1) distort everything                           <input type="radio" name="2" 안내="안내" 태그제한으로등록되지않습니다="태그제한으로등록되지않습니다" 태그제한으로등록되지않습니다-xx="태그제한으로등록되지않습니다-xx" 태그제한으로등록되지않습니다-xxonclick="na_alert('다시 생각해 보세요');" />2) impart to everything a rosy hue
  <input type="radio" name="2" 안내="안내" 태그제한으로등록되지않습니다="태그제한으로등록되지않습니다" 태그제한으로등록되지않습니다-xx="태그제한으로등록되지않습니다-xx" 태그제한으로등록되지않습니다-xxonclick="na_alert('다시 생각해 보세요');" />3) magnify things to greater clarity      <input type="radio" name="2" 안내="안내" 태그제한으로등록되지않습니다="태그제한으로등록되지않습니다" 태그제한으로등록되지않습니다-xx="태그제한으로등록되지않습니다-xx" 태그제한으로등록되지않습니다-xxonclick="na_alert('다시 생각해 보세요');" />4) make the wearer ridiculous




9. Things are not always what they appear to be. First impressions should always be ______________.
   <input type="radio" name="2" 안내="안내" 태그제한으로등록되지않습니다="태그제한으로등록되지않습니다" 태그제한으로등록되지않습니다-xx="태그제한으로등록되지않습니다-xx" 태그제한으로등록되지않습니다-xxonclick="na_alert('다시 생각해 보세요');" />1) permanent                    <input type="radio" name="2" 안내="안내" 태그제한으로등록되지않습니다="태그제한으로등록되지않습니다" 태그제한으로등록되지않습니다-xx="태그제한으로등록되지않습니다-xx" 태그제한으로등록되지않습니다-xxonclick="na_alert('다시 생각해 보세요');" />2) beautiful
   <input type="radio" name="2" 안내="안내" 태그제한으로등록되지않습니다="태그제한으로등록되지않습니다" 태그제한으로등록되지않습니다-xx="태그제한으로등록되지않습니다-xx" 태그제한으로등록되지않습니다-xxonclick="na_alert('다시 생각해 보세요');" />3) remembered                 <input type="radio" name="1" 안내="안내" 태그제한으로등록되지않습니다="태그제한으로등록되지않습니다" 태그제한으로등록되지않습니다-xx="태그제한으로등록되지않습니다-xx" 태그제한으로등록되지않습니다-xxonclick="na_alert('정답입니다');" />4) checked




10. In rivers, the water that you touch is the last of what has passed and the first of that which comes:      ______.
  <input type="radio" name="2" 안내="안내" 태그제한으로등록되지않습니다="태그제한으로등록되지않습니다" 태그제한으로등록되지않습니다-xx="태그제한으로등록되지않습니다-xx" 태그제한으로등록되지않습니다-xxonclick="na_alert('다시 생각해 보세요');" />1) vice versa can also be true  
  <input type="radio" name="2" 안내="안내" 태그제한으로등록되지않습니다="태그제한으로등록되지않습니다" 태그제한으로등록되지않습니다-xx="태그제한으로등록되지않습니다-xx" 태그제한으로등록되지않습니다-xxonclick="na_alert('다시 생각해 보세요');" />2) whence we are from and whither we are  bound, God knows 
  <input type="radio" name="2" 안내="안내" 태그제한으로등록되지않습니다="태그제한으로등록되지않습니다" 태그제한으로등록되지않습니다-xx="태그제한으로등록되지않습니다-xx" 태그제한으로등록되지않습니다-xxonclick="na_alert('다시 생각해 보세요');" />3) here we are in contact with eternity      
  <input type="radio" name="1" 안내="안내" 태그제한으로등록되지않습니다="태그제한으로등록되지않습니다" 태그제한으로등록되지않습니다-xx="태그제한으로등록되지않습니다-xx" 태그제한으로등록되지않습니다-xxonclick="na_alert('정답입니다');" />4) so with present time




11. History a generation or so ago was based primarily on great events, kings and dates of important     battles. This left out the 99percent of the people whose names were unrecorded ________ fought the     battles, grew the crops, paid the taxes which made the great events possible.

     <input type="radio" name="2" 안내="안내" 태그제한으로등록되지않습니다="태그제한으로등록되지않습니다" 태그제한으로등록되지않습니다-xx="태그제한으로등록되지않습니다-xx" 태그제한으로등록되지않습니다-xxonclick="na_alert('다시 생각해 보세요');" />1) and they                          ;     <input type="radio" name="1" 안내="안내" 태그제한으로등록되지않습니다="태그제한으로등록되지않습니다" 태그제한으로등록되지않습니다-xx="태그제한으로등록되지않습니다-xx" 태그제한으로등록되지않습니다-xxonclick="na_alert('정답입니다');" />2) but who
     <input type="radio" name="2" 안내="안내" 태그제한으로등록되지않습니다="태그제한으로등록되지않습니다" 태그제한으로등록되지않습니다-xx="태그제한으로등록되지않습니다-xx" 태그제한으로등록되지않습니다-xxonclick="na_alert('다시 생각해 보세요');" />3) but those                          ;    <input type="radio" name="2" 안내="안내" 태그제한으로등록되지않습니다="태그제한으로등록되지않습니다" 태그제한으로등록되지않습니다-xx="태그제한으로등록되지않습니다-xx" 태그제한으로등록되지않습니다-xxonclick="na_alert('다시 생각해 보세요');" />4) or who




12. In the dawning age of then surgical transplant, there seems to be no end to the variety of daring and     delicate feats that surgeons are willing to try in the hope of saving patients who would otherwise be     doomed by the _____________ of a vital organ.

 <input type="radio" name="2" 안내="안내" 태그제한으로등록되지않습니다="태그제한으로등록되지않습니다" 태그제한으로등록되지않습니다-xx="태그제한으로등록되지않습니다-xx" 태그제한으로등록되지않습니다-xxonclick="na_alert('다시 생각해 보세요');" />1) vitalization                   <input type="radio" name="2" 안내="안내" 태그제한으로등록되지않습니다="태그제한으로등록되지않습니다" 태그제한으로등록되지않습니다-xx="태그제한으로등록되지않습니다-xx" 태그제한으로등록되지않습니다-xxonclick="na_alert('다시 생각해 보세요');" />2) transplanting
 <input type="radio" name="1" 안내="안내" 태그제한으로등록되지않습니다="태그제한으로등록되지않습니다" 태그제한으로등록되지않습니다-xx="태그제한으로등록되지않습니다-xx" 태그제한으로등록되지않습니다-xxonclick="na_alert('정답입니다');" />3) failure                          ; <input type="radio" name="2" 안내="안내" 태그제한으로등록되지않습니다="태그제한으로등록되지않습니다" 태그제한으로등록되지않습니다-xx="태그제한으로등록되지않습니다-xx" 태그제한으로등록되지않습니다-xxonclick="na_alert('다시 생각해 보세요');" />4) revival






1. When he returns home, I will ask him what time his sister will leave Kimpo for San Francisco. I believe    he knows the exact time when her plane will take off.




2. "What piece of your luggage shall we carry?" "Let him carry the smallest one containing my valuables,    but it must be heavier than it looks.




3. Some astronomers try to cheer us up in moments of depression by assuring us that one fine day the    sun will explode, and in the twinkling of an eye we shall all be turned into gas.




4. No man can live by and for himself. What we have and what we are all are dependent upon the world    of men and women, the world of the present and the world of the past.




5. "Will you make me kill my boy?" said Tell. "Say no more, " said Gessler. "You must hit the apple with    one arrow, If you fail, my soldiers shall kill the boy before your eyes."




6. A brave and honest man will speak out without fear of the consequences, while a timid man will keep    silent at the time of danger, or may even tell falsehood for fear of some harm coming to him.




7. Millions of people of all ages in countries all over the globe are working to perfect their abilities to    communicate in English. Even the Russians and the Chinese depend on English for carrying out their    propaganda programs.




8.London policeman, huge, pacific, and friendly, is famous even among those who have never seen    England. The absence of a sword and a gun emphasizes his power of peaceful persuasion.




 9. Before daylight the rain stopped, and the sky began to clear; for I could see some stars. At dawn I    got drowsy again; I was awakened by a blow on the head. A large sea-bird had struck me.




 10. The little girl was Emily, a niece of Mr. Peggotty's. She had never seen her father, just as I had never     seen mine. This was the first thing that brought us together in sympathy. She had lost her mother,     too.




 11. She took a ring off her finger and gave it to him. "Take this ring," she said. "When you lose it, or give     it away, that will be the end of our love." "When this ring parts from my hand,' answered Bassanio,     "then life will have parted from me. I shall be dead."




 12. English has become the most widely spoken language on earth. Today 250 million people employ      English as their primary language, and 600 million can be reached by it in some degree.




 13. The sun has been giving off light and heat for millions of tears, and scientists believe that it will      continue to do this for millions of years to come.





1. Much will be done if we do but try. Nobody knows what he can do till he has tried; and few try their    best until they have been forced to do it. "If I could do such and such a thing,' sighs the desponding    youth. but nothing will be done if he only wishes.




 2. From the beginning of time the tide has ebbed and flowed. From the beginning of time light has     followed darkness, spring has followed winter, life followed death. The Earth and all the boundless     Universe move in space with the ease of a bird in flight and the rhythm of its song.




 3. My heart was sad for her sake, and though I had ceased to love her, I found no consolation. A     painful sense of emptiness had replaced the bitter anguish of before; and it was perhaps even harder     to bear. Love may go and memory yet remain, memory may go and relief even then may not come.




4. There was once a beggar who had tried many ways ti get money. At last he thought he would pretend to be dumb. Now one day a gentleman who had known the beggar by sight passed by. He went up to the beggar and asked him suddenly: "How long have you been dumb ?" The beggar was taken by surprise and quite forgot that he was 'dumb.' He answered quickly: "Oh, ever since I was born, sir."




5. I once met a woman who, having been left with a fortune, said that she would never feel free till she    had got rid of her property. Possessions, she maintained, made one a slave, and one became their    servant and not their master.




6. A silence fell suddenly between us which I somehow expected to be unbroken. But it had not fallen for    more than a  few seconds when, in the utter stillness, I distinctly heard rapid steps coming nearer and    nearer along the street.




7. Worn out by anguish and exertion, I sank into a death-like slumber; and it was not until the following    morning when the sun rose that I came to my senses.




8. It was not long before we again met by chance. We came face to face at a street corner in my    neighborhood, and I was struck by a change in him.




9. Not many years ago there were numerous windmills on the outskirts of London, but few of them    remain, although certain roads are now called after the names of those that are gone. To those    accustomed to it the disappearance of a mill makes a great difference in the landscape.




10. The more carefully nature has been studied, the more widely has order been found to prevail, while     what seemed disorder has proved to be nothing more than complexity; until, at present, no one is so     foolish as to believe that anything happens by chance, or that there are any real accident which have     no cause.



  실         전 


 1. Our children don't like to eat in restaurants because they have to sit and are quiet for a long time.     They would rather go to their grandmother's farm. Their grandmother - my mother - prepares     everything they like. She usually has fried chicken, corn, and hot biscuits with honey. She always     serves plenty of chocolate, ice cream and cake for _________.
  <input type="radio" name="1" 안내="안내" 태그제한으로등록되지않습니다="태그제한으로등록되지않습니다" 태그제한으로등록되지않습니다-xx="태그제한으로등록되지않습니다-xx" 태그제한으로등록되지않습니다-xxonclick="na_alert('정답입니다');" />1) dessert      <input type="radio" name="2" 안내="안내" 태그제한으로등록되지않습니다="태그제한으로등록되지않습니다" 태그제한으로등록되지않습니다-xx="태그제한으로등록되지않습니다-xx" 태그제한으로등록되지않습니다-xxonclick="na_alert('다시 생각해 보세요');" />2) supper       <input type="radio" name="2" 안내="안내" 태그제한으로등록되지않습니다="태그제한으로등록되지않습니다" 태그제한으로등록되지않습니다-xx="태그제한으로등록되지않습니다-xx" 태그제한으로등록되지않습니다-xxonclick="na_alert('다시 생각해 보세요');" />3) lunch        <input type="radio" name="2" 안내="안내" 태그제한으로등록되지않습니다="태그제한으로등록되지않습니다" 태그제한으로등록되지않습니다-xx="태그제한으로등록되지않습니다-xx" 태그제한으로등록되지않습니다-xxonclick="na_alert('다시 생각해 보세요');" />4) breakfast




 2. He always sees the negative side of everything. He finds fault with the best movie of the year, but     stay awake until two a.m. watching very old movies on television. Even his taste in food is peculiar. He     drinks warm water and cold tea, eats raw eggs and can't stand _____________.

  <input type="radio" name="2" 안내="안내" 태그제한으로등록되지않습니다="태그제한으로등록되지않습니다" 태그제한으로등록되지않습니다-xx="태그제한으로등록되지않습니다-xx" 태그제한으로등록되지않습니다-xxonclick="na_alert('다시 생각해 보세요');" />1)  rotten fruit              <input type="radio" name="2" 안내="안내" 태그제한으로등록되지않습니다="태그제한으로등록되지않습니다" 태그제한으로등록되지않습니다-xx="태그제한으로등록되지않습니다-xx" 태그제한으로등록되지않습니다-xxonclick="na_alert('다시 생각해 보세요');" />2) cold coffee
  <input type="radio" name="1" 안내="안내" 태그제한으로등록되지않습니다="태그제한으로등록되지않습니다" 태그제한으로등록되지않습니다-xx="태그제한으로등록되지않습니다-xx" 태그제한으로등록되지않습니다-xxonclick="na_alert('정답입니다');" />3)  fresh fruit               <input type="radio" name="2" 안내="안내" 태그제한으로등록되지않습니다="태그제한으로등록되지않습니다" 태그제한으로등록되지않습니다-xx="태그제한으로등록되지않습니다-xx" 태그제한으로등록되지않습니다-xxonclick="na_alert('다시 생각해 보세요');" />4) exciting games




 3. It is said that a little later he was employed to do the maintenance chores in the theater, and after a     time was given a small part to act. But he soon showed that he could make himself most useful in     changing old plays so that they could be more easily acted. That was something which the actors     themselves could not do. Every old play that Shakespeare took in hand he had made over into     something different and __________.

    <input type="radio" name="2" 안내="안내" 태그제한으로등록되지않습니다="태그제한으로등록되지않습니다" 태그제한으로등록되지않습니다-xx="태그제한으로등록되지않습니다-xx" 태그제한으로등록되지않습니다-xxonclick="na_alert('다시 생각해 보세요');" />1) worthless          <input type="radio" name="2" 안내="안내" 태그제한으로등록되지않습니다="태그제한으로등록되지않습니다" 태그제한으로등록되지않습니다-xx="태그제한으로등록되지않습니다-xx" 태그제한으로등록되지않습니다-xxonclick="na_alert('다시 생각해 보세요');" />2) trifles           <input type="radio" name="1" 안내="안내" 태그제한으로등록되지않습니다="태그제한으로등록되지않습니다" 태그제한으로등록되지않습니다-xx="태그제한으로등록되지않습니다-xx" 태그제한으로등록되지않습니다-xxonclick="na_alert('정답입니다');" />3) far better          <input type="radio" name="2" 안내="안내" 태그제한으로등록되지않습니다="태그제한으로등록되지않습니다" 태그제한으로등록되지않습니다-xx="태그제한으로등록되지않습니다-xx" 태그제한으로등록되지않습니다-xxonclick="na_alert('다시 생각해 보세요');" />4) absurd




 4. Our happiness depends on those attitudes which will gain for us the love and respect of our families     and friends. We need cultivate kindness, unselfishness, sympathy, an appreciation of the value of     every individual, and, a willingness to let other people think and feel different from the way we do     _______ becoming angry.

    <input type="radio" name="2" 안내="안내" 태그제한으로등록되지않습니다="태그제한으로등록되지않습니다" 태그제한으로등록되지않습니다-xx="태그제한으로등록되지않습니다-xx" 태그제한으로등록되지않습니다-xxonclick="na_alert('다시 생각해 보세요');" />1) in        <input type="radio" name="2" 안내="안내" 태그제한으로등록되지않습니다="태그제한으로등록되지않습니다" 태그제한으로등록되지않습니다-xx="태그제한으로등록되지않습니다-xx" 태그제한으로등록되지않습니다-xxonclick="na_alert('다시 생각해 보세요');" />2) while       <input type="radio" name="1" 안내="안내" 태그제한으로등록되지않습니다="태그제한으로등록되지않습니다" 태그제한으로등록되지않습니다-xx="태그제한으로등록되지않습니다-xx" 태그제한으로등록되지않습니다-xxonclick="na_alert('정답입니다');" />3) without        <input type="radio" name="2" 안내="안내" 태그제한으로등록되지않습니다="태그제한으로등록되지않습니다" 태그제한으로등록되지않습니다-xx="태그제한으로등록되지않습니다-xx" 태그제한으로등록되지않습니다-xxonclick="na_alert('다시 생각해 보세요');" />4) during




5. A boy who lives till he is twenty in a little country town, and never goes out of it, will perhaps think that    there are nothing in the world so high as the steeple of the parish church, and no river so broad as    the brook which runs __________.

    <input type="radio" name="2" 안내="안내" 태그제한으로등록되지않습니다="태그제한으로등록되지않습니다" 태그제한으로등록되지않습니다-xx="태그제한으로등록되지않습니다-xx" 태그제한으로등록되지않습니다-xxonclick="na_alert('다시 생각해 보세요');" />1) over it      <input type="radio" name="2" 안내="안내" 태그제한으로등록되지않습니다="태그제한으로등록되지않습니다" 태그제한으로등록되지않습니다-xx="태그제한으로등록되지않습니다-xx" 태그제한으로등록되지않습니다-xxonclick="na_alert('다시 생각해 보세요');" />2) above it       <input type="radio" name="1" 안내="안내" 태그제한으로등록되지않습니다="태그제한으로등록되지않습니다" 태그제한으로등록되지않습니다-xx="태그제한으로등록되지않습니다-xx" 태그제한으로등록되지않습니다-xxonclick="na_alert('정답입니다');" />3) under it       <input type="radio" name="2" 안내="안내" 태그제한으로등록되지않습니다="태그제한으로등록되지않습니다" 태그제한으로등록되지않습니다-xx="태그제한으로등록되지않습니다-xx" 태그제한으로등록되지않습니다-xxonclick="na_alert('다시 생각해 보세요');" />4) at it




6. Some thought that the stars were lights attached to the sky, just as we have electric lights in the    ceiling of a room. Others believed there was a bright heaven beyond the sky and that the stars were    holes in the dome _________.

  <input type="radio" name="2" 안내="안내" 태그제한으로등록되지않습니다="태그제한으로등록되지않습니다" 태그제한으로등록되지않습니다-xx="태그제한으로등록되지않습니다-xx" 태그제한으로등록되지않습니다-xxonclick="na_alert('다시 생각해 보세요');" />1) made by the moon     
  <input type="radio" name="2" 안내="안내" 태그제한으로등록되지않습니다="태그제한으로등록되지않습니다" 태그제한으로등록되지않습니다-xx="태그제한으로등록되지않습니다-xx" 태그제한으로등록되지않습니다-xxonclick="na_alert('다시 생각해 보세요');" />2) being seen in the day time
  <input type="radio" name="1" 안내="안내" 태그제한으로등록되지않습니다="태그제한으로등록되지않습니다" 태그제한으로등록되지않습니다-xx="태그제한으로등록되지않습니다-xx" 태그제한으로등록되지않습니다-xxonclick="na_alert('정답입니다');" />3) letting in light from heaven
  <input type="radio" name="2" 안내="안내" 태그제한으로등록되지않습니다="태그제한으로등록되지않습니다" 태그제한으로등록되지않습니다-xx="태그제한으로등록되지않습니다-xx" 태그제한으로등록되지않습니다-xxonclick="na_alert('다시 생각해 보세요');" />4) breaking the heaven and sky




 7. There are two ways in which one can own a book. The first is the property right you establish by     paying for it, just as you pay for clothes and furniture. But this act of purchase is only the prelude to     possession. Full ownership comes only when you have made it ________.

  <input type="radio" name="2" 안내="안내" 태그제한으로등록되지않습니다="태그제한으로등록되지않습니다" 태그제한으로등록되지않습니다-xx="태그제한으로등록되지않습니다-xx" 태그제한으로등록되지않습니다-xxonclick="na_alert('다시 생각해 보세요');" />1) sold                  <input type="radio" name="1" 안내="안내" 태그제한으로등록되지않습니다="태그제한으로등록되지않습니다" 태그제한으로등록되지않습니다-xx="태그제한으로등록되지않습니다-xx" 태그제한으로등록되지않습니다-xxonclick="na_alert('정답입니다');" />2) a part of yourself 
  <input type="radio" name="2" 안내="안내" 태그제한으로등록되지않습니다="태그제한으로등록되지않습니다" 태그제한으로등록되지않습니다-xx="태그제한으로등록되지않습니다-xx" 태그제한으로등록되지않습니다-xxonclick="na_alert('다시 생각해 보세요');" />3) bought              <input type="radio" name="2" 안내="안내" 태그제한으로등록되지않습니다="태그제한으로등록되지않습니다" 태그제한으로등록되지않습니다-xx="태그제한으로등록되지않습니다-xx" 태그제한으로등록되지않습니다-xxonclick="na_alert('다시 생각해 보세요');" />4) belong to you




 8. Your mind, like your body, is a thing of which the powers are developed by effort. That is a principal     rule, as I see it, of hard work in studies. Unless you train your body you can't be an athlete, and     unless you train your mind you can't be ____________.

 <input type="radio" name="2" 안내="안내" 태그제한으로등록되지않습니다="태그제한으로등록되지않습니다" 태그제한으로등록되지않습니다-xx="태그제한으로등록되지않습니다-xx" 태그제한으로등록되지않습니다-xxonclick="na_alert('다시 생각해 보세요');" />1) a good sportsman         <input type="radio" name="2" 안내="안내" 태그제한으로등록되지않습니다="태그제한으로등록되지않습니다" 태그제한으로등록되지않습니다-xx="태그제한으로등록되지않습니다-xx" 태그제한으로등록되지않습니다-xxonclick="na_alert('다시 생각해 보세요');" />2) an excellent statesman
 <input type="radio" name="1" 안내="안내" 태그제한으로등록되지않습니다="태그제한으로등록되지않습니다" 태그제한으로등록되지않습니다-xx="태그제한으로등록되지않습니다-xx" 태그제한으로등록되지않습니다-xxonclick="na_alert('정답입니다');" />3) much of a scholar         <input type="radio" name="2" 안내="안내" 태그제한으로등록되지않습니다="태그제한으로등록되지않습니다" 태그제한으로등록되지않습니다-xx="태그제한으로등록되지않습니다-xx" 태그제한으로등록되지않습니다-xxonclick="na_alert('다시 생각해 보세요');" />4) a brave soldier




9. At no time did it occur to us that we could do more or better without the "machines." on the contrary,    by using them wisely we managed to live a freer life than is possible without them. After all the machine    was invented to free life of _____________.

     <input type="radio" name="2" 안내="안내" 태그제한으로등록되지않습니다="태그제한으로등록되지않습니다" 태그제한으로등록되지않습니다-xx="태그제한으로등록되지않습니다-xx" 태그제한으로등록되지않습니다-xxonclick="na_alert('다시 생각해 보세요');" />1) liberty         <input type="radio" name="2" 안내="안내" 태그제한으로등록되지않습니다="태그제한으로등록되지않습니다" 태그제한으로등록되지않습니다-xx="태그제한으로등록되지않습니다-xx" 태그제한으로등록되지않습니다-xxonclick="na_alert('다시 생각해 보세요');" />2) worth         <input type="radio" name="2" 안내="안내" 태그제한으로등록되지않습니다="태그제한으로등록되지않습니다" 태그제한으로등록되지않습니다-xx="태그제한으로등록되지않습니다-xx" 태그제한으로등록되지않습니다-xxonclick="na_alert('다시 생각해 보세요');" />3) sorrow       <input type="radio" name="1" 안내="안내" 태그제한으로등록되지않습니다="태그제한으로등록되지않습니다" 태그제한으로등록되지않습니다-xx="태그제한으로등록되지않습니다-xx" 태그제한으로등록되지않습니다-xxonclick="na_alert('정답입니다');" />4) bondage




10. It is inconceivable that a fool could commit a brave act, for true courage implies wisdom. What might     appear courageous might actually be the result of foolhardiness, for the courageous act must be     accompanied by at least a good guess as to the ___________.

 <input type="radio" name="2" 안내="안내" 태그제한으로등록되지않습니다="태그제한으로등록되지않습니다" 태그제한으로등록되지않습니다-xx="태그제한으로등록되지않습니다-xx" 태그제한으로등록되지않습니다-xxonclick="na_alert('다시 생각해 보세요');" />1) real courage
 <input type="radio" name="1" 안내="안내" 태그제한으로등록되지않습니다="태그제한으로등록되지않습니다" 태그제한으로등록되지않습니다-xx="태그제한으로등록되지않습니다-xx" 태그제한으로등록되지않습니다-xxonclick="na_alert('정답입니다');" />2) consequences of the deed
 <input type="radio" name="2" 안내="안내" 태그제한으로등록되지않습니다="태그제한으로등록되지않습니다" 태그제한으로등록되지않습니다-xx="태그제한으로등록되지않습니다-xx" 태그제한으로등록되지않습니다-xxonclick="na_alert('다시 생각해 보세요');" />3) intelligence of the person committing the deed 
 <input type="radio" name="2" 안내="안내" 태그제한으로등록되지않습니다="태그제한으로등록되지않습니다" 태그제한으로등록되지않습니다-xx="태그제한으로등록되지않습니다-xx" 태그제한으로등록되지않습니다-xxonclick="na_alert('다시 생각해 보세요');" />4) bravery of the deed itself




11. There are two general ways in which to pay a worker : one, by the piece, so that his wages depend     upon his skill : and, two, by the hour or week. In this age of mechanization, when so often the     machine sets the limit of production, there would be no incentive value in paying a worker     ___________.

   <input type="radio" name="2" 안내="안내" 태그제한으로등록되지않습니다="태그제한으로등록되지않습니다" 태그제한으로등록되지않습니다-xx="태그제한으로등록되지않습니다-xx" 태그제한으로등록되지않습니다-xxonclick="na_alert('다시 생각해 보세요');" />1) a little money            <input type="radio" name="2" 안내="안내" 태그제한으로등록되지않습니다="태그제한으로등록되지않습니다" 태그제한으로등록되지않습니다-xx="태그제한으로등록되지않습니다-xx" 태그제한으로등록되지않습니다-xxonclick="na_alert('다시 생각해 보세요');" />2) by the hour
   <input type="radio" name="1" 안내="안내" 태그제한으로등록되지않습니다="태그제한으로등록되지않습니다" 태그제한으로등록되지않습니다-xx="태그제한으로등록되지않습니다-xx" 태그제한으로등록되지않습니다-xxonclick="na_alert('정답입니다');" />3) by the piece              <input type="radio" name="2" 안내="안내" 태그제한으로등록되지않습니다="태그제한으로등록되지않습니다" 태그제한으로등록되지않습니다-xx="태그제한으로등록되지않습니다-xx" 태그제한으로등록되지않습니다-xxonclick="na_alert('다시 생각해 보세요');" />4) salary




 수동태                    &nb sp;      

기      본 


  1. Whether work should be placed among the causes of happiness or among the causes of      unhappiness may perhaps be regarded as a doubtful question.




 2. If you love others they will love you. If you speak kindly to them they will speak kindly to you. Love is     repaid with love, and hatred with hatred.




3. Our judgements are so liable to be influenced by many considerations, which almost without our    knowing it are unfair, that it is necessary to keep a guard upon them.




4. I am always moved by the good ness of people. For the few who are prying or meanly critical, for the    very few who rejoice in the grief of others, there are the thousands who are kind. I have come to    believe that the natural human heart is good.




 5. on the technical side new developments are taking place: atomic energy is being adapted to      industrial uses; more automatic machinery is being introduced.




 6. A weary brain cannot be made to perform good work. Often much more is gained by a walk through     the green fields than could be acquired by the study of books.




7. Mr. Franklin was considered a person of great wisdom and integrity, and was respected by all who    knew him, although he supported his family by the humble trade of boiling soap and making tallow    candles.



종       합  


8. By and by I was told by someone that birds could not be caught by putting salt on their tails, that I    was being made a fool of, and this was a great shock to me, since I had been taught to believe that it    was wicked to tell a lie. Now for the first time in my life I discovered that there were lies and lies, or    untruths that were not lies.




 9. The picnic-park was reached at last. Lunch boxes were quickly opened  and the contents were not     long in disappearing. Those mothers who felt sure in the morning that too much lunch was being     packed up, should have been there to see what happened to those sandwiches and cakes. Every bit     of food was eaten, and it was quite likely that if as much more had been brought, it would have gone     the same way.




10. Let wealth be regarded by some society of the future as a mere means to the proper ends of human     life, and whether it is rich or poor on the whole, its wealth will be fairly distributed, and that society in     pursuit of those ends will be happy and healthy.




11. People in a high position are of course more thought of and talked about, and have their virtues     more praised, than those whose lives are passed in humble everyday work, but every sensible man     knows how necessary that humble everyday work is, and how important it is to us that it should be     done well.




12. A man was knocked over by a car in High Street yesterday. The car was driven by Mr. White. An     ambulance was called, and the man was taken to the nearest hospital. The injured man has not been     identified yet. He was dressed in a brown coat and grey trousers. His age is estimated to be about     thirty-five. Anyone who may know this man is asked to telephone the police.




13. Wellington is said to have chosen his officers by their noses and chins. The standard for them in     noses must have been rather high, to judge by the portraits of the Duke, but no doubt he made     allowances. Anyhow, by this method he got the man he wanted.




14. And about noon word came through that Bones's slave ship had been sighted near the island. Great     care must be taken, the message said, because the slave ship was in all readiness to sail at a     moment's notice. All the sailors were warned to keep very quiet, so that the navy ship could sneak up     on the slaver unawares.




 15. Thinking over the losses which England had forced upon her by steam and the ingenuity of the      engineer, one is disposed to count the decay of the windmill among the first.




16. While there are judges who will decide fairly, and courts in which every man can get justice done to     him, the country is safe from all the danger and discontent which always spring up where there is no     justice.



 실     전


 1. Elephants are said to be very intelligent, and indeed they can be taught to engage in many useful    jobs, but as a matter of fact, they are _____ of a very small brain.

 <input type="radio" name="1" 안내="안내" 태그제한으로등록되지않습니다="태그제한으로등록되지않습니다" 태그제한으로등록되지않습니다-xx="태그제한으로등록되지않습니다-xx" 태그제한으로등록되지않습니다-xxonclick="na_alert('정답입니다');" />1) possessed           <input type="radio" name="2" 안내="안내" 태그제한으로등록되지않습니다="태그제한으로등록되지않습니다" 태그제한으로등록되지않습니다-xx="태그제한으로등록되지않습니다-xx" 태그제한으로등록되지않습니다-xxonclick="na_alert('다시 생각해 보세요');" />2) expressive          <input type="radio" name="2" 안내="안내" 태그제한으로등록되지않습니다="태그제한으로등록되지않습니다" 태그제한으로등록되지않습니다-xx="태그제한으로등록되지않습니다-xx" 태그제한으로등록되지않습니다-xxonclick="na_alert('다시 생각해 보세요');" />3) envious              <input type="radio" name="2" 안내="안내" 태그제한으로등록되지않습니다="태그제한으로등록되지않습니다" 태그제한으로등록되지않습니다-xx="태그제한으로등록되지않습니다-xx" 태그제한으로등록되지않습니다-xxonclick="na_alert('다시 생각해 보세요');" />4) desirous




  2. When we talk of the cleverness of insects, we ought always to keep in mind that this cleverness is    what is called "instinctive," and differs from the cleverness man is so proud ____.

   <input type="radio" name="2" 안내="안내" 태그제한으로등록되지않습니다="태그제한으로등록되지않습니다" 태그제한으로등록되지않습니다-xx="태그제한으로등록되지않습니다-xx" 태그제한으로등록되지않습니다-xxonclick="na_alert('다시 생각해 보세요');" />1) on          <input type="radio" name="2" 안내="안내" 태그제한으로등록되지않습니다="태그제한으로등록되지않습니다" 태그제한으로등록되지않습니다-xx="태그제한으로등록되지않습니다-xx" 태그제한으로등록되지않습니다-xxonclick="na_alert('다시 생각해 보세요');" />2) in          <input type="radio" name="1" 안내="안내" 태그제한으로등록되지않습니다="태그제한으로등록되지않습니다" 태그제한으로등록되지않습니다-xx="태그제한으로등록되지않습니다-xx" 태그제한으로등록되지않습니다-xxonclick="na_alert('정답입니다');" />3) of         <input type="radio" name="2" 안내="안내" 태그제한으로등록되지않습니다="태그제한으로등록되지않습니다" 태그제한으로등록되지않습니다-xx="태그제한으로등록되지않습니다-xx" 태그제한으로등록되지않습니다-xxonclick="na_alert('다시 생각해 보세요');" />4) at




 3. No household in the English-speaking world is properly furnished unless it contains a copy of the     Holy Bible and the works of William Shakespeare. It is always thought necessary that these books     should be read in maturer ages, but they must be present as symbols of _______.

  <input type="radio" name="2" 안내="안내" 태그제한으로등록되지않습니다="태그제한으로등록되지않습니다" 태그제한으로등록되지않습니다-xx="태그제한으로등록되지않습니다-xx" 태그제한으로등록되지않습니다-xxonclick="na_alert('다시 생각해 보세요');" />1) the nation       <input type="radio" name="1" 안내="안내" 태그제한으로등록되지않습니다="태그제한으로등록되지않습니다" 태그제한으로등록되지않습니다-xx="태그제한으로등록되지않습니다-xx" 태그제한으로등록되지않습니다-xxonclick="na_alert('정답입니다');" />2) religion and culture       <input type="radio" name="2" 안내="안내" 태그제한으로등록되지않습니다="태그제한으로등록되지않습니다" 태그제한으로등록되지않습니다-xx="태그제한으로등록되지않습니다-xx" 태그제한으로등록되지않습니다-xxonclick="na_alert('다시 생각해 보세요');" />3) furniture        <input type="radio" name="2" 안내="안내" 태그제한으로등록되지않습니다="태그제한으로등록되지않습니다" 태그제한으로등록되지않습니다-xx="태그제한으로등록되지않습니다-xx" 태그제한으로등록되지않습니다-xxonclick="na_alert('다시 생각해 보세요');" />4) the family




 4. The pleasure of imparting opinions in print is by no means confined to professionals, to people who     are assumed to know something about a subject because they have been more or less occupied     with it for years. on the contrary, the most lively and spirited discussions are those to which the     general public lends a _________.

    <input type="radio" name="2" 안내="안내" 태그제한으로등록되지않습니다="태그제한으로등록되지않습니다" 태그제한으로등록되지않습니다-xx="태그제한으로등록되지않습니다-xx" 태그제한으로등록되지않습니다-xxonclick="na_alert('다시 생각해 보세요');" />1) reluctant help           <input type="radio" name="1" 안내="안내" 태그제한으로등록되지않습니다="태그제한으로등록되지않습니다" 태그제한으로등록되지않습니다-xx="태그제한으로등록되지않습니다-xx" 태그제한으로등록되지않습니다-xxonclick="na_alert('정답입니다');" />2) willing hand        <input type="radio" name="2" 안내="안내" 태그제한으로등록되지않습니다="태그제한으로등록되지않습니다" 태그제한으로등록되지않습니다-xx="태그제한으로등록되지않습니다-xx" 태그제한으로등록되지않습니다-xxonclick="na_alert('다시 생각해 보세요');" />3) lot of money             <input type="radio" name="2" 안내="안내" 태그제한으로등록되지않습니다="태그제한으로등록되지않습니다" 태그제한으로등록되지않습니다-xx="태그제한으로등록되지않습니다-xx" 태그제한으로등록되지않습니다-xxonclick="na_alert('다시 생각해 보세요');" />4) keen ears




  5. What are the difficulties with which these climbers have to contend ? The first difficulty is the isolated      position of Everest, only to be  approached by steep mountain passes. The second is the intense      cold to be faced in these altitudes . Far worse than that is the strain of the lungs. To move at all is      ___________.

   <input type="radio" name="1" 안내="안내" 태그제한으로등록되지않습니다="태그제한으로등록되지않습니다" 태그제한으로등록되지않습니다-xx="태그제한으로등록되지않습니다-xx" 태그제한으로등록되지않습니다-xxonclick="na_alert('정답입니다');" />1) something             <input type="radio" name="2" 안내="안내" 태그제한으로등록되지않습니다="태그제한으로등록되지않습니다" 태그제한으로등록되지않습니다-xx="태그제한으로등록되지않습니다-xx" 태그제한으로등록되지않습니다-xxonclick="na_alert('다시 생각해 보세요');" /> 2) nothing       <input type="radio" name="2" 안내="안내" 태그제한으로등록되지않습니다="태그제한으로등록되지않습니다" 태그제한으로등록되지않습니다-xx="태그제한으로등록되지않습니다-xx" 태그제한으로등록되지않습니다-xxonclick="na_alert('다시 생각해 보세요');" />3) of no concern          <input type="radio" name="2" 안내="안내" 태그제한으로등록되지않습니다="태그제한으로등록되지않습니다" 태그제한으로등록되지않습니다-xx="태그제한으로등록되지않습니다-xx" 태그제한으로등록되지않습니다-xxonclick="na_alert('다시 생각해 보세요');" />4) of no account




 6. The word liberty is often interpreted incorrectly. The dictionary gives many exact definitions of the     word; briefly, it means "freedom from restraint or control." Such a brief definition leads to     misinterpretation. Many people think liberty means that they may do whatever they like regardless of     the efforts. Liberty is not ______.

   <input type="radio" name="2" 안내="안내" 태그제한으로등록되지않습니다="태그제한으로등록되지않습니다" 태그제한으로등록되지않습니다-xx="태그제한으로등록되지않습니다-xx" 태그제한으로등록되지않습니다-xxonclick="na_alert('다시 생각해 보세요');" />1) controlled freedom    <input type="radio" name="2" 안내="안내" 태그제한으로등록되지않습니다="태그제한으로등록되지않습니다" 태그제한으로등록되지않습니다-xx="태그제한으로등록되지않습니다-xx" 태그제한으로등록되지않습니다-xxonclick="na_alert('다시 생각해 보세요');" />2) limited       <input type="radio" name="2" 안내="안내" 태그제한으로등록되지않습니다="태그제한으로등록되지않습니다" 태그제한으로등록되지않습니다-xx="태그제한으로등록되지않습니다-xx" 태그제한으로등록되지않습니다-xxonclick="na_alert('다시 생각해 보세요');" />3) easily to be get      <input type="radio" name="1" 안내="안내" 태그제한으로등록되지않습니다="태그제한으로등록되지않습니다" 태그제한으로등록되지않습니다-xx="태그제한으로등록되지않습니다-xx" 태그제한으로등록되지않습니다-xxonclick="na_alert('정답입니다');" />4) uncontrolled freedom




  7. Everyone sometimes forgets or neglects something. When we have to admit that we are in the     wrong., a suitable excuse may some what soften the injured party, especially if it is made very     politely. on the other hand, a grossly inadequate excuse may ________.

    <input type="radio" name="2" 안내="안내" 태그제한으로등록되지않습니다="태그제한으로등록되지않습니다" 태그제한으로등록되지않습니다-xx="태그제한으로등록되지않습니다-xx" 태그제한으로등록되지않습니다-xxonclick="na_alert('다시 생각해 보세요');" />1) make you polite                          ;    <input type="radio" name="2" 안내="안내" 태그제한으로등록되지않습니다="태그제한으로등록되지않습니다" 태그제한으로등록되지않습니다-xx="태그제한으로등록되지않습니다-xx" 태그제한으로등록되지않습니다-xxonclick="na_alert('다시 생각해 보세요');" />2) sometimes be necessary
<input type="radio" name="2" 안내="안내" 태그제한으로등록되지않습니다="태그제한으로등록되지않습니다" 태그제한으로등록되지않습니다-xx="태그제한으로등록되지않습니다-xx" 태그제한으로등록되지않습니다-xxonclick="na_alert('다시 생각해 보세요');" />3) not injure your friends                    <input type="radio" name="1" 안내="안내" 태그제한으로등록되지않습니다="태그제한으로등록되지않습니다" 태그제한으로등록되지않습니다-xx="태그제한으로등록되지않습니다-xx" 태그제한으로등록되지않습니다-xxonclick="na_alert('정답입니다');" />4) add to the annoyance




  8. An amusing story is told of Sir Walter Raleigh, who brought tobacco from America to England, where      it had seldom or never been seen before. He was fond of smoking, and it is reported that the first      time his servant saw smoke coming from his master's lips he thought Raleigh was on fire, and      poured a bucket of water over him _______.

  <input type="radio" name="2" 안내="안내" 태그제한으로등록되지않습니다="태그제한으로등록되지않습니다" 태그제한으로등록되지않습니다-xx="태그제한으로등록되지않습니다-xx" 태그제한으로등록되지않습니다-xxonclick="na_alert('다시 생각해 보세요');" />1) to drive him out                          ;  <input type="radio" name="2" 안내="안내" 태그제한으로등록되지않습니다="태그제한으로등록되지않습니다" 태그제한으로등록되지않습니다-xx="태그제한으로등록되지않습니다-xx" 태그제한으로등록되지않습니다-xxonclick="na_alert('다시 생각해 보세요');" />2) to play a trick on him 
<input type="radio" name="1" 안내="안내" 태그제한으로등록되지않습니다="태그제한으로등록되지않습니다" 태그제한으로등록되지않습니다-xx="태그제한으로등록되지않습니다-xx" 태그제한으로등록되지않습니다-xxonclick="na_alert('정답입니다');" />3) to put the fire out                        <input type="radio" name="2" 안내="안내" 태그제한으로등록되지않습니다="태그제한으로등록되지않습니다" 태그제한으로등록되지않습니다-xx="태그제한으로등록되지않습니다-xx" 태그제한으로등록되지않습니다-xxonclick="na_alert('다시 생각해 보세요');" />4) to prevent him from enjoying tobacco




  9. Modern man has his emotions appealed to so often and so powerfully that he is exhausted, and is      more likely to be won by the voice which seems quiet, _____________.

  <input type="radio" name="2" 안내="안내" 태그제한으로등록되지않습니다="태그제한으로등록되지않습니다" 태그제한으로등록되지않습니다-xx="태그제한으로등록되지않습니다-xx" 태그제한으로등록되지않습니다-xxonclick="na_alert('다시 생각해 보세요');" />1) and of volume                          ;    <input type="radio" name="2" 안내="안내" 태그제한으로등록되지않습니다="태그제한으로등록되지않습니다" 태그제한으로등록되지않습니다-xx="태그제한으로등록되지않습니다-xx" 태그제한으로등록되지않습니다-xxonclick="na_alert('다시 생각해 보세요');" />2) and weak   
<input type="radio" name="1" 안내="안내" 태그제한으로등록되지않습니다="태그제한으로등록되지않습니다" 태그제한으로등록되지않습니다-xx="태그제한으로등록되지않습니다-xx" 태그제한으로등록되지않습니다-xxonclick="na_alert('정답입니다');" />3) reasonable and attractive             <input type="radio" name="2" 안내="안내" 태그제한으로등록되지않습니다="태그제한으로등록되지않습니다" 태그제한으로등록되지않습니다-xx="태그제한으로등록되지않습니다-xx" 태그제한으로등록되지않습니다-xxonclick="na_alert('다시 생각해 보세요');" />4) nervous and  husky




10. If we are to improve the quality of this writing, we must do more than merely criticize it. We must      explain why we do so. Inferior work is most effectively remedied when we know ________.

<input type="radio" name="1" 안내="안내" 태그제한으로등록되지않습니다="태그제한으로등록되지않습니다" 태그제한으로등록되지않습니다-xx="태그제한으로등록되지않습니다-xx" 태그제한으로등록되지않습니다-xxonclick="na_alert('정답입니다');" />1) why it is poor        <input type="radio" name="2" 안내="안내" 태그제한으로등록되지않습니다="태그제한으로등록되지않습니다" 태그제한으로등록되지않습니다-xx="태그제한으로등록되지않습니다-xx" 태그제한으로등록되지않습니다-xxonclick="na_alert('다시 생각해 보세요');" />2) exactly how poor it is       <input type="radio" name="2" 안내="안내" 태그제한으로등록되지않습니다="태그제한으로등록되지않습니다" 태그제한으로등록되지않습니다-xx="태그제한으로등록되지않습니다-xx" 태그제한으로등록되지않습니다-xxonclick="na_alert('다시 생각해 보세요');" />3) great writes        <input type="radio" name="2" 안내="안내" 태그제한으로등록되지않습니다="태그제한으로등록되지않습니다" 태그제한으로등록되지않습니다-xx="태그제한으로등록되지않습니다-xx" 태그제한으로등록되지않습니다-xxonclick="na_alert('다시 생각해 보세요');" />4) who wrote it




 11. The universities have added another to their already many functions - that of public entertainment in      the form of athletics. Public interest in this particular aspect of university life is greater than in any of      its educational activities. Less attention is given to a university's appointment of a president than to      its ___________.

    <input type="radio" name="2" 안내="안내" 태그제한으로등록되지않습니다="태그제한으로등록되지않습니다" 태그제한으로등록되지않습니다-xx="태그제한으로등록되지않습니다-xx" 태그제한으로등록되지않습니다-xxonclick="na_alert('다시 생각해 보세요');" />1) physical education program             <input type="radio" name="1" 안내="안내" 태그제한으로등록되지않습니다="태그제한으로등록되지않습니다" 태그제한으로등록되지않습니다-xx="태그제한으로등록되지않습니다-xx" 태그제한으로등록되지않습니다-xxonclick="na_alert('정답입니다');" />2) new football coach
<input type="radio" name="2" 안내="안내" 태그제한으로등록되지않습니다="태그제한으로등록되지않습니다" 태그제한으로등록되지않습니다-xx="태그제한으로등록되지않습니다-xx" 태그제한으로등록되지않습니다-xxonclick="na_alert('다시 생각해 보세요');" />3) educational policy                          ;  <input type="radio" name="2" 안내="안내" 태그제한으로등록되지않습니다="태그제한으로등록되지않습니다" 태그제한으로등록되지않습니다-xx="태그제한으로등록되지않습니다-xx" 태그제한으로등록되지않습니다-xxonclick="na_alert('다시 생각해 보세요');" />4) new president



 가정법                    &nb sp;        

기      본 


1. He tried to go over the bills with mother, as well as he could, demanding that she explain what he did    not understand. But now and then there were things which she didn't understand, either.




2. "An Englishman's house is his castle," says the proverb. So a well-bred Englishman would consider it    a bold intrusion on his privacy if a stranger were to call upon him without an invitation or a letter of    introduction.




3. Einstein could have become a very rich man in a short time if he had been willing to make money by   giving lectures and writing for newspapers. But he believed that wealth only appealed to selfishness and   always tempted its owners to abuse it.




4. It is proposed by some that the new method be adopted at once, but others say that they may be    severely criticized if it should prove a failure.




5. one day as he was going upstairs he met a little girl coming down. He would have taken her for a boy,    if it had not been for the long curls of black hair about her neck.




6. Were I a boy, I would school myself into a habit of attention. I remember that an expert on the ice    never tries to skate in two directions.




7. The sea is the sailor's home. When the ship rolls, he is rocked in his berth, as if he were in a cradle.    The waves are his pillows, and the rougher they are, the happier he is.  




8. Suppose there was no such force as gravitation, would an apple fall to the ground ? Suppose that    gravitation did not draw objects toward the earth, what would happen ?




9. While the  free nations stand prepared to resist aggression, They are doing their utmost to find    peaceful means for settling international disputes. They know that another great war could destroy    victor and vanquished alike.




10. While it is important to get the opinion of others, yet to base your decision entirely upon their opinion     would be to deprive yourself of the opportunity of developing your own character.




11. Consideration for other, not only in great matters, but also in little everyday things, is an essential     element in civilization, without which social life would be intolerable.




12. In six weeks he had mastered all the books within reach relating to the subject - a task which, under     ordinary circumstances, would hardly have been achieved in as many months.




13. I discussed with my parents and my brother Eddie what career I should take up. My mother would have like to see me go in for theology, but I had little inclination for that subject.  




14. Man has existed for about a million years, and scientific technique for at most two hundred years.     Seeing what has already been accomplished, it would be very rash to place any limits upon what it     may accomplish in the future.



종          합 


 1. When people live in a community they cannot do exactly as they please. Motorists, for example,     cannot drive wherever they like without creating disorder; neither can men kill nor rob whomever they     please without causing society to collapse. If men were not thus restricted, if they had, in name, the     liberty to do what they liked, they would, in fact, have little liberty.




2. When she had gone Macbeth looked with horror at his red hands. "Will all the water in the ocean wash    this blood from my hands?" he muttered, and, after a pause, sadly answered his own question. "No, if    were to wash in the ocean my hands would turn the whole sea red."




3. He knows now that there are, in the air he breathes every day, sounds that his ears cannot discern,    listen as he may, and lights that his eyes cannot distinguish. strain them as he may.




4. The young Newton proved to be totally inadequate at farming. Instead of paying attention to his    duties, he would read or daydream or make wooden models. His mother at last agreed that Isaac be    prepared to enter college.




5. Even had he possessed the poetic faculty, of which, as far as we can judge, he was utterly destitute,    the want of a language would have prevented him from being a great poet.




6. You want for a friend some one whom you would like to have with you in trouble, should you meet it,    as well as in sport; such a one is one who has your respect.




7. Man would have continued a savage, but for the result of the useful labors of those who preceded    him. They discovered art and science, and we succeed to the useful efforts of their labors.




8. If it were not for books, for the written record of man's most profound thoughts, his loftiest    achievements, each generation would have to rediscover for itself the truths of the past, with only the    inadequate help of oral tradition.




9. If all mankind minus one were of one opinion, and only one person were of the contrary opinion,    mankind would be no more justified in silencing that one person, than he, if he had the power, would    be justified in silencing mankind.




10. It was the custom in those barbarous times, that wherever the king slept two armed men slept in the     same chamber, in order to defend his person in case he should be attacked by any one during the     night.




11. Granting that your principle is right, I think that the means to the end is the question. Therefore, I     suggest that the plan should be postponed for the time being.




12. The selfish boy is one who loves himself solely, and nobody else. He does not care whom he     deprives of enjoyment, provided that he can obtain it.




13. Supposing you are in one of the London parks, and there happens to be a bird singing, and you     stop to enjoy the song, the fact that some one else stops to enjoy it does not diminish your     pleasure, it increases it, but if someone throws a stone at the bird, he destroys your pleasure.




14. Unless your college education leads you to continue learning all through your life, it will have failed to     do its share to develop you as an individual.




15. Not long ago, I had a chance to watch a surgeon perform a delicate brain operation. A slight slip of     his hand would have meant instant death for the patient. What impressed me about that doctor was     his skill but his amazing calmness.




16. There are people who have a talent for writing, just as there are people who are born with a gift for     music or painting. It is fortunate that we are not all moulded after one pattern, otherwise life would be     very monotonous.




17. "Please" is a very little word, but it makes a good many requests sound pleasant that without it would     sound harsh. So with " Thank you."




18. There was nobody near when he found the gold, and he might have kept it all to himself. Such a   heap of gold would have made him a rich man. But he did nit think of being rich; he thought of being   honest.




19. You may have heard grown-ups say, "I wish I had learned that in school," or "I wish I had more     education." Why do you suppose they feel that way ? Perhaps it's because they think life might be     more interesting, or they might have had better jobs, if they had learned just a little more or had     learned a little better.




20. The workman who drops his tools at the stroke of twelve, as suddenly as if he had been struck by     lightening may be doing his duty - he is doing nothing more. No man has made a great success of     his life by doing merely his duty. He must do that, - and more. If puts love into his work, the "more" will     be easy.  




21. It was a sharp sword and it was hung by only a single horsehair. What if the hair should break? There     was danger every moment that it would do so.




22. Many people, if not most, look on literary taste as an elegant accomplishment, by acquiring which     they will complete themselves, and make themselves finally fit as members of correct society.




23. Napoleon was rarely, if ever, deceived in regard to a man's actual ability, no matter whether the other     had demonstrated his ability or not.



실       전 


 1. He had traveled far and alone; his whole life, indeed, had been a solitary path; for with the lofty     caution of his nature, he had kept himself apart from those who might otherwise have been     _________.

   <input type="radio" name="1" 안내="안내" 태그제한으로등록되지않습니다="태그제한으로등록되지않습니다" 태그제한으로등록되지않습니다-xx="태그제한으로등록되지않습니다-xx" 태그제한으로등록되지않습니다-xxonclick="na_alert('정답입니다');" />1) his companions      
   <input type="radio" name="2" 안내="안내" 태그제한으로등록되지않습니다="태그제한으로등록되지않습니다" 태그제한으로등록되지않습니다-xx="태그제한으로등록되지않습니다-xx" 태그제한으로등록되지않습니다-xxonclick="na_alert('다시 생각해 보세요');" />2) his enemy
   <input type="radio" name="2" 안내="안내" 태그제한으로등록되지않습니다="태그제한으로등록되지않습니다" 태그제한으로등록되지않습니다-xx="태그제한으로등록되지않습니다-xx" 태그제한으로등록되지않습니다-xxonclick="na_alert('다시 생각해 보세요');" />3) his constant trouble   
   <input type="radio" name="2" 안내="안내" 태그제한으로등록되지않습니다="태그제한으로등록되지않습니다" 태그제한으로등록되지않습니다-xx="태그제한으로등록되지않습니다-xx" 태그제한으로등록되지않습니다-xxonclick="na_alert('다시 생각해 보세요');" />4) unwilling to associate with him




 2. Anyone who would profit by experience will never be above asking help. He who thinks himself already     too wise to learn of others, will never __________ in anything either good or great.

  <input type="radio" name="2" 안내="안내" 태그제한으로등록되지않습니다="태그제한으로등록되지않습니다" 태그제한으로등록되지않습니다-xx="태그제한으로등록되지않습니다-xx" 태그제한으로등록되지않습니다-xxonclick="na_alert('다시 생각해 보세요');" />1) fail          2) be lost          <input type="radio" name="2" 안내="안내" 태그제한으로등록되지않습니다="태그제한으로등록되지않습니다" 태그제한으로등록되지않습니다-xx="태그제한으로등록되지않습니다-xx" 태그제한으로등록되지않습니다-xxonclick="na_alert('다시 생각해 보세요');" />3) consist         <input type="radio" name="1" 안내="안내" 태그제한으로등록되지않습니다="태그제한으로등록되지않습니다" 태그제한으로등록되지않습니다-xx="태그제한으로등록되지않습니다-xx" 태그제한으로등록되지않습니다-xxonclick="na_alert('정답입니다');" />4) succeed




3. Someone asked Lincoln what would be the first thing he would do to find out that he had hydrophobia.    Lincoln said : "I would ask for a pencil and paper." "In order to make your last will?" ask someone. "No,"    said Lincoln "in order to make a list of several politicians I should like to __________.

   <input type="radio" name="2" 안내="안내" 태그제한으로등록되지않습니다="태그제한으로등록되지않습니다" 태그제한으로등록되지않습니다-xx="태그제한으로등록되지않습니다-xx" 태그제한으로등록되지않습니다-xxonclick="na_alert('다시 생각해 보세요');" />1) invite    <input type="radio" name="2" 안내="안내" 태그제한으로등록되지않습니다="태그제한으로등록되지않습니다" 태그제한으로등록되지않습니다-xx="태그제한으로등록되지않습니다-xx" 태그제한으로등록되지않습니다-xxonclick="na_alert('다시 생각해 보세요');" />2) visit            <input type="radio" name="1" 안내="안내" 태그제한으로등록되지않습니다="태그제한으로등록되지않습니다" 태그제한으로등록되지않습니다-xx="태그제한으로등록되지않습니다-xx" 태그제한으로등록되지않습니다-xxonclick="na_alert('정답입니다');" /> 3) bite           <input type="radio" name="2" 안내="안내" 태그제한으로등록되지않습니다="태그제한으로등록되지않습니다" 태그제한으로등록되지않습니다-xx="태그제한으로등록되지않습니다-xx" 태그제한으로등록되지않습니다-xxonclick="na_alert('다시 생각해 보세요');" />4) cure




4. The teacher must be willing and able to say, " I do not know," for this will often be true, and for the    teacher, truth is very precious. However, it must not be necessary for him to say, "I do not know." too    often, nor about many things ; for then he will not be able to ____________.

   <input type="radio" name="2" 안내="안내" 태그제한으로등록되지않습니다="태그제한으로등록되지않습니다" 태그제한으로등록되지않습니다-xx="태그제한으로등록되지않습니다-xx" 태그제한으로등록되지않습니다-xxonclick="na_alert('다시 생각해 보세요');" />1) learn much            <input type="radio" name="1" 안내="안내" 태그제한으로등록되지않습니다="태그제한으로등록되지않습니다" 태그제한으로등록되지않습니다-xx="태그제한으로등록되지않습니다-xx" 태그제한으로등록되지않습니다-xxonclick="na_alert('정답입니다');" />2) be a teacher
   <input type="radio" name="2" 안내="안내" 태그제한으로등록되지않습니다="태그제한으로등록되지않습니다" 태그제한으로등록되지않습니다-xx="태그제한으로등록되지않습니다-xx" 태그제한으로등록되지않습니다-xxonclick="na_alert('다시 생각해 보세요');" />3) be respectful         <input type="radio" name="2" 안내="안내" 태그제한으로등록되지않습니다="태그제한으로등록되지않습니다" 태그제한으로등록되지않습니다-xx="태그제한으로등록되지않습니다-xx" 태그제한으로등록되지않습니다-xxonclick="na_alert('다시 생각해 보세요');" />4) keep silent




 5. Usually city dwellers do not think much about where their water comes from. They just turn on a    faucet when they want some. But think what would happen if none came. In that case, within a few    days everyone would have to leave the city and go to a place where _________.

   <input type="radio" name="2" 안내="안내" 태그제한으로등록되지않습니다="태그제한으로등록되지않습니다" 태그제한으로등록되지않습니다-xx="태그제한으로등록되지않습니다-xx" 태그제한으로등록되지않습니다-xxonclick="na_alert('다시 생각해 보세요');" />1) they can earn more money
   <input type="radio" name="2" 안내="안내" 태그제한으로등록되지않습니다="태그제한으로등록되지않습니다" 태그제한으로등록되지않습니다-xx="태그제한으로등록되지않습니다-xx" 태그제한으로등록되지않습니다-xxonclick="na_alert('다시 생각해 보세요');" />2) no one lives
   <input type="radio" name="2" 안내="안내" 태그제한으로등록되지않습니다="태그제한으로등록되지않습니다" 태그제한으로등록되지않습니다-xx="태그제한으로등록되지않습니다-xx" 태그제한으로등록되지않습니다-xxonclick="na_alert('다시 생각해 보세요');" />3) none would compete with him
   <input type="radio" name="1" 안내="안내" 태그제한으로등록되지않습니다="태그제한으로등록되지않습니다" 태그제한으로등록되지않습니다-xx="태그제한으로등록되지않습니다-xx" 태그제한으로등록되지않습니다-xxonclick="na_alert('정답입니다');" />4) there is water




 6. In the past, the economic dependence of women on their husbands made the family a forced union    as far as the wife was concerned. Such dependence has been lessened and will probably diminish    more in the future. In that case, instability of the family will probably _____________.

   <input type="radio" name="2" 안내="안내" 태그제한으로등록되지않습니다="태그제한으로등록되지않습니다" 태그제한으로등록되지않습니다-xx="태그제한으로등록되지않습니다-xx" 태그제한으로등록되지않습니다-xxonclick="na_alert('다시 생각해 보세요');" />1) fade away                          ;   <input type="radio" name="2" 안내="안내" 태그제한으로등록되지않습니다="태그제한으로등록되지않습니다" 태그제한으로등록되지않습니다-xx="태그제한으로등록되지않습니다-xx" 태그제한으로등록되지않습니다-xxonclick="na_alert('다시 생각해 보세요');" /> 2) become less evident    
   <input type="radio" name="2" 안내="안내" 태그제한으로등록되지않습니다="태그제한으로등록되지않습니다" 태그제한으로등록되지않습니다-xx="태그제한으로등록되지않습니다-xx" 태그제한으로등록되지않습니다-xxonclick="na_alert('다시 생각해 보세요');" />3) be entirely abolished             <input type="radio" name="1" 안내="안내" 태그제한으로등록되지않습니다="태그제한으로등록되지않습니다" 태그제한으로등록되지않습니다-xx="태그제한으로등록되지않습니다-xx" 태그제한으로등록되지않습니다-xxonclick="na_alert('정답입니다');" />4) become more evident




 7. So far as our knowledge is concerned, it can no more be planted in the human mind, but for labour,    than a field of wheat can produce, but for the adequate use of ____________.

   <input type="radio" name="1" 안내="안내" 태그제한으로등록되지않습니다="태그제한으로등록되지않습니다" 태그제한으로등록되지않습니다-xx="태그제한으로등록되지않습니다-xx" 태그제한으로등록되지않습니다-xxonclick="na_alert('정답입니다');" />1) the plough in advance       <input type="radio" name="2" 안내="안내" 태그제한으로등록되지않습니다="태그제한으로등록되지않습니다" 태그제한으로등록되지않습니다-xx="태그제한으로등록되지않습니다-xx" 태그제한으로등록되지않습니다-xxonclick="na_alert('다시 생각해 보세요');" />2) is rejected
   <input type="radio" name="2" 안내="안내" 태그제한으로등록되지않습니다="태그제한으로등록되지않습니다" 태그제한으로등록되지않습니다-xx="태그제한으로등록되지않습니다-xx" 태그제한으로등록되지않습니다-xxonclick="na_alert('다시 생각해 보세요');" />3) the money before hand     <input type="radio" name="2" 안내="안내" 태그제한으로등록되지않습니다="태그제한으로등록되지않습니다" 태그제한으로등록되지않습니다-xx="태그제한으로등록되지않습니다-xx" 태그제한으로등록되지않습니다-xxonclick="na_alert('다시 생각해 보세요');" />4) the weed in it




8. Having a favor to ask of a person, do not go to him directly with the plea, but first engage him in light    conversation so that he will be in a pleasant mood and less likely to raise objections when the favor    __________.

   <input type="radio" name="2" 안내="안내" 태그제한으로등록되지않습니다="태그제한으로등록되지않습니다" 태그제한으로등록되지않습니다-xx="태그제한으로등록되지않습니다-xx" 태그제한으로등록되지않습니다-xxonclick="na_alert('다시 생각해 보세요');" />1) is asking                 <input type="radio" name="2" 안내="안내" 태그제한으로등록되지않습니다="태그제한으로등록되지않습니다" 태그제한으로등록되지않습니다-xx="태그제한으로등록되지않습니다-xx" 태그제한으로등록되지않습니다-xxonclick="na_alert('다시 생각해 보세요');" />2) is rejected
   <input type="radio" name="1" 안내="안내" 태그제한으로등록되지않습니다="태그제한으로등록되지않습니다" 태그제한으로등록되지않습니다-xx="태그제한으로등록되지않습니다-xx" 태그제한으로등록되지않습니다-xxonclick="na_alert('정답입니다');" />3) is requested              <input type="radio" name="2" 안내="안내" 태그제한으로등록되지않습니다="태그제한으로등록되지않습니다" 태그제한으로등록되지않습니다-xx="태그제한으로등록되지않습니다-xx" 태그제한으로등록되지않습니다-xxonclick="na_alert('다시 생각해 보세요');" />4) fails to appear




9. The weather was of the sort that, had it come on a Sunday, would have permitted the newspapers to   report record-breaking crowds in the park. But it was an ordinary Wednesday morning and there was   just ______ quiet people who spread about as though by arrangement.

   <input type="radio" name="2" 안내="안내" 태그제한으로등록되지않습니다="태그제한으로등록되지않습니다" 태그제한으로등록되지않습니다-xx="태그제한으로등록되지않습니다-xx" 태그제한으로등록되지않습니다-xxonclick="na_alert('다시 생각해 보세요');" />1) a number of               <input type="radio" name="1" 안내="안내" 태그제한으로등록되지않습니다="태그제한으로등록되지않습니다" 태그제한으로등록되지않습니다-xx="태그제한으로등록되지않습니다-xx" 태그제한으로등록되지않습니다-xxonclick="na_alert('정답입니다');" />2) a handful of
   <input type="radio" name="2" 안내="안내" 태그제한으로등록되지않습니다="태그제한으로등록되지않습니다" 태그제한으로등록되지않습니다-xx="태그제한으로등록되지않습니다-xx" 태그제한으로등록되지않습니다-xxonclick="na_alert('다시 생각해 보세요');" />3) a good deal of           <input type="radio" name="2" 안내="안내" 태그제한으로등록되지않습니다="태그제한으로등록되지않습니다" 태그제한으로등록되지않습니다-xx="태그제한으로등록되지않습니다-xx" 태그제한으로등록되지않습니다-xxonclick="na_alert('다시 생각해 보세요');" />4) a little




10. Granting that we had both the will and the sense to choose our friends well, how few of us have the    power! Or, at least, how limited, for most, is the sphere of choice, Nearly all our associations are    determined by chance or necessity, and restricted within __________.

   <input type="radio" name="2" 안내="안내" 태그제한으로등록되지않습니다="태그제한으로등록되지않습니다" 태그제한으로등록되지않습니다-xx="태그제한으로등록되지않습니다-xx" 태그제한으로등록되지않습니다-xxonclick="na_alert('다시 생각해 보세요');" />1) our school             <input type="radio" name="2" 안내="안내" 태그제한으로등록되지않습니다="태그제한으로등록되지않습니다" 태그제한으로등록되지않습니다-xx="태그제한으로등록되지않습니다-xx" 태그제한으로등록되지않습니다-xxonclick="na_alert('다시 생각해 보세요');" />2) our sense
   <input type="radio" name="1" 안내="안내" 태그제한으로등록되지않습니다="태그제한으로등록되지않습니다" 태그제한으로등록되지않습니다-xx="태그제한으로등록되지않습니다-xx" 태그제한으로등록되지않습니다-xxonclick="na_alert('정답입니다');" />3) a narrow circle        <input type="radio" name="2" 안내="안내" 태그제한으로등록되지않습니다="태그제한으로등록되지않습니다" 태그제한으로등록되지않습니다-xx="태그제한으로등록되지않습니다-xx" 태그제한으로등록되지않습니다-xxonclick="na_alert('다시 생각해 보세요');" />4) racial classification




11. To make oneself at home, is to act with much freedom and with little ceremony like being at home.     The phrase is used of a person who is in another person's house. To make one feel at home, is to     set another person so much at his ease in your house that he will speak and act as freely as though     he were __________.

   <input type="radio" name="2" 안내="안내" 태그제한으로등록되지않습니다="태그제한으로등록되지않습니다" 태그제한으로등록되지않습니다-xx="태그제한으로등록되지않습니다-xx" 태그제한으로등록되지않습니다-xxonclick="na_alert('다시 생각해 보세요');" />1) a king                    <input type="radio" name="1" 안내="안내" 태그제한으로등록되지않습니다="태그제한으로등록되지않습니다" 태그제한으로등록되지않습니다-xx="태그제한으로등록되지않습니다-xx" 태그제한으로등록되지않습니다-xxonclick="na_alert('정답입니다');" />2) in his house
   <input type="radio" name="2" 안내="안내" 태그제한으로등록되지않습니다="태그제한으로등록되지않습니다" 태그제한으로등록되지않습니다-xx="태그제한으로등록되지않습니다-xx" 태그제한으로등록되지않습니다-xxonclick="na_alert('다시 생각해 보세요');" />3) a freeman              <input type="radio" name="2" 안내="안내" 태그제한으로등록되지않습니다="태그제한으로등록되지않습니다" 태그제한으로등록되지않습니다-xx="태그제한으로등록되지않습니다-xx" 태그제한으로등록되지않습니다-xxonclick="na_alert('다시 생각해 보세요');" />4) a distinguish guest




 특수구문                    & nbsp; 

 기     본  


1.  Never, during all the years that I knew him did I hear him play so well, The brother and sister were     silent with wonder. It was if they were bound in a strange dream.




2.  A pale young man was sitting by the table, making shoes; and near leaning sorrowfully upon an     old-fashioned harpsichord. sat a young girl.




3.  Darwin's life was a success; whatever he touched he improved, and shared the profits with the world    at large. He found no short cut to success. None of his achievements was the result of what we might    call luck.




4.  Then he began to pity the great fish that he had hooked. He is wonderful and strange and who knows     how old he is, he thought. Never have I had such a strong fish nor one who acted so strangely.




5.  It is from the great books that have stood the test of time that we shall get, not only the most lasting     pleasure, but a standard by which to measure our own thoughts, the thoughts of others, and the     excellence of the literature of our day.




6.  Up the hill he ran and ran; and all was black and empty before him. on and on he ran, never daring to     look back; and at last he saw a lantern so far away that it looked like the gleam of a firefly.




7.  He doesn't think two women call be friends. They like each a man doesn't friendship for another man     is more lasting A man doesn't care if his friend knows the worst about him. A woman does.




8.  His birth was lowly. All his life he remained acutely aware of his social shortcomings. No one could     have started lower; no one could have risen higher. He was Abraham Lincoln himself.




9.  All pleasure must be bought at the price of pain. The difference between false pleasure and true is     just this: for the true, the price is paid before you enjoy it; for the false, after you have enjoyed it.




10. There is no living plant or animal, be it ever so common, that will not repay study, and provide, if      intelligently observed, quite and interesting story.




11. Tell begged the tyrant not to have him make this test of skill. What if the boy should move? What if      the bowman's hand should tremble? What if the arrow should not carry true?




12. Einstein did very badly in school, and his schoolmasters considered him very stupid. It was not until     he was fourteen that he showed his mathematical talents.




13. The more one learns, the easier do things become, so that no matter how little ability a man has, it is      not impossible for his to do something if he is but diligent.




14. How many minutes had passed the child did not know, but he suddenly found a little girl standing      before him. She was dressed in white, and on her shoulders there was a pair of silver wings.




15. The soul is of course the noblest part of man, but in the present condition of our existence at any      rate, it can only act through and by the body.




16. It is of the utmost importance to be able to decide wisely, not only whom you can trust, and whom      you cannot; but how far, and in what, you can trust them. This is by no means easy.




17. A general revolution in technology is bound to bring with it a change in the scale of economic, and     therefore of military and political, operations.




18. Someone has said, "Knowledge is power," but to me knowledge is happiness, because to have      knowledge is to know the true from the false, and high things from low




19. Many people now have twice the earnings they had before the war, but they are very little, if any,      better off because of the rise in the level of price.




20. Travel becomes uninteresting, someone has remarked, in exact proportion to its rapidity. It is      certainly true, in any case, that all the great travel books were written when travelling was      uncomfortable and slow.




 21. "Nancy," said Godfrey, slowly, "when I married you--something I ought to have told you That woman       Marner found dead in the snow--Eppie's mother --- that miserable woman--was my wife : Eppie is       my child."



종       합  


22. Closely associated with the regression in charity is the decline in men's regard for truth. At no period     of the world's history has organized lying been practised so shamelessly as by the political and     economic dictators of the present century.




23.  The vices of others we keep before our eyes, our own behind our backs; it happens therefore that a       man does not pardon another's faults who has more of his own.




24.  So often have I removed, so rough has been the treatment of my little library at each change of       place, and, to tell the truth, so little care have I given to its well-being at normal times, that even the       comeliest of my books shows the results of unfair usage.




25.   Though a brother, he considered himself as my master, and me as his apprentice, and accordingly,       expected the same service from me as he would from another, while I thought he required too much       of me, who from a brother expected more indulgence.




26.  Some people give no thought to the value of the money until they have come to an end of it, and      many do the same with their time. Lost wealth may be regained by industry and economy, lost      knowledge by study, lost health by study, lost health by temperance and medicine, but lost time is      gone forever.




27. The close of a year provides a natural occasion for mental pause and reflection. We survey the      past, and we look forward, resolved, if we are serious, to make the best use of the new year's      opportunities, and to face with courage its trials and discipline.




28.  Art is always as much concerned with the way people feel about things as it is with the way things      really are. Usually, both knowing and feeling go to make up a picture, and so paintings are different      from one another, depending on whether the artist was more interested in what he saw or knew, or in      what he felt; also on how much he saw, and knew, and felt.



29.  My mother married my father largely, ti seems, to help him out with his five motherless children.      Having any herself was a secondary consideration. Yet first she had a girl, then she had another girl,      and it was very nice, of course, to have them, but slightly disappointing, because she belonged to      the generation and tradition that made a son the really important event; then I came, a fine healthy      child.




30.  There is this difference between man and the lower animals, that what man does he has to learn how      to do, while animals are able to do the most that they accomplish by what we call instinct; that is,      without having to learn how



 실     전


1. The January wind has a voice. It can scream,It can scream, it can whisper and it can sing a lullaby. It    can roar through the leafless oaks and shout down the hillside, and it can whistle down a chimney and    set the hearth flames to ____________. In the cold of a lonely night it can rattle the windows and stay    there muttering of ice and deep-frozen ponds.

   <input type="radio" name="2" 안내="안내" 태그제한으로등록되지않습니다="태그제한으로등록되지않습니다" 태그제한으로등록되지않습니다-xx="태그제한으로등록되지않습니다-xx" 태그제한으로등록되지않습니다-xxonclick="na_alert('다시 생각해 보세요');" />1) be put out        <input type="radio" name="2" 안내="안내" 태그제한으로등록되지않습니다="태그제한으로등록되지않습니다" 태그제한으로등록되지않습니다-xx="태그제한으로등록되지않습니다-xx" 태그제한으로등록되지않습니다-xxonclick="na_alert('다시 생각해 보세요');" />2) be slaken        <input type="radio" name="1" 안내="안내" 태그제한으로등록되지않습니다="태그제한으로등록되지않습니다" 태그제한으로등록되지않습니다-xx="태그제한으로등록되지않습니다-xx" 태그제한으로등록되지않습니다-xxonclick="na_alert('정답입니다');" />3) dancing         <input type="radio" name="2" 안내="안내" 태그제한으로등록되지않습니다="태그제한으로등록되지않습니다" 태그제한으로등록되지않습니다-xx="태그제한으로등록되지않습니다-xx" 태그제한으로등록되지않습니다-xxonclick="na_alert('다시 생각해 보세요');" />4) lingering




2. one afternoon when cycling among the hills, I came to a little village. It was an exceptionally hot June    day and I was consumed with thirst ; never had I wanted tea so badly but there was no shop any kind    and not a living creature _____________.

   <input type="radio" name="1" 안내="안내" 태그제한으로등록되지않습니다="태그제한으로등록되지않습니다" 태그제한으로등록되지않습니다-xx="태그제한으로등록되지않습니다-xx" 태그제한으로등록되지않습니다-xxonclick="na_alert('정답입니다');" />1) could I see       <input type="radio" name="2" 안내="안내" 태그제한으로등록되지않습니다="태그제한으로등록되지않습니다" 태그제한으로등록되지않습니다-xx="태그제한으로등록되지않습니다-xx" 태그제한으로등록되지않습니다-xxonclick="na_alert('다시 생각해 보세요');" />2) I could meet      <input type="radio" name="2" 안내="안내" 태그제한으로등록되지않습니다="태그제한으로등록되지않습니다" 태그제한으로등록되지않습니다-xx="태그제한으로등록되지않습니다-xx" 태그제한으로등록되지않습니다-xxonclick="na_alert('다시 생각해 보세요');" />3) couldn't I create       <input type="radio" name="2" 안내="안내" 태그제한으로등록되지않습니다="태그제한으로등록되지않습니다" 태그제한으로등록되지않습니다-xx="태그제한으로등록되지않습니다-xx" 태그제한으로등록되지않습니다-xxonclick="na_alert('다시 생각해 보세요');" />4) I couldn't find




3. Pale was the rose, at first, as the mist that hangs over the river - pale as the feet of the morning, and   silver as the wings of the dawn. As the shadow of a rose in a mirror of silver, as the shadow of a rose   in a water-pool, so was the rose that blossomed on the topmost spray ______________.

   <input type="radio" name="2" 안내="안내" 태그제한으로등록되지않습니다="태그제한으로등록되지않습니다" 태그제한으로등록되지않습니다-xx="태그제한으로등록되지않습니다-xx" 태그제한으로등록되지않습니다-xxonclick="na_alert('다시 생각해 보세요');" />1) of the sprinkler     <input type="radio" name="2" 안내="안내" 태그제한으로등록되지않습니다="태그제한으로등록되지않습니다" 태그제한으로등록되지않습니다-xx="태그제한으로등록되지않습니다-xx" 태그제한으로등록되지않습니다-xxonclick="na_alert('다시 생각해 보세요');" />2)on the ground     <input type="radio" name="2" 안내="안내" 태그제한으로등록되지않습니다="태그제한으로등록되지않습니다" 태그제한으로등록되지않습니다-xx="태그제한으로등록되지않습니다-xx" 태그제한으로등록되지않습니다-xxonclick="na_alert('다시 생각해 보세요');" /> 3) in the water      <input type="radio" name="1" 안내="안내" 태그제한으로등록되지않습니다="태그제한으로등록되지않습니다" 태그제한으로등록되지않습니다-xx="태그제한으로등록되지않습니다-xx" 태그제한으로등록되지않습니다-xxonclick="na_alert('정답입니다');" />4) of the tree




4. Trouble has been one of the great blessings to mankind. To overcome disease, famine, poverty, and    other misfortunes, mankind has been actually forecd by them into thinking out remedies. The harder    the suffering, the more it has pushed ____________.

   <input type="radio" name="1" 안내="안내" 태그제한으로등록되지않습니다="태그제한으로등록되지않습니다" 태그제한으로등록되지않습니다-xx="태그제한으로등록되지않습니다-xx" 태그제한으로등록되지않습니다-xxonclick="na_alert('정답입니다');" />1) the mind forward             <input type="radio" name="2" 안내="안내" 태그제한으로등록되지않습니다="태그제한으로등록되지않습니다" 태그제한으로등록되지않습니다-xx="태그제한으로등록되지않습니다-xx" 태그제한으로등록되지않습니다-xxonclick="na_alert('다시 생각해 보세요');" />2) the suffering away   
   <input type="radio" name="2" 안내="안내" 태그제한으로등록되지않습니다="태그제한으로등록되지않습니다" 태그제한으로등록되지않습니다-xx="태그제한으로등록되지않습니다-xx" 태그제한으로등록되지않습니다-xxonclick="na_alert('다시 생각해 보세요');" /> 3) the power backward       <input type="radio" name="2" 안내="안내" 태그제한으로등록되지않습니다="태그제한으로등록되지않습니다" 태그제한으로등록되지않습니다-xx="태그제한으로등록되지않습니다-xx" 태그제한으로등록되지않습니다-xxonclick="na_alert('다시 생각해 보세요');" />4) the misfortunes to us




5. The belief that death is a gateway to a better life ought, logically, to prevent men from feeling any fear   of death. Fortunately for the medical profession, it does not in fact have this effect, except in a few   rare instances. one does not find that believers in a future life are afraid of illness or more courageous   in battle than those who think that ___________.

 <input type="radio" name="2" 안내="안내" 태그제한으로등록되지않습니다="태그제한으로등록되지않습니다" 태그제한으로등록되지않습니다-xx="태그제한으로등록되지않습니다-xx" 태그제한으로등록되지않습니다-xxonclick="na_alert('다시 생각해 보세요');" />1) he will live forever after death           <input type="radio" name="2" 안내="안내" 태그제한으로등록되지않습니다="태그제한으로등록되지않습니다" 태그제한으로등록되지않습니다-xx="태그제한으로등록되지않습니다-xx" 태그제한으로등록되지않습니다-xxonclick="na_alert('다시 생각해 보세요');" />2) the medical treatment will do
 <input type="radio" name="2" 안내="안내" 태그제한으로등록되지않습니다="태그제한으로등록되지않습니다" 태그제한으로등록되지않습니다-xx="태그제한으로등록되지않습니다-xx" 태그제한으로등록되지않습니다-xxonclick="na_alert('다시 생각해 보세요');" />3) our soul is immortal                        <inpu name="1" type="radio" t="" 안내="안내" 태그제한으로등록되지않습니다="태그제한으로등록되지않습니다" 태그제한으로등록되지않습니다-xx="태그제한으로등록되지않습니다-xx" 태그제한으로등록되지않습니다-xxonclick="na_alert('정답입니다');">4) death ends all</inpu>




6. A life deprived of the treasures and pleasures that art affords us would be no life at all, at least not on    the human level. Man is man, significantly more than a dumb beast, because man as man has always    been a creative artist, andstill is. Man's creativity is what makes progress possible, and what makes    the human adventure continuously ____________.

 <input type="radio" name="2" 안내="안내" 태그제한으로등록되지않습니다="태그제한으로등록되지않습니다" 태그제한으로등록되지않습니다-xx="태그제한으로등록되지않습니다-xx" 태그제한으로등록되지않습니다-xxonclick="na_alert('다시 생각해 보세요');" />1) common        <input type="radio" name="2" 안내="안내" 태그제한으로등록되지않습니다="태그제한으로등록되지않습니다" 태그제한으로등록되지않습니다-xx="태그제한으로등록되지않습니다-xx" 태그제한으로등록되지않습니다-xxonclick="na_alert('다시 생각해 보세요');" />2) dull           <input type="radio" name="1" 안내="안내" 태그제한으로등록되지않습니다="태그제한으로등록되지않습니다" 태그제한으로등록되지않습니다-xx="태그제한으로등록되지않습니다-xx" 태그제한으로등록되지않습니다-xxonclick="na_alert('정답입니다');" />3) exciting       <input type="radio" name="2" 안내="안내" 태그제한으로등록되지않습니다="태그제한으로등록되지않습니다" 태그제한으로등록되지않습니다-xx="태그제한으로등록되지않습니다-xx" 태그제한으로등록되지않습니다-xxonclick="na_alert('다시 생각해 보세요');" />4) difficult




7. How different from the great nation we are today was the American Columbus discovered! Over the    vast wilderness were scattered perhaps half a million Indians. At distant intervals, Indian village dotted    the country; but of the crowded cities, the busy factories, the railroads - the industry and activity that    we associate with America today - therewas ___________.

 <input type="radio" name="2" 안내="안내" 태그제한으로등록되지않습니다="태그제한으로등록되지않습니다" 태그제한으로등록되지않습니다-xx="태그제한으로등록되지않습니다-xx" 태그제한으로등록되지않습니다-xxonclick="na_alert('다시 생각해 보세요');" />1) the beginning      <input type="radio" name="2" 안내="안내" 태그제한으로등록되지않습니다="태그제한으로등록되지않습니다" 태그제한으로등록되지않습니다-xx="태그제한으로등록되지않습니다-xx" 태그제한으로등록되지않습니다-xxonclick="na_alert('다시 생각해 보세요');" />2) the real development       <input type="radio" name="2" 안내="안내" 태그제한으로등록되지않습니다="태그제한으로등록되지않습니다" 태그제한으로등록되지않습니다-xx="태그제한으로등록되지않습니다-xx" 태그제한으로등록되지않습니다-xxonclick="na_alert('다시 생각해 보세요');" />3) a certain evidence      <input type="radio" name="1" 안내="안내" 태그제한으로등록되지않습니다="태그제한으로등록되지않습니다" 태그제한으로등록되지않습니다-xx="태그제한으로등록되지않습니다-xx" 태그제한으로등록되지않습니다-xxonclick="na_alert('정답입니다');" />4) no sign




8. So often have I removed, so rough has been the treatment of my little library at each change of place,    and, to tell the truth, so little care have I given to its wellbeing at normal times, that even the comeliest    of my books show the results of ________.

 <input type="radio" name="1" 안내="안내" 태그제한으로등록되지않습니다="태그제한으로등록되지않습니다" 태그제한으로등록되지않습니다-xx="태그제한으로등록되지않습니다-xx" 태그제한으로등록되지않습니다-xxonclick="na_alert('정답입니다');" />1) unfair usage       <input type="radio" name="2" 안내="안내" 태그제한으로등록되지않습니다="태그제한으로등록되지않습니다" 태그제한으로등록되지않습니다-xx="태그제한으로등록되지않습니다-xx" 태그제한으로등록되지않습니다-xxonclick="na_alert('다시 생각해 보세요');" />2) great care       <input type="radio" name="2" 안내="안내" 태그제한으로등록되지않습니다="태그제한으로등록되지않습니다" 태그제한으로등록되지않습니다-xx="태그제한으로등록되지않습니다-xx" 태그제한으로등록되지않습니다-xxonclick="na_alert('다시 생각해 보세요');" />3) hard study       <input type="radio" name="2" 안내="안내" 태그제한으로등록되지않습니다="태그제한으로등록되지않습니다" 태그제한으로등록되지않습니다-xx="태그제한으로등록되지않습니다-xx" 태그제한으로등록되지않습니다-xxonclick="na_alert('다시 생각해 보세요');" />4) high price




9. We should not admire a man, if such a man there were, who was so indifferent to food as to become    undernourished, but we should admire the man who from knowledge of his own need of food is led to    a general sympathy with _________.

 <input type="radio" name="2" 안내="안내" 태그제한으로등록되지않습니다="태그제한으로등록되지않습니다" 태그제한으로등록되지않습니다-xx="태그제한으로등록되지않습니다-xx" 태그제한으로등록되지않습니다-xxonclick="na_alert('다시 생각해 보세요');" />1) the wealthy man       <input type="radio" name="1" 안내="안내" 태그제한으로등록되지않습니다="태그제한으로등록되지않습니다" 태그제한으로등록되지않습니다-xx="태그제한으로등록되지않습니다-xx" 태그제한으로등록되지않습니다-xxonclick="na_alert('정답입니다');" />2) the hungry      <input type="radio" name="2" 안내="안내" 태그제한으로등록되지않습니다="태그제한으로등록되지않습니다" 태그제한으로등록되지않습니다-xx="태그제한으로등록되지않습니다-xx" 태그제한으로등록되지않습니다-xxonclick="na_alert('다시 생각해 보세요');" />3) the supporters       <input type="radio" name="2" 안내="안내" 태그제한으로등록되지않습니다="태그제한으로등록되지않습니다" 태그제한으로등록되지않습니다-xx="태그제한으로등록되지않습니다-xx" 태그제한으로등록되지않습니다-xxonclick="na_alert('다시 생각해 보세요');" />4) the uneducated




10. Now although we have the instinct of the search for knowledge, which has sent men out on voyages     of exploration all over the world, there is also deep in all of us a fear and distrust of the nuknown.     That is why, the world over, the foreigner is usually regarded at any rate by untravelled and ignorant     people - as something ____________.

   <input type="radio" name="2" 안내="안내" 태그제한으로등록되지않습니다="태그제한으로등록되지않습니다" 태그제한으로등록되지않습니다-xx="태그제한으로등록되지않습니다-xx" 태그제한으로등록되지않습니다-xxonclick="na_alert('다시 생각해 보세요');" />1) dull and uninteresting      <input type="radio" name="2" 안내="안내" 태그제한으로등록되지않습니다="태그제한으로등록되지않습니다" 태그제한으로등록되지않습니다-xx="태그제한으로등록되지않습니다-xx" 태그제한으로등록되지않습니다-xxonclick="na_alert('다시 생각해 보세요');" />2) friendly and hostile   
   <input type="radio" name="1" 안내="안내" 태그제한으로등록되지않습니다="태그제한으로등록되지않습니다" 태그제한으로등록되지않습니다-xx="태그제한으로등록되지않습니다-xx" 태그제한으로등록되지않습니다-xxonclick="na_alert('정답입니다');" />3) apart and suspect          <input type="radio" name="2" 안내="안내" 태그제한으로등록되지않습니다="태그제한으로등록되지않습니다" 태그제한으로등록되지않습니다-xx="태그제한으로등록되지않습니다-xx" 태그제한으로등록되지않습니다-xxonclick="na_alert('다시 생각해 보세요');" />4) important and noble